Your lawyer traducir español
3,034 traducción paralela
Ask your lawyer.
Pregunta a tu abogado.
It's your lawyer suit.
Es tu traje de abogada.
You can call your lawyer soon enough.
Usted puede llamar a su abogado pronto.
Ms. Nobile, whether or not the Leddys were in league with Mr. Feeney, you also used Mr. Feeney as your lawyer.
Srta. Nobile, estuvieran o no los Leddy conchabados con el Sr. Feeney, usted también contrató al Sr. Feeney como su abogado.
And that's why I'm here, as your lawyer, to warn you.
Y por eso vine, como su abogado, para advertirlo.
That's why I'm here as your lawyer.
Por eso vine, como su abogado.
We got it from your lawyer.
Lo conseguimos de su abogado.
If you have anything to say, say it to your lawyer!
¡ Si tiene algo que decir, dígaselo a su abogado!
No, it's okay. Talk to your lawyer, and I'll make it work.
Habla con tu abogado, y haré que funcione.
OLIVIA : If you release this, your lawyer is dead.
Si lo publica, morirá su abogado.
Did you just smile at your lawyer because he coached you to say that?
¿ Acaba de sonreírle a su abogado porque la guió para decir eso?
And if the po-po rolls up, your first call's to your lawyer, not your mom.
Y si aparece po-po, La primera llamada a tu abogado, no a tu madre
I would advise you to talk things over with your lawyer, Mr. Gold.
Le aconsejaría que hablase esto con su abogada, Sr. Gold.
What, exactly, are you gonna tell your lawyer? Huh? That Five-O raided your illegal hack shop, during which you fired a big cannon at my face.
¿ Qué le vas a contar a tu abogado, exactamente? Que el Cinco-0 ha allanado tu local ilegal de hackers, mientrás disparabas un cañón a mi cara.
You know what, don't forget to tell your lawyer about kidnapping and murdering Zack Slater.
Sabes, no olvides decirle a tu abogado lo del secuestro y asesinato de Zack Slater.
Your lawyer suit?
¿ Tu traje de abogada?
Your lawyer just sent over the contracts.
Tu abogado ha mandado los contratos.
You're gonna want to bring your lawyer.
Quizá prefiera traer a su abogado.
Did you mention this to your lawyer?
¿ Mencionaste esto a su abogado?
You know, just in case you don't talk to your lawyer for a while.
Ya sabes, por si acaso no lo hace hable con su abogado durante un tiempo.
As your lawyer, I'm legally bound not to discuss it.
Como su abogado, estoy legalmente obligado a no hablar de ello.
Just as anything you tell me as your lawyer will be between you and me.
Igual, cualquier cosa que me digas como tu abogado será entre tú y yo.
I had all the papers sent to your lawyer, who by the way is a total dick.
Le envié todos los papeles a tu abogado, que por cierto es un idiota.
You're screwing your lawyer.
Te acuestas con tu abogado.
And your lawyer.
Y tu abogada.
I'm not your lawyer anymore.
Ya no soy tu abogado.
All right, go and discuss this with your lawyer here.
Muy bien, vaya y discuta esto con su abogado aquí presente. Rómpase la cabeza.
Mrs. Grey, I'm your lawyer, which means anything that you tell me is completely confidential.
Sra. Grey, soy su abogada, lo que significa que cualquier cosa que me diga... es completamente confidencial.
As your lawyer, I advise you to team up with them and ask for compensation from the hospital.
Como abogado, te aconsejo que te unas a ellos para demandar al hospital.
- You'll be able to call your lawyer.
Usted será capaz de contactar a su abogado.
See, the thing is, we called your lawyer, but, uh... Apparently he's unavailable because he got picked up on some obstruction of justice charges.
Mire, el asunto es que llamamos a su abogado pero aparentemente no estaba disponible porque fue arrestado por un cargo de obstrucción a la justicia.
In an elevator, in your lawyer's office building.
En un ascensor, en las oficinas de tu abogado.
- Your lawyer is here.
- Su abogado está aquí
Then we find your lawyer.
Y luego, buscaremos a tu abogada.
As your friend and as your lawyer, David, may I be brutally frank with you?
A medida que su amigo y como su abogado, David, ¿ puedo ser brutalmente franco con usted?
It might be time to take me up on that offer and get your boy a lawyer.
Puede ser momento de tomar esa oferta y conseguirte un abogado, chico.
I understand your family's hired a lawyer?
¿ Entiendo que su familia ha contratado un abogado?
But I found out that she's a lawyer, and she works at your firm.
Pero descubrí que es abogada, y trabaja para su firma.
You're on your rights stressed and you did not want a lawyer, right?
Sabes cuáles son tus derechos y no quieres ningún abogado, ¿ no es cierto?
From now on I'm your client, and Oppa, you're my lawyer!
A partir de ahora yo soy tu cliente y Oppa, ¡ tú eres mi abogado!
Your father's roommate and his lawyer.
Compañero de piso de tu padre y su abogado.
And it was self-defense. Then your parents can hire a lawyer to clean this shit up for you and you can flee to another country again.
Debes dispararme rápidamente, así no te disparo yo... si no te dispararé porque es lo que intento hacer.
No, I mean I want a lawyer now, here, to answer your questions.
Digo que quiero un abogado aquí y ahora, ara responder sus preguntas.
Print that man, his lawyer will sue your police ass.
Impresión de que el hombre, su abogado demandará a su culo policía.
If you want to get a new lawyer, that's your prerogative.
Sí quieres otro abogado, es tu derecho.
I was your aunt's lawyer.
Era el abogado de tu tía.
- To your criminal lawyer?
- ¿ Con tu abogado penalista?
Officer. What if we pretend one of your men is a lawyer?
Oficial. ¿ Y si fingimos que uno de sus hombres es abogado?
Our lawyer gave me your proposal to buy Cartwell Trucking for $ 50 million.
Nuestro abogado me ha dado tu propuesta de comprar Camiones Cartwell por 50 millones.
I'm getting a lawyer and i'm suing your asses.
Voy a conseguir un abogado y patear sus traseros.
- A lawyer's distinction, I will not follow your lead.
- Distinción que hace un abogado.
your lawyer's here 19
lawyer 304
lawyers 132
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
your honor 7894
your full name 16
your teacher 17
your tea 43
lawyer 304
lawyers 132
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
your honor 7894
your full name 16
your teacher 17
your tea 43
your best friend 68
your ex 322
your name 485
your majesty 3240
your mum 57
your mother 885
your sister 409
your point being 45
your mom 327
your mother is dead 28
your ex 322
your name 485
your majesty 3240
your mum 57
your mother 885
your sister 409
your point being 45
your mom 327
your mother is dead 28
your old man 28
your mind 60
your dad 423
your brother 593
your highness 1544
your father called 16
your face 246
your heart 112
your call 269
your voice 78
your mind 60
your dad 423
your brother 593
your highness 1544
your father called 16
your face 246
your heart 112
your call 269
your voice 78