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You killed him traducir español

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You killed him.
Lo mataste.
Meanwhile, you had Eugene bring you the anthrax, and you killed him and made it look like he was trying to poison your herd.
Mientras tanto, hiciste que Eugene te trajera el ántrax, lo mataste e hiciste que se viera como si él hubiera estado intentando envenenar tu ganado.
He kept tossing you out anyway, so you killed him.
Pero siguió sacándote de allí, así que lo mataste.
You know, I think that your little junkie buddy threatened to expose your drug use and the shooting unless you kept paying him, so you killed him.
Creo que tu amiguito de drogas te amenazó con exponer tu uso de drogas y el disparo a menos que le siguieras pagando, así que lo mataste.
You killed him when he realized you replaced the originals with copies.
Lo mataste cuando se dio cuenta de que cambiaste todos los originales por réplicas.
You killed him because he cared about the horses?
¿ Lo mataste a Alcorta porque se preocupaba por los caballos?
You killed him and then waited for me.
Lo mataste y te quedaste esperándome.
- You killed him.
- Tú lo mataste.
And that's why you killed him.
Y es por eso lo mató.
They know that you killed him, and they were fine with that until they found out that you were the one who killed their sister.
Saben que lo mataste y les agradó... hasta descubrir que tú fuiste el asesino de su hermana.
- You killed him.
- Lo mataste.
You killed him!
- ¡ Lo mataste!
Instead you killed him.
En lugar de eso, le mataste.
I doubt you killed him.
Dudo que lo matara.
You killed him!
¡ Ustedes lo mataron!
You thought he was reckless and that's why you killed him?
¿ Ud. consideró que se volvió imprudente y por eso lo mató?
You killed him seriously?
Usted lo mató de verdad...
You killed him really.
Usted lo mató realmente.
You killed him.
Lo mató.
Cosgrove found out, he confronted you and you killed him.
Cosgrove lo descubrió, se enfrentó a ti y tú lo mataste.
So you had him killed.
Así que tenías lo mató.
You've killed him?
- ¿ Lo has matado?
So you're saying it's possible that William Lewis, who was right-handed, shot himself with his left hand, leaving the same blood spatter and gunshot residue on Sergeant Benson that would exist if she'd killed him?
Así que usted está diciendo que es posible que William Lewis, que era diestro, se pegó un tiro con su mano izquierda, dejando la misma sangre salpicaduras y residuos de bala el sargento Benson que existiría si ella lo había matado?
But you, me and Tori were the only ones who were there when he killed him.
No lo sé. Pero Tori, tú y yo éramos los únicos que estábamos allí cuando él lo mató.
You knew we'd get to him, so you had him killed?
¿ Sabías que llegaríamos a él, así que lo mataste?
And then you had to watch him date your cousin... which proved that he had changed and he had grown up, and it killed you.
Y después tuviste que verlo salir con tu prima... lo que probó que había cambiado que había madurado y eso te mataba.
Wait a second- - are you saying that they killed him?
Espera un segundo... ¿ estás diciendo que ellos le mataron?
But you shouldn't have killed him.
Pero no debieron matarlo
You probably killed him, hoping to get his money.
Probablemente lo mataste, esperando quedarte con su dinero. Por favor, Sra. Mirga.
And we know that you own the gun that shot him two weeks before he was killed.
Y sabemos que tienes el arma que le disparó dos semanas antes de que lo mataran.
Are you saying I killed him?
¿ Está diciendo que yo le maté?
I came home and found my wife in bed with a squinty-eyed glover, so I killed him. Is that what you wanted to hear?
Llegué a casa y me encontré a mi esposa en la cama con un guantero, así que le maté. ¿ Es eso lo que quieres escuchar?
Danny wants you to know that he's okay. Don't look for who killed him,
No busques quién le mató, porque conocía a esta persona bien.
You're never down at the dry dock. You know, Uncle Gil, he worked for dad for 25 years, and they just walked into his house, and they killed him.
Bueno, el tío Gil, trabajó para papá durante 25 años y ellos entraron en su casa y lo mataron.
You've been intimidating him ever since the night your sister was killed.
Lo han estado intimidando desde la noche que su hermana murió.
So you think I killed him.
Así que creéis que yo le maté.
So unless you are willing to help me find the man who killed him,
Así que si estás dispuesto a ayudarme encontrar al hombre quien lo mató,
You killed his men and disgraced him.
Mataste a sus hombres y lo deshonra.
You don't think she killed him.
No crees que ella lo matara.
You know, there were times when I thought if I was at Charlie Skinner's funeral, it'd be because I'd killed him.
Ya sabes, hubo veces en que pensé si estuviera en el funeral de Charlie Skinner sería porque yo le maté.
Okay, so you think Ivana went over there, killed him,
¿ Crees que Ivana fue, lo mató y dejó una nota de suicidio?
You've killed him, huh?
Lo has matado, ¿ verdad?
Don't listen to him, James. He'll get you killed.
No le escuches, James, ¡ hará que te maten!
And if you hadn't have beasted out on Gabe tonight, I would've come over here, killed him, he would be dead, and I would be in a lot of trouble.
Y si no hubieras sacado a la bestia con Gabe esta noche, hubiera venido aquí, lo hubiese matado, él estaría muerto, y yo estaría en muchos problemas.
The real hero is the person who got killed at the police station after you arrested him.
El héroe de verdad es la persona que fue asesinado en la comisaría de policía después de que lo arrestaran.
The Iranians probably tracked the files, found Hassan, killed him, and now they're on to you.
Probablemente los iraníes rastrearon los archivos... encontraron a Hassan, lo mataron y ahora van a por ti.
This guy that they say that he killed, did you know him?
Al tipo que dicen que él mató... ¿ le conocías?
You could have killed him and made it back for Cosgrove's memorial.
Podrías haberle matado y haber vuelto al funeral de Cosgrove.
He tracked Cosgrove down the night of the scavenger hunt and he killed him to save you from a bribery scandal.
Localizó a Cosgrove la noche de la búsqueda del tesoro y lo mató para salvarte de un escándalo de sobornos.
So... You killed your lover, you killed your own child, paid your grandfather to kill your father, and then he took the gun you gave him and turned it on himself.
Entonces... mataste a tu amante... mataste a tu propio hijo... le pagaste a tu abuelo para que matara a tu padre... y luego tomó el arma que le diste... y la usó con él mismo.
The police will feel that you are with the Vakar gang.. ... and that is why you have killed him.
Si la policía se entera, pensará que tu estabas en el tiroteo de Vakar y por eso lo mataste

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