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Stupid things traducir español

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You do these stupid things like this.
Haces cosas estúpidas así.
Jackie's done some pretty stupid things.
Jack ha hecho muchas tonterías.
Goddamn it! I've seen you do some pretty stupid things, Jacob. But that pretty much takes the cake!
Te he visto hacer estupideces, Jake, pero esto es demasiado.
Because she did very stupid things.
Porque ella hizo muchas cosas estúpidas.
We've all done stupid things.
Todos hicimos ese tipo de cosas.
Sure, I've done lots of stupid things in my life.
Sí, yo hice muchas cosas estúpidas en mi vida.
We said stupid things and so I packed. Got on my very first 747, and... you didn't come after me.
Dijimos estupideces y entonces empaqué. y... no viniste por mí.
People do stupid things in foreign countries.
La gente hace estupideces en el extranjero.
You say stupid things.
Dices tonterías.
He says some stupid things sometimes.
A veces no dice más que tonterías.
And take those stupid things off your heads!
¡ Y sáquense esas estupidas cosas de la cabeza!
And hunger can make people do stupid things.
El hambre empuja a la gente a hacer tonterías.
She knew all the fucking stupid things I'd done.
Supo todas las estupideces que hice.
I mean... I'm telling you this now... because I want everything to be clear and clean... and I want to apologize for me and the stupid things I've done.
Quiero decir... te digo esto ahora... quiero que todo esté claro... de todo lo que hice.
Enjoy the moment, after people see the stupid things they're gonna do... next election is ours.
Disfruten mucho este momento, que con la cargada que se van a mandar, en la pr ¢ xima volvemos nosotros.
That's because smart people don't do stupid things, only stupid people do.
Porque la gente lista no comete estupideces, sólo la gente estúpida.
It's because despite the best advice... of people who know what they are talking about... other people insist on doing the most massively stupid things.
Es porque a pesar del mejor consejo... de personas que saben de lo que hablan... otras personas insisten en cometer las peores estupideces.
I mean, why £ ­ £ ­ that hike and the apple orchard and the ice cream factory £ ­ £ ­ why do you think I planned all those stupid things?
Digo, ¿ por qué- - Esa caminata y el manzanal y la fábrica de helado- - ¿ Por qué piensas que planeé todas esas estúpidas cosas?
Recently I've said some stupid things.
Recientemente he dicho estupideces.
My mother does stupid things too. - She does?
Mi madre también hace cosas tontas.
- That she does stupid things?
- ¿ Ella lo sabe? - ¿ Que hace cosas tontas?
Are those stupid things supposed to be animals or robots or what?
¿ Qué son esas estupideces? ¿ Animales, robots?
I can say pretty stupid things myself, sometimes.
Yo tambien suelo decir estupideces a menudo.
Oh ok, No quiero tus estúpidos muñecos en mi genial camioneta!
And you're a grown-up... who's going to do awful and stupid things.
Y eres un adulto... que va a hacer horribles y estupidas cosas.
.. and the stupid things you do
~... y esas estúpidas cosas que haces
She says stupid things, Well, I have- - and she apparently has no sense of humor at all... and talks shit all night long. - No.
Dice cosas terribles, estúpidas.
I've done some stupid things, like a lot of stupid things.
He hecho cosas estúpidas. Un montón de cosas estúpidas.
but love makes you do stupid things.
Pero el amor te hace hacer cosas estúpidas.
You become as you were before you learned all those stupid things... about nationality and other behaviors.
La persona queda como era... antes de aprender esas "estupidezas"... de nacionalidad y otros comportamientos.
Well, tell that stupid Mick he just made my list of things to do today.
Dile que forma parte de mi lista de enemigos.
A stupid doctor gave her all the wrong things.
Arruinado sus dientes, arruinó el pelo...
Now let's deal with stupid, concrete things.
Ahora ocupémonos de cosas concretas.
Stupid fashion people make us wear these things.
Nos obligan a llevar estas ridiculeces.
Yeah. Well, those things are stupid.
Yeah. Well, those things are stupid.
Bueno, esas cosas son estúpidas.
Things won't be weird between us, right? Was that stupid?
¿ Arruiné todo entre nosotros?
- No, it was a stupid idea. I just didn't think things through.
No, era una tontería, no pensé bien las cosas.
Stupid things.
Eso es estúpido.
And I won't let you say those things... those things about how stupid you are and this and that.
Y no te voy a dejar decir esas cosas... eso de cuan estúpida sos etc.
Overthinking of the stupid little things, mate.
Piensas demasiado.
"A Midsummer Night's Dream", years wearing stupid tights in school plays and saying things like "What ho, my Lord." and
¿ Sabéis cuántas ridículas medias nos haréis llevar para declamar : "Pardiez, milord". Y también :
just really great packages... with little stuff, little cute things... like toys and horoscopes and candy... and he... he made some cards on the computer... and... it sounds really stupid talking about it.
Con pequeñas cosas, como juguetes y horóscopos y dulces... Hizo tarjetas en el computador y suena muy estúpido hablar de ello.
- Those things are stupid, Cartman.
- ¡ El Laboratorio del Miedo! - Estupideces, Cartman.
Obviously something pretty stupid in the scheme of things.
Evidentemente algo bastante estúpido, tal y como están las cosas.
Hyde, you're the reason we do so many stupid, senseless things.
Hyde, tienes razón nosotros hacemos muchas cosas estupidas, cosas esenciales.
Clever things make people feel stupid. Unexpected things make them feel scared.
Lo ingenioso los hace sentir estúpidos... y lo inesperado los asusta.
Siento lo que dije, y... y no haberte respetado... y todas las estupideces que yo...
Men! Blind, stupid, clumsy, horrible, vulgar things!
¡ Cosas ciegas, estúpidas, torpes, horribles, vulgares!
I know things didn't really work out too well this time... but it's really good to know, wherever I am... and whatever stupid shit I'm doing, that you're back at my home, rooting for me.
Sé que no ha ido - bien esta vez... - Terry.
He's got more important things to think about than a stupid key.
Tiene cosas más importante de qué preocuparse que una estúpida Ilave.

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