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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ Y ] / You shouldn't have come

You shouldn't have come traducir español

769 traducción paralela
- Perhaps I shouldn't have come. Oh no, I'm glad you did.
- Quizás no hubiera debido...
You shouldn't have come.
No debería haber venido aquí
- You shouldn't have come here.
No deberías haber venido.
I shouldn't have come with you.
No debí haber venido contigo.
Señor, no debería haber venido aquí.
Oh, no tendrían que haber salido en una noche como esta sólo para tranquilizarme.
Diana, you shouldn't have come here.
Diana, no deberías haber venido aquí.
Frankie, you shouldn't have come.
Frankie, no debiste venir.
You shouldn't have come here.
No debiste venir.
- You shouldn't have come here, Mr. Tony.
- No debería haber venido, Sr. Tony.
Besides, you shouldn't have come over here until I got back, anyway.
Además, de todas formas no deberías haber venido hasta que regresara.
You shouldn't have come.
No debiste haber venido.
For goodness sake, you shouldn't have come over here.
No deberías haber venido.
You shouldn't have come.
No debería haber venido.
You shouldn't have come here.
No deberías haber venido.
Pris, you shouldn't have come here.
Pris, no deberías haber venido.
You shouldn't have come here!
¡ No deberíais haber venido aquí!
I told you we shouldn't have come back.
Te dije que no tendríamos que haber regresado.
Charlie. You shouldn't have come here. What are you doing here?
Charlie. ¿ Qué haces aquí?
You shouldn't have come.
- No debería haber venido.
You shouldn't have come, it's just a cold now it's over
No deberías haber venido, sólo es un resfriado. Ya se ha terminado.
After that powder you took, you shouldn't have come back to your old hotel.
Después de salir corriendo, no debisteis volver al hotel de siempre.
- You shouldn't have come down to this dump.
No deberías haber venido a este vertedero.
What's the matter, dear? You shouldn't have come until I gave the word.
¿ Por qué no esperaste mi señal?
You shouldn't have come on this trip.
No deberías haber venido en este viaje.
You shouldn't have come.
No debería haber venido esta noche.
- You shouldn't have come.
- No debiste venir.
You shouldn't have come here.
No debería haber venido aquí.
You shouldn't have let a man come in!
¡ No debe meter un hombre en casa!
You shouldn't have come.
No deberías haber venido.
You know, you shouldn't have come down here.
- No debiste venir.
You shouldn't have come and I shouldn't have seen you.
No has debido venir, y yo no debería verte.
- You shouldn't have come in there.
- No debiste entrar.
Johnny, you shouldn't have come.
Johnny, no tenías que haber venido.
Say, come to think of it, shouldn't you have a bathing suit?
¿ No deberías tener un traje de baño?
You shouldn't have come here today, darling.
No deberías haber venido aquí hoy, cariño.
- You shouldn't have come.
- No debiste haber venido.
You shouldn't have come.
No has debido venir.
You shouldn't have come. It's bad for you.
No deberías haber venido realmente, es malo para ti.
You shouldn't have come here.
No deberías venir aquí.
Charlotte, you shouldn't have come.
Charlotte, no debiste haber venido.
You shouldn't have come down here.
No debiste venir aquí.
Loxi, you shouldn't have come down here.
- No deberías haber venido aquí. ¿ No?
You shouldn't have come here.
No deberías haber venido aquí.
I knew I shouldn't have come with you!
Sabía que no debía haber venido.
You shouldn't have come, it's too risky.
No debió venir, es demasiado riesgo.
John, you shouldn't have Come all this long way.
¡ John! ¿ Por qué has venido aquí a despedirme?
You shouldn't have come.
¿ Por qué has venido?
I'm sorry. I shouldn't have made you come.
Lo siento, no debí obligarte a venir.
Oh, you shouldn't have come back here.
- No debió regresar aquí.
I shouldn't have had you come to the church.
No tenian que haber venido conmigo.

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