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You come home traducir español

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Which when you come home for dinner?
Que cuando se llega a casa para la cena?
All right, after school, you go to the hardware store and you buy all the rope that Eddie's got, and then you come home, you pull me out.
Después de la escuela te vas a la ferretería y compras toda la cuerda que Eddie tenga, te vienes a casa y me sacas de aquí.
When you come home, she wants to brush-up with you.
Cuando vuelvas a casa, quiere repasar contigo.
Stay focused on what you have to do. Don't worry about me, last you come home.
Sólo concéntrate en lo que tienes que hacer, y no te preocupes por mí, hasta que vuelvas a casa.
It's important you come home.
Es importante que vuelvas a casa.
"I'll give you 500 bucks if you come home with me."
"Te daré 500 dólares si vienes a casa conmigo."
And whatever you have to do... you come home to us at the end.
Y todo lo que tienes que hacer... vienes a casa con nosotros al final.
You come home to us at the end.
Llegas a casa con nosotros al final.
But then six weeks later... you come home.
Pero entonces, seis semanas más tarde... vuelve a casa.
When will you come home?
I wish you could just come home already... so I could suck your dick in our new restaurant.
Quisiera que ya volvieras a casa, para poder hacerte sexo oral en nuestro restaurante nuevo.
It's very good of you to come home.
Es muy buena de que vuelvas a casa.
No, I've decided you didn't come home to help us win the grand final.
No, he decidido que no volvió a casa para ayudarnos a ganar la gran final.
You come to my home, my wife will make, uh, good, uh, food.
Vienen a mi casa, mi esposa preparará una buena comida.
No, maybe better to come to my home. And I will make you some nice, hot coffee.
No, quizás sería mejor que vengan a mi casa... y les haré un café rico y caliente.
Come on, I'll get you home.
Te traeré a casa.
Well you- - come over and I'll drive you home after.
Bueno usted- - venir y me lleve a casa después.
But you didn't come home.
Pero no llegaste a casa.
I was praying for you to come home.
Estaba rezando para que regresaras a casa.
Come on, you guys, you gotta start looking at the situation a little differently, or we are gonna go home with shit.
Vamos, chicos, tienen que empezar a mirar a la situación... en forma distinta... o no vamos a volver a casa con una mierda.
We need you to come home.
Necesitamos que vuelvas a casa.
Why do you think Lola doesn't want to come home? MICHAEL FRANKLIN ( ON PHONE ) :
¿ Por qué cree que Lola no quiere regresar a casa?
Come. I'll walk you home. All right?
Te acompañaré a t casa. ¿ Sí?
You go to work and come home every day
Ir a trabajar y volver a casa todos los días.
Will you please come home with me?
¿ Puedes venir a mi apartamento?
- I know I said that I was going to get a cab home but I really need you to come get me.
Sé que te dije que iba a tomarme un taxi, pero necesito que vengas a buscarme.
You wanna come home.
Quieres regresar a casa.
I can't wait until you can come home.
No puedo esperar a que llegues a casa.
We girls have to wait until you get tired of flings and come back to get a good, loyal wife, at home, locked up.
En cambio nosotras debemos esperar a que os canséis de aventuras y busquéis una esposa fiel y buena, ¿ verdad? Que esté en casa encerrada.
Why don't you just come home?
¿ Por qué no vienes a casa?
Then you wanna tell me why I'm here in a parking lot, why you couldn't come home?
Bueno, entonces, ¿ quieres decirme por qué estoy en un estacionamiento? ¿ Por qué no pudiste ir a casa?
You do want to come home though.
Sí quieres venir a casa, ¿ no?
You wanna come home?
¿ Quieres venir a casa?
Home is not where you come from.
Tu hogar no es de dónde vienes.
What happens the day that you do not come home?
¿ Qué pasará el día que no regreses a casa?
You had come home last night, right?
Tú viniste a casa ayer, ¿ cierto?
Your father wants you to come home.
Tu padre quiere que vuelvas a casa.
Come on, let's get you home.
Vamos, vamos a casa.
I think you need to come home.
Creo que necesitas volver a casa.
I did call you, you need, you need to convince our daughter to come home.
te he llamado, lo necesitas, Necesitas convencer a nuestra hija que vuelva a casa.
"l surrender, My conscience, I come home to you."
"Me rindo, mi Conciencia, vine a casa por ti"
You need to come home immediately.
Tienes que venir a casa, de inmediato.
If I'd known you guys were gonna come home so soon I would have... is that supposed to make me feel better?
No sabía que volverían tan pronto a casa... ¿ Se supone que con eso debería sentirme mejor?
- Has he come home with you?
¿ Ha vuelto a casa contigo?
Look, I'm gonna need you to come home.
Mira, necesito que vengas a casa.
I think you need to come home.
Creo que usted necesita venir a casa.
Hey, you want to come home and we'll, uh, spoon you.
Oye, ¿ quieres venir a casa y dormimos acurrucados?
Tessa, they want you to come home.
Tessa, quieren que vuelvas a casa.
It has to stop, and- - I mean,'cause now it's at my house, and I don't want to come home to this. Yeah, like I told you the other day, you need to talk to her so she can move on with her life.
Ciertamente, la bondad y la misericordia me seguirán... todos los días de mi vida... y habitaré en la casa del Señor para siempre.
You didn't come home last night.
Anoche no vino a casa.
♪ A man on the scene ♪ ♪ I can give you what you want ♪ ♪ if you come go home with me ♪
Oye ven aquí.

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