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You killed my father traducir español

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You killed my father. You..
Usted mató a mi padre.
Twelve years ago, you killed my father. Separated me from my brother and took everything outta my life that a kid could have.
Hace doce años mataste a mi padre, me separaste de mi hermano y me robaste toda la infancia
You killed my father... because he said your führer was the Antichrist.
Uds. mataron a mi padre, porque dijo que su Führer era el anticristo.
You killed my Father just to get his insurance money!
Usted mató a mi padre por el dinero del seguro!
You killed my father
Usted mató a mi padre.
You cheat, you killed my father!
¡ Falsos! ¡ Matasteis a mi padre!
You killed my father!
! Has matado a mi padre!
Shi Yong Shan, twenty years ago you killed my father Xu Qing Xiang, right?
Shi Yong Shan, hace veinte años mataste a mi padre Xu Qing Xiang, ¿ no es así?
You killed my father when he was trying to help you.
Tú mataste a mi padre cuando intentaba ayudarte.
Why haven't you killed my father?
¿ Por qué no has matado a mi padre?
You dirty rat, you killed my father!
¡ Sucia rata, mataste a mi padre!
You killed my father!
Ha matado a mi padre.
He thinks that you killed my father, Aunt Ruth.
El teniente cree que tú mataste a mi padre, tía Ruth.
How you killed my father and my brother?
... cómo mataste a mi padre y mi hermano...
- You killed my father! - Hey!
- ¡ Mataste a mi padre!
You killed my father?
Tú mataste a mi padre?
- Peter you killed my father.
- Peter tú mataste a mi padre.
You killed my father.
Mataste a mi padre.
You killed my father. You killed my people!
Mataste a mi padre. ¡ Mataste a mi pueblo!
And so you killed my father rather than have him expose your true identity.
Usted mató a mi padre para que no desvelara su identidad real.
Tell them how you killed my father.
Cuéntales cómo mataste a mi padre.
"You've ruined my reputation... and killed my father's chances of election!"
Ha arruinado mi reputación, y acabado con las posibilidades de mi padre.
My father is dead, and you killed him!
Mi padre está muerto, ¡ ustedes lo mataron!
You see, Mr Morgan, at the time my father and mother were killed...
Entienda, Sr Morgan, mi padre y madre Fueron muertos... - ¿ Muertos?
And so when you knifed your father in the back last night, you killed him with my hands.
Así que cuando apuñaló a su padre... por la espalda anoche... lo mató con mis manos.
Dale, you know, my father killed a man once just before I was born.
Si es una tradición familiar. Mi padre mató a un hombre justo antes de que yo naciera.
- You think I forget the man who killed my father?
-? Cree que puedo olvidar a quien mato a mi padre?
Maria, when your father was killed in my saloon you were homeless.
Cuando mataron a tu padre en mi bar no tenías casa.
But you two had killed my father!
Pero uds dos mataron a mi padre!
I'm going to run it the way my father intended after he broke with you and you had him killed.
Voy a llevarlo de la misma manera que mi padre pretendía hacerlo. Después de que rompió con usted y usted le asesinara.
You see, the man who used to live here... the man who was killed, he was my father.
Verás, el hombre que vivía aquí, el hombre al que mataron, era mi padre.
He thinks you know something about the night my father was killed.
Cree que tú sabes algo sobre la noche que mataron a mi padre.
My father was a hindrance, so you killed him!
¡ Mi padre era un estorbo, así que usted le mató!
Vinolas killed my father because of you.
Viñolas mató a mi padre por su culpa.
If my father had told them about you, they would not have killed him.
Si mi padre les hubiera hablado sobre usted, no lo habrían matado.
I want you to get the man who killed my father.
Quiero que te encargues del hombre que mató a mi padre.
Daizaburo, have you forgotten that he killed my father?
Daizaburo, ¿ has olvidado que mató a mi padre?
While you were listening to your Mozart... my mother and my father were marched... to the gas chamber where they were killed.
Mientras usted escuchaba a Mozart... mi madre y mi padre fueron enviados... a Ia cámara de gas donde los mataron.
My father, a preacher like you, a minister. Bred by mercy. But I got a bad break when somebody killed him and beat me to the punch.
Mi padre era pastor como usted, fui criado por piedad... pero recibí un golpe cuando alguien lo mató y me molió a golpes.
You've killed my father
Has matado a mi padre.
You killed my father?
¿ Mató a mi padre?
I think it was you who killed my father...
Creo que fuiste tú quien mató a mi padre...
What are you doing? He killed my father!
¡ Él mató a mi padre!
In the chaos following the war, you stole the army's gold bullion and killed my father, too.
En el caos de después de la guerra, robo los lingotes de oro del ejercito y acabo con la vida de mi padre.
When you got out of prison, my father killed you.
Nada más salir tú de la cárcel, mi padre te mataba.
Do you think Swede was killed by the same man who murdered my father?
¿ Cree que Swede fue asesinado por quien mató a mi padre?
You! You killed my mother and father, you blamed the night demons!
Usted mató a mi madre y mi padre, Se culpó a los demonios pero fueron!
My father will have you killed for this.
Mi padre te hará matar por esto.
I can't thank you guys enough for helpin'me... gettin "me away, helping" me prove Calvin killed my father.
No sé cómo agradecerles por ayudarme a escapar, por ayudarme a probar que Calvin asesinó a mi padre.
Do you know who killed my father?
- ¿ Sabe quién mató a mi padre?
My father, my grandfather, were killed... fighting on this land. You gonna wait here until the same thing happens to you? That's crazy.
Mi padre mi abuelo los mataron luchando por esta tierra esta loco.

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