With that said traducir español
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I know, because my mom printed up his last blog, put it in an envelope and sent it to me with a note that said,
Lo sé, porque mi madre imprimió su último blog, lo puso en un sobre y me lo envió con una nota que decía,
Well, see, the party that called in this tip said that we would find this horror show because you made a deal with a local criminal element.
Bueno, verá, quien llamó para dar esta pista dijo que encontraríamos este espectáculo de terror porque usted hizo un trato con un criminal local.
Weeks later when he came to me... and he said that he was leaving his kids and his wife... and he wanted to be with me, I said no.
Unas semanas después cuando él vino... y me dijo que dejaría a su esposa e hijos... y que quería estar conmigo, le dije que no.
After everything that you've been through, after what happened to Cynthia... she's the one who said I need to deal with this, and if I had, maybe she would still be alive.
Después de todo por lo que has pasado, después de lo que le ocurrió a Cynthia... Ella fue quien dijo que necesito lidiar con esto, y si lo hubiera hecho, quizá ella seguiría viva.
Kimmie, I said that is not the day, not that I want to jump into a lake with stones in his pocket.
Kimmie, dije que tenía un mal día, no dije que estaba caminando hacia el lago con piedras en los bolsillos.
You said that I didn't break up with her.
Dijiste que no rompí con ella.
And the night you found out Leo Hendrie was sick, you said you didn't know if you could deal with that.
Y la noche que descubriste que Leo Hendrie estaba enfermo, dijiste que no sabías si tu podrías lidiar con eso.
You'd stare at me with that expression that said,
Me mirabas con esa expresión que decía :
It's like if someone said to me that I can not compete with Nadiya. It would...
Es como si alguien me diga que no puedo correr con Nadiya.
You said that with an edge.
Lo has dicho con retintín.
Waitress at a Peruvian restaurant said that she saw Colin Saturday night- - he was with a woman matching the description of his super.
La camarera de un restaurante peruano dice que vio a Colin el sábado por la noche... con una mujer que coincide con la descripción de su casera.
After everything that was said at the church, and with her pregnancy, maybe she was embarrassed, skipped town.
Después de todo lo que dijo en la iglesia, y con su embarazo, quizá estaba avergonzada, y se fue del pueblo.
I felt that I had some colleagues that were involved with drugs and alcohol, and what I had learned, if I could share that with them, they might stop or they might think about stopping, so I said,
Sentí que tenía algunos colegas que estaban consumiendo drogas y alcohol, y aprendí que si podía compartirlo con ellos, tal vez lo dejarían o podrían pensar en dejarlo. Así que dije :
His producer, Naomi Hobbs, said that he was very particular about what he looks for with their radio pranks.
Su productora, Naomi Hobbs, dijo que él era muy exigente con respecto a lo que busca con sus bromas radiofónicas.
He said he couldn't... deal with the suffering, that sometimes sick and dying buildings need to burn to be put out of their misery.
Dijo que no podía lidiar con el sufrimiento, que a veces los edificios enfermos y moribundos necesitan arder para poner fin a su miseria.
No, he said that he wanted to take his time with me.
No, dijo que quería tomarse un tiempo conmigo.
He said that Cross rented the place from him last month, paid for a year's lease with a cashier's check.
Dijo que Cross alquiló el sitio el mes pasado y pagó por todo un año con un cheque de caja.
- Not invading Quebec. - Oh, yeah, then they loaded the plane with the weapons, said we were heading south and that Calderon would pay us.
Sí, luego cargaron el avión con armas, dijeron que íbamos al sur y que Calderon nos pagaría.
That said, the events of the last few days aren't sitting right with some of my bosses.
Dicho esto, los eventos de los últimos días no se sienta a la derecha con algunos de mis jefes.
And if you don't, I'll tell the inspector that you were with the butler's son when you said you were in the nursery.
Y si no, le diré al inspector que estabas con el hijo del mayordomo cuando dijiste que estabas en el cuarto.
And if you don't, I'll tell the inspector that you were with the butler's son when you said you were in the nursery.
Y si no le diré al inspector que estabas con el hijo del mayordomo cuando dijiste que estabas en el cuarto.
Peter said the police would never believe something so outlandish, that they think that I had something to do with his murder.
Peter dijo que la policía jamás creería algo tan disparatado que creerían que tuve algo que ver con el asesinato.
I know, in the past, you said that living with him was a trial.
Sé que, anteriormente, decías que vivir con él era un suplicio.
Subsequently, however, the woman said that neither she nor her husband had anything to do with the slayings. It's interesting.
Posteriormente, sin embargo, dijo que la mujer que ni ella ni su marido tenido nada que ver con los asesinatos.
Well, and that fits with what Madison's ex-boyfriend said about her staying out to all hours.
Bueno, esto encaja con lo que el ex novio de Madison dijo sobre permanecer fuera a todas horas.
Remember how Jordan said her troubles with Madison began when school started back up with that run-in at the library?
¿ Recuerdas cómo dijo Jordan que sus problemas con Madison empezaron cuando la escuela inició con un respaldo la gestión de la biblioteca?
I told him that One Headlight By the Wallflowers isn't "dancing" music and he said "Not with that attitude."
Le dije que One Headlight de los Wallflowers no era para bailar y contestó : "Con esa actitud, no".
I always said, with that kind of ass ".
Siempre dije, con semejantes activos...
She... You said were okay with that.
- Dijiste... que te parecía bien.
Said, "Hell with tomorrow," and that was that.
Dijeron, "qué le den al mañana", y eso fue todo.
'You said I looked handsome and I sang you a song with my guitar,'which was weird because I didn't remember bringing a guitar,'but that's dreams for you.
Me dijiste que estaba muy guapo y te canté una canción con mi guitarra, lo que resultó raro porque no recuerdo que llevara una guitarra, pero era un sueño contigo.
She said the Jedi knows of the sphere, and that he is following us here with the Gungan.
Dijo que el Jedi sabe de la esfera y que nos está siguiendo hasta aquí con el gungan.
He said that he was going to deal with Carlton and he meant it.
Dijo que iba a ocuparse de Carlton y lo dijo en serio.
You said earlier that Sasha was working with some dangerous men.
Dijiste que Sasha estaba trabajando con hombres peligrosos.
I mean, I'm-I'm only asking because, you know, she said in passing that she was through with dating.
Es decir, yo... solo pregunto porque, ya sabes, dijo de pasada que había acabado con las citas. ¿ Ves?
You said to me that I was incredible and you were so lucky, and now here we are, we're trying to hook up Nick with his ex-girlfriend.
Me dijiste que era increíble y que eras muy afortunada, y ahora aquí estamos, intentando enrollar a Nick con su ex.
He said he fought off that bear with a pitchfork.
Dijo que luchó contra ese oso con una horqueta.
- And Dalia said that they kept trying to schedule a meeting with Holden.
- Y Dalia dijo que no dejaban de intentar concertar una reunión con Holden.
The shape of this house. " Said Mrs. Verdurin. Dr Cottard looked at her with the kind wonder? and a scholar zeal in the middle that expression scourge?
- dijo la señora de Verdurin, a quien el doctor Cottard observaba con bondadosa admiración y celo estudió, suelta en medio de este mar de lugares comunes.
That had nothing to do with anything I just said... oh, and great idea, Milo!
Eso no tiene nada que ver con lo que acabo de decir... ¡ y una gran idea, Milo!
You just said that you struggle with condoms?
¿ Acabas de decir que te cuesta ponerte los condones?
NARRATOR : In the Hopi legend, it is said that the star children will prepare humankind for the arrival of what they call the Blue Star and the Kachina, or Star Being, who will arrive with it. ( thunder rumbling, crashing )
En la leyenda Hopi, se dice que los niños prepararán a la humanidad para la llegada de lo que ellos llaman la Estrella Azul y la Kachina, o Ser de las Estrellas, que llegará con él.
According to him, this highly evolved group of humans... referred to as the Fifth Root Race... would be capable of great powers that would benefit humankind. These children, he said, would be super-advanced humans with extrasensory capabilities. HENRY :
De acuerdo con él, este desarrollado grupo de humanos... referidos como la Raza de la Quinta Raíz... sería capaz de grandes poderes que beneficiarían a la humanidad.
All male. They mixed with other guests all evening, but the manager said that just the four of them were left together around midnight.
Se relacionaron con otros huéspedes durante toda la noche, pero el gerente dijo que cuatro de ellos estuvieron juntos alrededor de la medianoche.
I just said that, um, some guys got rough with us, and they kind of pushed you over the edge.
Dije que unos tipos se pusieron violentos con nosotras, y te llevaron al límite.
She said, you know, that we - - we should stay here and wait with her.
Ella dijo, ya sabes, que... Que deberíamos... quedarnos aquí y esperar por ella.
So that first night, when you covered yourself with mud and said that you had been raped in the Park, then you were lying, but now you are telling the truth?
Entonces esa noche, cuando se cubrió de lodo usted misma y dijo haber sido violada en el parque, usted mentía, ¿ Pero ahora dice la verdad?
That's what I said! She also said she's staying with Larry.
También dijo que se quedaba con Larry.
He wasn't getting much recently, but he said that he didn't mind, because... because it gave him more time to spend with me.
No conseguía mucho últimamente pero dijo que no importaba porque... porque tenía más tiempo para estar conmigo.
And he said that she split the bill with another guy, her A.A. sponsor.
Dijo que dividió la cuenta con un tipo. Su padrino de AA.
He said he had never slept with her and that he hadn't seen her the night she was... the night she died.
Dijo que nunca se había acostado con ella y que no la vio la noche que ella... la noche que murió.
with that in mind 45
with that 162
with that attitude 21
that said 256
said 374
said that 16
said it 16
said no 16
said what 30
with you 1138
with that 162
with that attitude 21
that said 256
said 374
said that 16
said it 16
said no 16
said what 30
with you 1138
with me 1243
with all due respect 1080
with you by my side 17
with all my heart 134
with your family 23
with your permission 239
with men 23
with your 48
with your mother 23
with this ring 42
with all due respect 1080
with you by my side 17
with all my heart 134
with your family 23
with your permission 239
with men 23
with your 48
with your mother 23
with this ring 42
with your wife 28
with your help 124
with your dad 25
with pleasure 453
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with us 243
with good reason 53
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with your help 124
with your dad 25
with pleasure 453
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with good reason 53
with your life 24