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You're having fun traducir francés

540 traducción paralela
My, how time flies when you're having fun.
Ce que le temps passe quand on s'amuse.
You're having a lot of fun, aren't you, Rusty?
Tu t'amuses beaucoup, hein, Rusty?
All you're interested in... is having fun with windmills and hotel bathrooms.
Vous ne pensez qu'à jouer dans les moulins et les salles de bain.
You're not having any fun here.
Tu ne t'amuses pas ici.
My, how time flies when you're having fun.
Mon Dieu, le temps passe vite quand on s'amuse.
- It certainly is. It's been over ten years since you quit over that accident, and now you're here having fun with everyone.
Plus de 10 ans ont passé depuis votre démission due à l'accident.
You're just having fun with me.
Vous vous moquez de moi.
Do you think they're having too much fun to sail for the States?
S'amuseraient-ils trop pour rentrer aux États-Unis?
Either you come dragging home too tired to talk to me, or you're having fun with some dancer in San Francisco.
Ou tu rentres à la maison trop fatigué pour me parler... ou tu vas t'amuser à San Francisco avec une danseuse.
No, because you're having fun.
Parce que tu t'amuses.
They sent you to learn, and you're having fun!
On t'envoie apprendre, et toi tu t'amuses!
If you're giving your ego a workout having a fling- - Hmm--Have fun, but dishonesty?
Si ton ego a besoin de se prouver quelque chose........ mais au moins soit honnête!
- Are you having fun? - We're making out.
On s'amuse.
É know the fun you're having.
Vous vous amusez follement.
I know you're having a whole lot of fun so I won't stay around and be a wet blanket.
Je sais que vous vous amusez bien, alors je ne vais pas rester et être un rabat-joie.
Look at you. You're having more fun than you ever had in your life.
Vous vous amusez plus que jamais.
You're not having fun?
- Tu ne t'amuses pas? - Non.
You're here amongst many young people dancing and having fun. Do you feel you are like them or different from them, inside you?
Toi qui es parmi tous ces jeunes qui s'amusent et qui dansent, tu te sens comme eux ou différent, au fond de toi?
I don't mind you having fun but remember you're representing the store...
Je veux bien que vous vous amusiez, mais vous représentez le magasin...
You're having fun here
Je vois que vous êtes de bonne humeur!
Unless you carry on like a hyena you're not having fun.
Si on ne ricane pas comme une hyène, on ne s'amuse pas.
What do you care about money or respect? As long as you're on the streets, having fun.
Tu n'as que faire de l'argent et du respect tant que tu cours les rues.
You're having fun.
Tu t'éclates.
Hello, there, you're having fun. Let me join you. Well, uh...
Je peux jouer avec vous?
You're having fun.
- Ne vous gênez pas.
Discipline's OK as long as you're having fun.
La discipline, c'est bien, tant qu'on aime faire les choses.
Does it really matter, as long as you're having fun?
Peu importe, si cela vous amuse!
If you're not having fun, go home and play with yourself. Kiss my ass.
Si tu t'emmerdes, rentre chez toi- - te branler la queue.
You're having fun, and so am I. Come here!
Tu t'amuses et moi aussi. Viens ici!
I hate thinking you're having fun without me.
Et ça m'agace, de penser que tu déconnes sans moi.
Well, as long as you're having fun in it.
Si ça t'amuse de jouer avec ça.
- Time flies when you're having fun.
- Le temps file quand on s'amuse.
You're having fun, jerk?
Tu t'amuses, hein?
- You two look like you're having fun.
- Vous vous amusez bien, on dirait.
Longinus. You're not having any fun.
Longinus, tu ne t'amuses pas!
You're having fun with the dogs.
Tu ne t'amuses qu'avec les chiens.
- It looks like you're having a lot of fun.
- Dis donc, Eddie, c'est pas la joie!
He's not having the fun you're talking about, laughing and giggling and running barefoot through fields.
Il ne s'amuse pas comme tu l'entends en riant bêtement et en courant pieds nus dans les champs.
You're having fun now, right?
Tu te marres bien, maintenant, hein?
Well, time flies when you're having fun.
C'est pas tout ça, il faut que je me tire.
While you're having fun, time goes by fast.
Le temps passe vite, quand on s'amuse.
- This was for you. You're not having fun.
- Ce sont tes vacances...
- If you're having fun, I'm having fun.
- Si tu t'éclates, moi aussi.
What's wrong? You're not having fun? You said to go on a picnic.
- Tu as l'air triste, ça ne va pas?
Now, tell me you're not having just a little bit of fun.
Maintenant, dis-moi si on s'amuse pas.
I'll bet you're having fun in the fraternity, huh?
Je parie que tu t'amuses dans la fraternité.
Sounds like you're having fun.
On s'amuse bien on dirait.
I'm sorry to bother you when you're having fun...
Pardon de vous déranger.
Max, maybe you're having too much fun.
N'en fais quand même pas trop.
You're taking Steve to ball games, having fun, high-fives all over the place.
T'arrête pas de l'emmener partout, vous vous amusez et tout.
I see time as a constant, whereas humans perceive time as flexible, hence the expression "Time flies when you're having fun", which until now has always confused me.
Le temps est pour moi une constante, tandis qu'il est flexible pour vous. D'où l'expression "Le temps passe vite quand on s'amuse". Je ne l'avais jamais comprise jusqu'à présent.

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