Do you know traducir francés
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How do you know if you're going crazy?
Comment savoir qu'on devient folle?
Do you know what happens when we get sick?
Savez-vous ce qui arrive quand on tombe malade?
- Do you know why we do that to people? - Hmm?
Sais-tu pourquoi on fait ça aux gens?
Do you know "Take Me Out To The Ball Game"?
Tu connais "Take Me Out To The Ball Game"?
What do you know about dark thoughts?
Que savez-vous des pensées sombres?
Do you know how long Doug has worked for me, LeAnn?
Doug et moi, vous savez à quand ça remonte?
Do you know you can get a hot shower by hooking up your hose to your car radiator?
Saviez-vous que vous pouviez prendre une douche chaude en connectant votre tuyau au radiateur votre voiture?
How do you know which sector?
Comment savez-vous qu'il s'agit de ce secteur?
Then how do you know the girl you have is my daughter?
Alors comment savez-vous que vous détenez ma file?
How do you know my husband?
D'où connaissez-vous mon mari?
Do you know who that guy works for?
Vous savez pour qui il bosse?
Do you know how to tumble?
Tu sais faire la culbute?
Do you know the grip on the bridge?
Et toi, tu connais la prise du pont?
Do you know the handle on the boiler?
Tu connais la poignà © e de la marmite?
Do you know the wardrobe?
Tu connais la garde-robe?
Woman! Do you know how we suffered on the front for 19 years?
Tu sais ce que nous avons endurà © au front depuis 19 ans?
Do you know I'm a natural dancer?
Je suis un danseur né!
Do you know of anyone else, other than yourself, who doesn't think you're ready to get married?
Est-ce que quelqu'un, en dehors de vous, ne vous croit pas prêt au mariage?
Do you know what time it is?
Tu sais l'heure qu'il est?
How do you know what I'm gonna do?
Comment sais-tu ce que je vais faire?
How do you know what I'm saying right now?
Comment sais-tu ce que je vais dire?
How do you know?
Comment le sais-tu?
- Do you know what a Niffin is?
- Sais-tu ce qu'est un Niffin?
- Do you know what Margot will be wearing?
- Savez-vous ce qu'elle portera?
Do you know anyone who would write it for me?
Tu connais quelqu'un qui l'écrirait pour moi?
Well, how do I know that you are gonna deliver what I am askin'for?
Comment être sûre que vous tiendrez parole?
Now it doesn't matter what I do, you know, no matter... how hard I try to prove, or whatever...
Peu importe ce que je fais...
You do what you gotta do, you know?
Fais ce que tu dois faire.
There are people in here that didn't do anything, you know.
Certaines dans cette prison n'ont rien fait.
You know, I... I think not sleeping or eating while also being, you know, kidnapped and tortured might have just something to do with it.
Je crois que ne pas dormir ou ne pas manger en plus de se faire kidnapper et torturer est aussi une explication.
All I want to do is just sit here, you know, with you.
Je veux juste me poser ici avec toi.
So if you do that, then, um... you know, she will be good to you, she will take care of you.
Alors, si tu fais ça, elle sera gentille avec toi et s'occupera de toi.
- But I know my husband. - I know you do.
- Mais je connais mon mari...
Let's see if you do know how to mind your own business.
Voyons si vous savez vous taire.
Yeah, I don't know how, and in case you guys have all forgotten, I can't do magic.
Je ne sais pas faire, et au cas où vous l'auriez tous oublié, je ne peux pas faire de magie.
Do I want to know how you managed to do this without waking me up?
Ai-je envie de savoir comment tu as réussi à faire ça sans me réveiller?
Do you want to know the truth? You are a failure.
Tu veux la vérité?
If only I had the strength... I'd know what to do with you.
Si j'en avais la force, je sais ce que je ferais de vous.
Of course, you should know how to do it.
Certes, il faut s'y connaà ® tre.
You know, that's just this thing me and Jim do.
C'est cette chose que moi et Jim faisons.
Hey, man, let me ask you, how do you do that thing in the videos, you know, when you got your shirt open and your chest is greasy, and the wind is blowing you, and you're doing this right here?
Comment vous faites ce truc dans les clips, avec votre chemise ouverte, le torse luisant, le vent souffle, et vous faites ça?
You know, Rob, there is one thing you forgot to do today.
Rob, tu as oublié une chose aujourd'hui.
I just sometimes figure, you know, maybe I do like the rich people do...
parfois je me dis que je devrais faire comme les riches...
Well, you need something right now, try some of the local sit-down restaurants we have around here, if you... you know, if you're willing to do food service...
Si c'est urgent, essayez un des restaurants des alentours, si vous acceptez de faire le service...
You don't know her like I do.
Vous ne la connaissez guère.
The law, gentlemen, as you know as well as I do, bends to the will of the man with the riches.
La loi, messieurs, comme vous le savez aussi bien que moi, se plie à la volonté de l'homme riche.
You know the man to do it.
L'homme qualifié est connu.
Perhaps you do not know yourself well enough.
Tu ne te connais peut-être pas assez.
Son, you do know why you need her in your life, don't you?
Fils, tu ne sais pas pourquoi tu as besoin d'elle?
Because instead of really doing that exploration with me, I now know you'd just be using me to make yourself feel better about what you wanted to do in the first place.
Car au lieu d'approfondir, tu vas m'utiliser pour te sentir mieux sur ce que tu voulais faire en premier.
What do you want to know about Black Jack?
Que veux-tu savoir sur Black Jack?
do you know me 118
do you know what that's like 19
do you know who i am 370
do you know what i mean 247
do you know him 567
do you know it 175
do you know her 291
do you know where it is 69
do you know what it means 35
do you know what 449
do you know what that's like 19
do you know who i am 370
do you know what i mean 247
do you know him 567
do you know it 175
do you know her 291
do you know where it is 69
do you know what it means 35
do you know what 449