With a big traducir español
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- You... you're right, they should sell every screen door with a big ribbon on it.
Deberían vender todas las puertas mosquiteras con una gran cinta sobre ellas.
You wanna pick somebody who's gonna love you and not forget you, and not leave you for someone with a big, fat ass.
Debes elegir a alguien quién va a amarte y no olvidarte, y no dejarte por alguien con un gran culo gordo.
Keep the moaning with a big juicy cock in your ass.
Sigue gimiendo con un gran pene jugoso en tu trasero.
He was terrified he'd get pissed and wake up... with some lady boy with a big stiffie, loving him long time.
Estaba aterrorizado, se ponía furioso y despertaba... con un afeminado con una gran... erección, amándolo por largo tiempo.
I'm not saying it was the worst experience of my life, but I was once mugged in Maida Vale underground station by a Russian chap with a big knife and our date was definitely worse than that.
No estoy diciendo que fue la peor experiencia de mi vida, una vez fui asaltada en la estación del metro de Maida Vale, por un ruso con un cuchillo grande. Y nuestra cita fue sin duda peor que eso.
My little evil-ette in training, you just find yourself a prince with a big castle and a mother-in-law wing.
Mi futura malvadita. Consíguete un príncipe con un gran castillo y un ala para suegras.
Look, I know your mom fell in love with a big nasty beast who turned out to be a prince. But with my mom, the evil fairy was just the evil fairy.
Sé que tu mamá se enamoró de una bestia horrible que resultó ser un príncipe, pero en el caso de mi mamá, el hada mala resultó ser el hada mala.
Like, when you're feeling sad, and they're fresh from the oven, with a big old glass of milk, and she just makes you laugh and puts everything into perspective and- -
Cuando se sienten tristes, las sacan del horno, y con un buen vaso de leche, ella logra hacerlos reír y pone todo en perspectiva y...
And then Carlos with a big block, goes down.
Y Carlos cae después de un gran bloqueo.
With a big pile of dookie emoticon... that's not a reply.
Con una gran pila de emoticonos... eso no es una respuesta.
Well, you can cry all night long'cause you just got your ass whupped by a grownup with a big-ass dick.
Bueno, puedes llorar toda la noche Porque te acaba de patear el culo un adulto Con una polla enorme.
But I was also worried about the well-being of the entire team... because... just to go up onto a face like that with a weak partner... where, what if they got into another big, bad storm?
Pero también estaba preocupada por el bienestar de todo el grupo... porque... ir a un reto como ese con un compañero débil... ¿ y si les pillaba otra tormenta gigante?
He was a big fellow, tough, with hands of stone.
Era un tipo grande, duro, con manos de piedra.
A big, American one with mall leather.
Una americana grande, de cuero.
Okay, so I don't get to ask you any questions, even though you were crying and you were back here instead of being out there with me on my big night.
Está bien, entonces no puedo hacerte ninguna pregunta, a pesar de que estabas llorando y estabas aquí y no allá conmigo en mi gran noche.
It's not my fault you can't keep up with the big boys.
No es mi culpa que no puedas seguirles el ritmo a los adultos.
My initial job was to come up with this big scary frickin'thing with a body kind of based on a black widow but a face more like a tarantula.
Mi trabajo inicial era idear esta cosa aterradora con un cuerpo como de una viuda negra pero una cara más cómo la de una tarántula.
In your Tim Burton art book from your museum show, there's a big picture of Brainiac, like with green flames, and there's three characters standing.
En tu libro de arte de Tim Burton de tu museo, hay una gran fotografía de Brainiac, con llamas verdes, y hay tres personajes de pie.
Within the story, Superman, you know, almost dies, he has a healing bath, he has a new suit at the end, so it was a big deal with costumes and studio and all that.
Dentro de la historia, Superman, casi muere, toma un baño sanador, tiene un nuevo traje al final, por lo que fue algo grande con los trajes y el estudio.
In the comic book, he was more of a big, muscular thing with kind of bony protrusions, and I tried to get a little of that into the concept, but they really just wanted a big monster.
En el cómic, era una cosa grande, musculosa con protuberancias óseas, y traté de poner un poco de eso en el concepto, pero en realidad sólo querían un gran monstruo.
And, like, imagine, like... imagine the three of us, like, all together, publishing this, like, big book with, like, all of the, like, illustrations of all the different constellations.
Imagínate a los tres, juntos, publicando un gran libro... lleno de ilustraciones de todas las diferentes constelaciones.
She was raw, she was fast with a blue joke, could drink anybody under the table, wasn't afraid to roll a smoke, had a big giant laugh, and was just a sweetheart, you know?
Ella era prima, ella era rápido con una broma azul, podría beber a nadie debajo de la mesa, No tenía miedo a rodar una cortina de humo, tenía una gran carcajada gigante, y fue simplemente un amor, ¿ sabes?
Wing Chun Wing Chun Doo, struggle with the door authentic today is a big day contest authentic Wing Chun
Ala Ala Chun Chun Doo, lucha con la puerta auténtica hoy es un gran concurso día auténtica Wing Chun
He's got one of those big shiny things with a lot of tubes and curly curls coming out of it.
Tiene uno de esos cosos grandes brillantes, y que le salen muchos tubos y cosas curvadas.
I... had to go down to Edna Valley and meet with a couple of big... distributors down there.
Yo, eh, tuve que ir a Edna Valley y reunirme con un par de grandes distribuidores ahí.
What's wrong with having a big day?
¿ Cuál es el problema de tener un gran día?
... or she will ever fully trust me with the big weekly shop...
O nunca va a confiarme la gran compra semanal...
Pawing with his jab, Creed looks to land one big shot.
Pawing con su jab, Creed se ve a la tierra de un pez gordo.
Ah, you sound like the perfect big brother, comfortable with putting everybody else down.
Ah, hablas como el hermano mayor perfecto, cómodo con la puesta a nadie más.
- [Patrick Shea] My father mentioned that if they could build a sarcophagus big enough for him to take all of his toys with him, that's what he'd enjoy.
Mi padre mencionó que, si existe un ataúd suficientemente grande, le gustaría llevarse con él todos sus juguetes.
I'll be real with you. You're not that good-looking and you're a bit big, but I understand.
Tú no eres linda y eres un poco grandota, pero lo entiendo.
Mother, I'm begging you, please make sure she looks good with golden hair, perfect teeth, big boobs, a slim waist and a nice butt.
Mamá, te lo ruego, que sea bien plantada, que tenga lindos cabellos, dientes como perlas... pechos grandes, talle fino y que tenga lindas nalgas.
And now I hope that you will join in with me in a nice big round of applause for the three-time All-City Junior National Champions, the Beverly Hills Scorpions.
Ahora espero me acompañen en brindarles un gran aplauso a los tricampeones nacionales júnior de las ciudades, los Escorpiones de Beverly Hills.
A little Texan with huge hair and big tits.
Una texanita con mucho pelo y tetas grandes.
No, it wasn't a big deal. It was just a stupid argument with this department chair.
No fue gran cosa, sólo una discusión tonta con el jefe de departamento.
We're going after that big Paul Bunyan motherfucker with that?
¡ ¿ Vamos a ir tras ese gran tipo hijo de puta con eso?
The lady with the big hat said you were a dangerous radical.
La señora de gorro grande dijo que tu eras un radical peligroso.
He was a nice kid, he was big, nobody messed with him.
Era un buen chico, era corpulento, nadie se metía con él.
It means that students, if they don't come from very wealthy families, they're going to leave college with big debts.
Esto significa que los estudiantes, si no vienen de familias muy ricas, Van a dejar la universidad con grandes deudas.
Now, Mr. Burke, I know that you think that nothing seems to make sense in this town, but one very important detail you haven't mentioned is that you were in a big-time accident with a very large semi,
Bueno, Sr. Burke, sé que cree que nada parece tener sentido en este pueblo, pero un detalle muy importante que usted no ha mencionado
I know it's a big bad world out there With war and injustice and global warming And people clubbing baby seals.
Sé que hay un mundo terrible allá afuera con guerras, injusticias, calentamiento global y gente que golpea las focas bebés.
It is an aerosol, an extraordinary and discreet product ensuring you a big and fine erection with the best and most lasting results.
Es una aerosol, un producto extraordinario y discreto que garantiza una buena y gran erección con los mejores y más perdurables resultados.
With its big mouth, it will devour the whole of Portugal.
Con su gran boca, devorara a toda Portugal.
- What? - A big one... with...
De los grandes.
That's pretty big talk for a middle-aged woman with a...
esta es una hermosa charla de una mujer pasada de edad con... que?
That was a big hit with our female demographic, and our publishers are after me for losing that audience.
Ese fue un gran éxito con nuestro público femenino, y nuestros editores están tras de mi por perder ese público.
You just never had to deal with it before because you were still too junior. If anything, this is a sign that you're entering the big leagues.
Tu nunca lidiaste con eso antes porque eras muy joven en todo caso es una señal de que estas en las grandes ligas
She's a bimbo with big tits.
Es una cabeza hueca con tetas.
I dreamt that we lived in a big house together in the city, with a large well-lit kitchen, and I was wearing dark blue trousers and a tight cream blouse.
Soñé que vivimos en una casa grande juntos en la ciudad, con una cocina grande y bien iluminado, y yo llevaba pantalón azul oscuro y una apretada blusa crema.
That was my biggest thrill, for me, because I guess being an actor, people don't really expect you to do it as well, and I was a big man of my house with my kids for awhile, anyway.
Esa fue mi emoción más grande, para mí, porque supongo que ser un actor, la gente realmente no espera que lo haga así, y yo era un hombre grande de mi casa con mis hijos por un tiempo, de todos modos.
Loyalty was a big thing with my dad.
La lealtad era una cosa grande con mi padre.
with all due respect 1080
with all my heart 134
with a knife 24
with a twist 22
with a 297
with anyone 35
with a friend 35
with a smile 21
with all respect 40
with a man 43
with all my heart 134
with a knife 24
with a twist 22
with a 297
with anyone 35
with a friend 35
with a smile 21
with all respect 40
with a man 43
with a gun 52
with a little help 17
with all this 27
with a capital 21
with any luck 181
with a woman 42
with an 90
with a little luck 33
with a bit of luck 31
with a kiss 16
with a little help 17
with all this 27
with a capital 21
with any luck 181
with a woman 42
with an 90
with a little luck 33
with a bit of luck 31
with a kiss 16
with a girl 41
a big one 212
a big deal 21
a big mistake 20
a big 229
bigger 168
big boy 334
biggs 33
big boss 30
bigfoot 77
a big one 212
a big deal 21
a big mistake 20
a big 229
bigger 168
big boy 334
biggs 33
big boss 30
bigfoot 77
bigelow 48
big dick 21
big boobs 16
big dawg 29
big deal 484
big baby 17
big dreams 16
big dog 53
big sis 22
big sister 51
big dick 21
big boobs 16
big dawg 29
big deal 484
big baby 17
big dreams 16
big dog 53
big sis 22
big sister 51
big brother 249
big man 275
big smile 86
big guy 599
big tits 22
big mouth 60
big shot 103
big daddy 45
big surprise 103
big day tomorrow 56
big man 275
big smile 86
big guy 599
big tits 22
big mouth 60
big shot 103
big daddy 45
big surprise 103
big day tomorrow 56