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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ C ] / Come to my house

Come to my house traducir francés

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I suppose my husband has told you everything Well, it's all your fault that I'm in this desperate situation Why did you come to my house at all if you merely wanted to tell me that you did not love me?
C'est par votre faute que je suis dans cette situation désespérée. Pourquoi êtes-vous venu chez moi si vous vouliez seulement me dire que vous ne m'aimiez pas? Si vous n'êtes pas là à 10h, j'appelle votre bureau.
Come to my house.
Allons à ma maison, Santita.
You must come to my house.
Venez chez moi.
Suppose you come to my house to dinner tonight at 7 : 30. We'll talk about it then.
Venez dîner chez moi à 19 h 30, on en discutera.
Suppose you come to my house to dinner tonight. We'll talk about it.
Venez dîner chez moi, on en discutera.
Come to my house to dinner tonight and we can discuss it then.
Venez dîner chez moi, on en discutera.
Would you could ask a favor? Do not come to my house...?
Vous pourriez m'aider à régler ça?
Don't come to my house
Ne venez pas chez moi.
Don ´ t ever come to my house again.
Ne reviens plus chez moi.
So the professors usually come to my house, I'm home-schooled, you see!
En général, les professeurs viennent chez moi. Je suis externe.
Listen, could you please tell Mr. Hartman to come to my house at 4 O'clock precisely.
Dites à Monsieur Hartman de passer chez moi à 4 heures.
Come to my house for your honeymoon.
Venez chez moi pour votre lune de miel.
By being your own obnoxious self when you come to my house tonight.
Venez chez moi ce soir et soyez vous-même!
Well, I should invite her to come to my house to see Basil's portrait. Then when she said it was time for her to go home, I should ask her not to leave.
Je l'inviterais chez moi et lui demanderais de rester.
Come to my house tomorrow.
Venez chez moi demain.
Come to my house as soon as you can.
Viens chez moi dès que possible.
Come to my house when you've done here, and we will talk of the venture on the Shark.
Venez me voir quand vous aurez fini. On parlera de l'expédition sur le Shark.
" Won't you come to my house?
" Pourquoi ne viendrais-tu pas?
Can you come to my house later? I'm only staying here fifteen minutes...
Peux-tu venir chez moi plus tard?
You have to come to my house.
Il faut venir chez moi.
Thomas and his wife, they come to my house today.
Thomas et sa femme sont venus me voir, aujourd'hui.
How many times have I told you that I can't come to you? Right now, there are tons of reporters waiting in front of my house, to bury your son, Kang Hyun Min, alive!
Combien de fois dois-je te dire que je ne peux pas venir te voir? vivant!
You will not work hard in this cabin any more, you will come with me to my manor-house.
Tu n'auras plus a te crever dans cette cabanne, je suis venu pour t'amener chez moi, au château!
I suppose my husband has told you everything Well, it's all your fault that I'm in this desperate situation Why did you come to my house at all if you merely wanted to tell me that you did not love me?
Pourquoi êtes-vous venu chez moi si vous vouliez seulement me dire que vous ne m'aimiez pas?
Jim come over to my house about an hour ago to see if you were there.
Jim est venu chez moi il y a une heure pour voir si tu étais là.
How dare he come to my own house?
Comment a-t-il osé venir dans ma maison?
Well, you're going to ask your guests to come to a party at my house in your honor.
Vous allez inviter vos amis chez moi à un dîner donné en votre honneur.
Your Majesty, I've come to lay at your feet feelings of the deepest gratitude... for the benefactions which your bounty has heaped upon my house... and of which many instances are given me at every step I take into your realms.
Majesté, à vos pieds je dépose ma profonde gratitude pour votre bonté dont j'ai vu la grandeur à chaque pas franchi dans votre royaume.
I would like to tell him that I'd love to go and live in his house if my sister could come too.
Que je serais très contente ïhabiter dans sa maison si ma soeur peut venir aussi.
I want you to come with me and live in my house while you're waiting.
Je veux que tu viennes vivre chez moi tandis que tu attends.
Now, captain, please leave my house... and try to remember not to come here again.
M. Butler, veuillez sortir... et ne plus revenir ici!
Have it your own way, son. Butjust as sure as you touch my house with that cat, I'm gonna blow you plumb to kingdom come!
Comme tu veux, mais si tu touches à ma maison avec ta machine, je te fais sauter la cervelle!
Come to my house today!
- Oui, et si vous veniez chez moi?
This is the last straw! You come in my house, put chairs on tables in order to open up a dance academy and you're asking me what I want?
Vous venez chez moi, vous déplacez les meubles, pour ouvrir une école de danse et vous me demandez ce que je veux?
I've come to invite you for dinner at my house next Thursday.
Je viens vous inviter ã dîner chez moi jeudi prochain.
My advice is to come in, have a drink. Let's wait till we hear from the sheriff. Drinks on the house.
Je vous conseille de boire un verre en attendant le shérif.
Promise to come see me at my house tomorrow.
Passez me voir chez moi demain.
Will you come back to my house now, Stella?
On part chez moi, maintenant.
" Come with me to my house and you shall be my guest.
" Venez donc chez moi, je vous invite.
And you dare try to reform her in here, you've come to oppose me in my own house!
Et tu oses la relancer chez moi, tu viens me braver dans ma maison!
Maybe you'd like to come over to my house. I'll cook up something to eat.
Viens chez moi.
But I'm not going to have them come into my house.
Mais je refuse de les voir chez moi!
Look here. Why not come up to my house and I'll show it to you?
Voulez-vous venir le voir, chez moi?
Would you care to come over to my house for dinner tomorrow night?
- Merci. Voudriez-vous venir dîner chez moi, demain soir?
My parents had died when I was small, so I'd come to live in the parson's house, sharing the parson's heart with the parson's wife, who was my aunt Harriet.
Mes parents sont morts lorsque j'étais encore bébé et j'étais venu vivre dans la maison du pasteur. Je partageais l'affection du pasteur avec son épouse, ma tante Harriet.
When I was a kid, my mother and I used to come out to the house... on special occasions, you know :
Ma mère et moi venions lors des occasions spéciales.
- Will you come over to my house right away?
- Viens chez moi immédiatement.
I turn to my dear faithful to come to the aid of God's House which is their own.
Gertrude, la vaillante cloche qui sonne depuis des siècles dans le ciel du village, victime de ceux qui font des promesses sans les tenir, est tombée.
You don't have to announce me when I come to my brother's house.
Pas la peine de m'annoncer.
If you feel like crying come over to my house We'll cry together
Si tu as envie de pleurer, viens chez moi, nous pleurerons toutes les deux.
When you met me three weeks ago, you wanted to slap my face, and tonight, you left your house to come to me.
Quand tu m'as rencontrée il y a 3 semaines, tu voulais me gifler, .. et cette nuit, tu as quitté ton château pour me rejoindre.

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