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You killed them traducir español

1,328 traducción paralela
- There is no more bear. - No, cos you killed them all!
- no hay más osos - claro, porque los mataste todos
Had servants until you killed them?
¿ Tenía sirvientes hasta que les mataste?
- And you killed them both?
- ¿ Y tú mataste a las dos?
You killed them.
Has arrasado.
You killed them?
¿ Les habéis matado?
My parents were confused aliens lost on Earth, and you killed them!
¡ Mis padres eran unos confundidos extraterrestres perdidos en la tierra y ustedes los mataron!
You killed them...
Los asesinó...
You killed them.
Tú los mataste.
The smile just before you killed them.
La sonrisa justo antes de que los mataras.
You killed them.
Tú las mataste.
You killed them... and now you're trying to pin it on me.
Tú las mataste. Y ahora estás intentando culparme a mí.
You killed them.
Los mataste.
You killed them all.
Los mataste a todos.
You killed them all to hide the existence of the Third Project, didn't you?
¡ ¿ Los mataste a todos para ocultar la existencia del Tercer Proyecto, verdad?
You killed them!
¡ Los has matado!
You killed them...
Usted los mató...
You killed them!
¡ Usted los mató!
You killed them, then you collapsed.
Usted los mató, luego se derrumbó.
So, you killed them both.
Así que las mataste a ambas.
I told you we should have killed them.
Te dije que debimos matarlos.
You got them killed.
Tú hiciste que las mataran.
Now you killed both of them.
Ahora nos mataste a las dos.
I loved to kill them. Do you know what I did before I killed them?
Lo adoré. ¿ Sabes que hice antes de matarlos?
I should tell them you killed her!
Deberia decir que fuiste tu!
- So you got them killed.
- Entonces, tú los mataste.
You could have gotten them killed!
Te los pueden matar, Aurelia.
You killed all of them.
¿ Tú mataste a todos?
You killed two of them.
Tú mataste a dos.
How many of them smiled at you and said they were proud of having killed someone?
¿ Cuántos le sonrieron y le dijeron que se enorgullecían de haber matado a alguien?
O'Reily goes to the hacks and tells them you and I killed Galino.
O'Reily va a los guardias y les dice que tú y yo matamos a Galino.
You mean "who" killed them.
Querrá decir persona.
He killed three policemen down in Memphis while in custody, tearing the face off one of them, and he will kill you, too.
Mató a tres policías en Memphis estando bajo custodia. Le arrancó la cara a uno.
I'll tell them you killed Nagle in self-defense.
Les diré que mataste a Nagle en defensa propia.
Killed them all except you.
Y los mató a todos, menos a ti.
You're gonna get yourself killed if you keep going up against them.
Conseguirá que te maten si sigues en contra de ellos.
You said you saw them killed.
Dijiste que la habías visto cuando la mataron.
If a Puerto Rican had killed your partner, you'd exterminate them all?
Sea objetivo. Si un puertorriqueño lo hubiera matado... ¿ querría exterminar a todos los puertorriqueños?
Because I knew that if I didn't make it look like a burglary, then you'd think it was me that killed them.
Porque sabía que si no lo hacía parecer un robo, pensarían que yo los había matado.
- You also killed them?
- ¿ Los mataban? - A veces, sí.
Tell them you killed me, OK?
Diles que me mataste, ¿ vale?
I bet you sick mutants killed them!
¡ Apuesto que ustedes mutantes desagradables los mataron!
No. ... and then you raped them and killed them.
... y las violaste y mataste.
- You're guessing he hacked for them and then they killed him.
¿ Era su hacker y luego lo mataron.
No, apparently you killed the crew of another ship and took it from them.
Aparentemente asesinó a la tripulación de otra nave y se los quitó a ellos.
You could have gotten them all killed.
Pudo hacer que los mataran.
Right. It's continuity. You just killed them all.
Bueno, es la continuidad, acabas de matarlos a todos.
The reality of the scene dictates that there be dead aliens, cos you just killed them.
El realismo de la escena dicta... que haya alienígenas muertos porque acabas de matarlos.
So she killed them as a way of contacting you?
¿ Los asesinó para contactarte?
You see, Annie pleaded guilty because she thought Sam had killed them.
Mira, Annie declaró que se culpó porque pensó que Sam los había matado.
I killed them for you...
Los maté por ti...
I killed them for you.
Los maté por ti.

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