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I believe her traducir francés

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Yes, I believe her when she says Gary didn't make a move on her.
Très bien, disons que Gary ne l'a pas draguée.
I believe her.
Je la crois.
- I believe her name was Ginger.
Ginger, il me semble.
I didn't, and I don't believe her.
Je ne l'ai pas crue alors. Je ne la crois pas maintenant.
However, when my relationship with her grew, she ceased her spying on their behalf, and I believe they killed her for it.
Néanmoins, nos liens s'étant approfondis, elle a cessé de m'espionner pour eux, et je crois qu'ils l'ont tuée à cause de cela.
I do not believe she feels the same about me as she does about her other lovers. You got what you wanted from her.
Ses sentiments pour moi sont différents.
When my father first told me of the nature of her liason with Dominic Vizakna I could not believe she was capable of such decadence.
Lorsque mon père me narra la nature du lien entre elle et Dominic Vizakna, je fus ébahi de la savoir si décadente.
All I know is whatever she was, whatever crime she might have been guilty of. I loved her deeply, and I believe she loved me.
Quoi qu'il en soit, quels qu'aient été ses crimes, je l'ai profondément aimée
If it is in Your power, God, to save her then I will believe in You for the rest of my days.
C'est en Votre pouvoir, Seigneur, de la soigner et je croirai en Vous pour le reste de mes jours.
I believe that this race is going to prove that her woman's intuition will only take her so far. Penny!
Moi, je crois que cette course va prouver que son intuition féminine ne la mènera pas bien loin.
If you don't believe me, go talk to her. She'll confirm everything I'm telling you.
Allez la voir, elle confirmera ce que je vous ai dit.
I can't believe she was still standing after Percy hit her with that frying pan.
Je ne peux pas croire qu'elle était toujours debout aprés que Percy l'a frappée avec la poele à frire.
Was I stupid to believe her?
- J'ai été bête de la croire? - Non.
But you can damn well believe that I'm calling Nash, and I'm gonna tell her.
Mais soyez sûr que j'appelerai Nash et que je lui dirai.
I don't believe her.
Qui va avaler ça?
I believe she's in her 20s, but she says she's 17, because perverts seem to get off on that kind of thing.
Elle a la vingtaine, mais prétend avoir 17 ans. Les pervers aiment bien ça, apparemment.
I can't believe Agent Reese kept her involvement from us for this long.
Quand je pense que l'agent Reese nous a caché ça.
Isn't it enough that Katia broke her leg? I can't believe it!
Ca vous suffit pas que Katia se soit pété la jambe?
It's her I don't believe. I never did.
Mais elle, je ne l'ai jamais crue.
I just stupidly thought that the people who loved her would actually believe she's innocent.
Je pensais naïvement que les gens qui l'aimaient Croiraient en son innocence.
I didn't even tell her anything about it, believe me.
Je n'ai même pas su quoi lui dire.
I want to stay with her. Believe.
Je veux être à ses côtés. "
Eric Northman, the queen's sheriff of Area 5 has been selling vampire blood and I believe it is at her behest.
Eric Northman, le shérif de la zone 5, a vendu du V. Selon moi, sur injonction de la reine.
I just can't believe you're going out there To dance on her grave like this.
J'arrive pas à croire que tu ailles là-bas danser sur sa tombe comme ça.
I do, because I choose to believe her.
Oui, parce que j'ai choisi de la croire.
I believe your wife called it off, and you called off telling her that you weren't calling it off.
Votre femme si, et vous avez renoncé à lui dire que vous non.
I believe I had mentioned there was something... Out of the norm about her.
Je pense avoir mentionné qu'elle avait quelque chose d'anormal.
I can't believe I trusted her.
Dire que je l'ai crue.
- I'm saying you were right to believe her.
- C'est réussi! Je dis que vous aviez raison de la croire.
- I can't believe this! - We fucking shared her!
On la partageait!
I tried to tell her the truth, but she didn't believe me, so I let her believe what she wanted.
J'ai essayé de lui dire la vérité, mais elle m'a pas cru alors je lui ai dit ce qu'elle voulait entendre
Do you trust her? I believe she wants to make amends.
- Elle veut se racheter.
because I believe in her.
Car je crois en elle.
But I guess I'm asking for you to believe in her, too.
Mais je vous demande de croire en elle, vous aussi.
And I believe what's best for Lisa is that she put all of this behind her.
Et je pense que le mieux pour Lisa, c'est d'oublier tout ça.
And I'd believe her over you.
Et c'est elle que je crois.
Closer to her heart. I can't believe nate's finally coming home tomorrow.
J'arrive pas à croire que Nate revienne enfin demain.
She just texted me from your phone and said she left her phone at home and that I should come here immediately. And why did I believe that?
Elle a envoyé un texto avec ton portable pour dire que le sien était chez elle et que je devais venir, et pourquoi j'y ai cru?
I can't believe Dennis York is back in our lives and Holly almost sold him her shares of Ojai Foods.
Je n'en reviens pas que Dennis York refasse surface et qu'Holly lui ait presque vendu ses parts d'Ojaï Foods.
But I'm not gonna let her get wiped out. I can't believe this.
Une fois calmés, ils regretteront de l'avoir vendue.
- yeah, I believe her.
- moi aussi.
I mean, I can really see myself being with her for as long as I can keep making her believe I'm Dave Grohl's brother.
Je me vois vraiment avec elle aussi longtemps qu'elle croira que je suis le frère de Dave Grohl.
I can't believe we were so close to her!
Je n'en reviens pas, nous étions si près d'elle!
I can't believe that you involved my daughter in this, and you got her to lie.
Je n'arrive pas à croire que vous ayez impliqué ma fille là-dedans et que vous l'ayez fait mentir.
I can't believe I slapped her.
Je l'ai giflée.
I can't believe I believed her.
Dire que je l'ai crue.
I just can't believe I talked to this person and told her things and had real conversations with her about life and, you know, feelings.
Je ne peux pas croire que je lui ai dit des choses et que j'ai eu de vraies conversations avec elle sur la vie et les sentiments.
I can't believe you're going to Atlantic City And leaving me alone with her all weekend.
Dire que tu m'abandonnes pour passer le week-end à Atlantic City!
In fact, I believe Tripp mentioned her next of kin being out of state.
Je crois que Tripp a dit que sa famille était hors de l'État.
Oh, I wouldn't believe her nice old lady act if I were you.
Oh, je ne croirais pas à son rôle de gentille vieille dame si j'étais toi.
I don't know. I don't believe her.
Je ne sais pas.

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