While i have you traducir español
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While I have you Would you happen to know if
Mientras la tengo aquí,
I didn't want you to have a bad shock while you're recovering from surgery.
No quería que te enteraras al despertarte.
And I probably should have talked to you about it a while ago, but
Y probablemente deberia habertelo dicho hace un tiempo, pero
I'm gonna go have an ask-around. see you in a while.
Voy a preguntar por ahí. Nos vemos en un rato.
Not again. I'm going away to London for a while, but if certain circumstances should arise, just send me one line and you shall have everything that you need.
Me voy a Londres por una temporada, pero si llegan ciertos problemas, escríbeme unas líneas y tendrás todo lo que necesites.
I promise we won't have any fun while you're gone.
Te prometo que no tendremos nada de diversión mientras estes fuera.
I promise we won't have any fun while you're gone.
Te prometo que no tendremos ningún tipo de diversión mientras no estés.
Have a little rest if you like while I get breakfast together.
Es normal. ¿ Por qué no descansa un poco mientras yo preparo el desayuno?
I must tell you all, while they have more stomach than we have for the fight, none of us will see London ever again.
Debo deciros a todos, mientras ellos tengan más estómago que nosotros para la lucha, ninguno de nosotros volverá a ver Londres.
While we're dating or even married I'll fulfill all the duties of a wife but you'll allow me to have someone else in my heart
Mientras salgamos o cuando estemos casados... voy a cumplir con todas las obligaciones de una esposa... pero me tienes que dejar tener a alguien más en mi corazón.
I'm pretty sure you're gonna leave me tomorrow, so I better say this while I have the chance.
Estoy casi seguro de que mañana me dejarás así que te lo diré ahora que aún puedo.
How's about we have a little fire-side chat while I'm tongueing you?
¿ Qué pasa si tenemos esa pequeña charla junto al fuego mientras te estoy apagando?
Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to wait while we tend to our more critical patients first.
Señor, tendré que pedirle que espere mientras atendemos a los pacientes más graves primero.
You know, I have a bunch of great ideas, and they seem like great ideas for about 10 minutes, and then I'm sitting here for a while and all of a sudden they seem stale.
Tengo un montón de ideas geniales. Y me parecen geniales durante 10 minutos, y luego me quedo aquí un rato y me parecen viejas y luego las olvido, ya no las escribo.
Don't tell me you two have been spooning while I've been off doing my duty.
No me digas que se han estado acostando mientras yo estaba fuera cumpliendo con mi deber.
Now you're standing here while I'm trying to have dinner acting like you didn't.
Ahora está ahí parado, mientras yo ceno actuando como si nada.
I have to go, so watch carefully while you draw.
Tengo que salir. Presten atención a lo que dibujan mientras no estoy.
I have to move in with you and Oscar for a while. - Why?
Debo mudarme contigo y con Oscar por un tiempo.
It's taken me a while to grow up, to be ready for something as special as this. You are the first woman I have ever been in love with, and the first I've ever asked to marry.
sé que me va a costar mucho trabajo pero tú has sido la primera mujer de la que me enamoro.
I have yet to lose 4kg and I think to do while you are all here!
Hasta que llegue a mi peso ideal.
Since you have betrayed me Why did you save me while I was fighting Cao Ying?
¿ Y si tú me traicionaste por qué que me salvaste mientras peleaba con Cao Ying?
You have no clue what it's about so please just stop talking while I have the smallest amount of respect left for you.
No tienes idea de de qué se trata, así que por favor deja de hablar mientras me queda el más mínimo respeto por ti.
Well, maybe it wouldn't have burned if anyone of you have bothered to stir it while I was putting up the tents.
Bueno, tal vez si no les arde, si alguno de Uds. No se molesten y me ayuden.
Yeah, you could have slept while I was driving.
Podrías haber dormido mientras yo conducía.
While they were out talking to Jaynie Hansen's crazy dad, I was finding the cheerleading coach's body all mangled in the wood shop. Now that would have made for some great television, you know?
Mientras hablaban con el loco del papá de Jaynie Hansen, yo enconté el cuerpo de la chica entrenadora de porristas despedazado en el taller de madera... eso hubiera sido buena televisión reality.
I don't expect you to be able to reconcile... how a woman can have sexual relations with one man while being committed to and completely in love with another, but —
No espero que seas capaz de reconciliar cómo una mujer puede tener relaciones sexuales con un hombre mientras está comprometida y completamente enamorada de otro, pero...
I have learnt a couple things while working with you.
He aprendido un par de cosas mientras trabajando con usted
- So I guess you two have known each other for quite a while now.
Supongo que se conocen desde hace un tiempo, ¿ no?
I should have been wary. Sent you back while I still could.
Debería habérmelo olido y haberte metido en el tren cuando pude.
Jake, I'm not trying to punish you, but I have to be sure that you're safe while I tend to other patients.
Jake, no intento castigarte, pero debo estar segura de que estás bien mientras atiendo a otros pacientes.
I have been killing myself to stay a size 0... while you're off discovering your inner chubby chaser.
Me he estado matando para permanecer talla 0... mientras tú has estado descubriendo tu gordito interior.
You'll have to live with your genius for a while, but don't worry, I'm watching over you.
Tendrás que vivir con tu genio por un tiempo, pero no te preocupes, yo te protejo.
Considering all we have to do is sit in the boat drinking Mai Tais while you do the actual swimming, I'd say, yeah, I think we can swing it.
Considerando que lo único que hacemos... es sentarnos en el bote y tomar Mai Tais... mientras tú eres el que nada... yo diría... que sí, creo que podemos soportarlo.
I had the same kind of thing happen with my ex for a while, and you know you're not supposed to have sex, but one thing happens after the next, and then I'm gonna go hook up the dish.
A mi me sucedio lo mismo por un tiempo con mi ex, y uno sabe que se supone no debe tener sexo, pero una cosa sucede a la otra, y luego me voy a colocar la antena
You will, because while the Amazons have the truth lasso, I've got tequila.
Lo harás, porque aunque las amazonas tienen el lazo de la verdad, yo tengo tequila.
Black Dynamite, I wanna thank you for taking care of us girls while we was down and out and didn't have no pimp.
Black Dynamite, quería agradecerte por cuidarnos mientras estaba fuera y no tenía chulo.
But you have to promise me nobody will harm this baby while I'm gone.
Pero prométanme que nadie dañará al bebé en mi ausencia.
Something major must have happened while I was downstairs,'cause I can't back and - And you're BFF with a demon?
Algo grave debió pasar mientras yo estaba abajo porque vuelvo ¿ y ahora ya eres el mejor amigo de un demonio?
While I'm impressed your crack team of detectives used fingerprints to reveal that a female suspect was a man, you have no diamonds, you have no conspiracy, and you definitely don't have a murder.
Aun cuando me impresiona que tus detectives de primera... usaron las huellas dactilares para revelar que una sospechosa.. era un hombre,. no tienes los diamantes, no tienes ninguna conspiración, y sin duda no tienes un asesinato..
Te voy a permitir escuchar mientras me robo a tu mayor cliente.
I would have told you, but I only just got the call while you were shooting.
Debí habertelo dicho, pero acabo de recibir la llamada mientras tu estabas grabando.
I could have held you while you cried
Podría haberte abrazado mientras llorabas...
This little arrangement the two of you had might have worked for a while, but I'm going to make sure that he understands one thing, that there's gonna be a new arrangement.
Este arreglito suyo quizá haya funcionado por un tiempo pero me aseguraré de que él comprenda que habrá un nuevo arreglo.
Second thoughts, maybe I'll just have you shot while resisting arrest.
Pensándolo mejor, tal vez sólo te dispare por resistirte al arresto.
And I'm sure it doesn't help that you and Jeff have been trying for a while.
Y de seguro no ayuda el hecho que tú y Jeff estén intentandolo.
But I thoughtit'd be a good idea to have you two where I couldsee you while I did it.
Pero pensé que sería una buena idea tenerlos a los dos donde pueda verlos mientras lo hago.
I have to stay with her. OK, you guys are gonna be OK out here by yourselves for a little while?
¿ Pueden quedarse aqui tranquilos por un momento?
Now, you all have been around for a while, and I've heard there's quite a bit of hype around your show at the festival.
Ahora, todos los han estado alrededor por un tiempo, y he oído que hay un poco de hype alrededor de su show en el festival.
Chewie, you have to take care of the princess while I'm gone.
Chewie, cuida a la princesa mientras no estoy.
Or let me sleep on the sofa while you go to the bedroom'cause it's not fair, I mean, you don't have to be banished from the sofa.
O... Déjame dormir en el sofá y anda a dormir vos en el cuarto. No me parece justo, o sea...
And I wouldn't need to track them with gizmos if I didn't have to bail you out while they got away, twice.
Y no tendría que rastrearlos con aparatos si no hubiera tenido que ayudarte mientras se escapaban, dos veces.
while i 34
while i'm at it 16
while i'm here 51
while i'm gone 48
while i was there 17
i have your word 22
i have you 103
i have your money 18
have you eaten yet 24
have you eaten 167
while i'm at it 16
while i'm here 51
while i'm gone 48
while i was there 17
i have your word 22
i have you 103
i have your money 18
have you eaten yet 24
have you eaten 167
have you seen this man 54
have you ever seen 18
have you been here before 40
have you got it 61
have you seen my 26
have you been there 61
have you lost your mind 347
have you been 50
have you got that 66
have you seen him 259
have you ever seen 18
have you been here before 40
have you got it 61
have you seen my 26
have you been there 61
have you lost your mind 347
have you been 50
have you got that 66
have you seen him 259