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Away with you traducir portugués

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None. You're letting your paranoia run away with you, Sheriff.
- Deixe a sua paranóia, xerife.
I've just told you I'm being fired, and the first thing you ask... is if I'd allow you to take some priceless artifacts... away with you on holiday.
Acabei, de dizer que estou a ser demitido, e a primeira coisa que tu perguntas... é se eu lhe permitisse tomar alguns artefatos inestimáveis... para levar embora contigo, no feriado.
Do you honestly think I'd have got away with this if anyone else gave a shit about you, Christine?
Achas que tinha conseguido fazer isto se alguém quisesse saber de ti?
Yeah, I did it, I got away with it, too bad you're not. So move on to the next question.
" Boa, consegui, safei-me, é pena não terem conseguido.
You'll never get away with this.
Você nunca se vai safar desta.
You're not getting away with this.
Não te vais safar desta!
I followed you down here because I knew if I didn't... it was likely somebody was gonna get away with murder.
Segui-o até aqui porque sabia que, de contrário, alguém se ia safar com um homicídio.
You'll never get away with this, Dave.
Nunca te vais safar desta, Dave.
You finally meet a girl that you like... and she likes you, and then some douchebag comes around... and says that you can't be with her... and your first thought is to run away?
Finalmente, encontraste uma rapariga de quem gostas... e ela gosta de ti, e depois um idiota qualquer aparece... e diz-te que tu não podes ficar com ela... e o teu primeiro pensamento é querer fugir?
See her, love her, but you'll never get her, not even with all that black money you've got tucked away in your bank vaults.
Veja-a, ame-a, mas nunca a terá. Nem mesmo com todo o dinheiro sujo que tem guardado nos seus cofres.
Listen, how do you kill somebody aboard a crowded plane and get away with it?
Como se mata alguém num avião e se safa, hein?
So your mom moved away over the summer break... but the two of you moved in with your aunt... because she still lives in this school district?
Então, a vossa mãe ausentou-se para vérias mas vocês as duas mudaram-se para cá com a vossa tia porque ela ainda continua a viver no distrito da escola?
Get away from me with that, you fool!
Tira-me isso da frente, parvo!
I don't think you'll get away with it twice.
Acho que não se vai safar duas vezes.
I want you to go there, gather up the family, anybody with the name of Saphire, make'em go away.
Eu quero que voce va la, reunir a família, Qualquer pessoa com o nome de safira, faze-los ir embora.
Because you know how I get carried away with all the colors...
Porque... sabes, deixei-me levar pelas cores...
You won't get away with this.
Não te vais safar desta.
You won't get away with this!
Não vais conseguir acabar comigo!
You come up with something that blows Callaghan away, you're in.
Se levares algo que impressione o Callaghan, entras.
If we're to get away with this, you've got to keep up appearances.
Se queremos que isto resulte, tens de manter as aparências.
I won't let you get away with this.
Não vou deixá-lo safar-se disto.
And I would have gotten away with it too... if it weren't for you meddling kids and your game-crazy dog.
E teria escapado com ele, se não fossem estes miúdos metediços e este cão maluco!
Edward.. i'm so so sorry you're gonna come with us now away from all of these
Tu vens connosco agora, pra longe de tudo.
Since you went away. I've been in business with some guys. It's...
Desde que te foste embora, tenho feito negócios com uns tipos... que usam serras elétricas.
Just do whatever faggy shit you want with your Cub Scout buddies, but keep the fuck away from us!
Não faças aqui as tuas mariquices!
And if you think for a second I'm letting you get away with it, then you're really as pathetic as I thought you were.
Se pensas por algum segundo que te vais safar disto, és ainda mais patético do que aquilo que pensei.
Are you going to hide away, or maybe crawl under your duvet and watch "Bridget Jones Part Two" with some white Maltesers?
Vais esconder-te ou talvez rastejar para debaixo dos cobertores e ver a "Bridget Jones Parte Dois" com uns Maltesers brancos?
If I could guarantee that you'd get away with it would you kill him?
Se pudesse garantir que te safavas matá-lo-ias?
And if I could guarantee you that you'd get away with it.
E se pudesse garantir-te que te safavas,
You can do whatever you want and I guarantee you you'll get away with it.
Podes fazer-lhe o que quiseres e garanto-te que te safas.
But going back, there's no way you can tell me that Molly is not going away with another man, especially when her grandmother specifically said she was not going out of town.
Mas voltando atrás, não há forma de me conseguires dizer que a Molly não vai para fora com outro homem, especialmente quando a avó dela disse especificamente que não ia para fora.
You won't get away with it.
Não te safas desta.
If you came on board..... you could be walking away with a few hundred grand.
Se participares... Podes ir embora com alguns milhares de dólares.
Do people really let you get away with being you.
As pessoas toleram que seja como é?
You can't let'em get away with shit like that.
Não podes deixá-lo safar-se assim.
It's just a few blocks away. I can walk with you.
Fica só a umas ruas daqui.
- Would you go away with me?
Queres ir comigo?
Were you gonna let them get away with treating you like that?
Ías fugir ou deixá-los tratarem-te assim?
If you really want to kill people... and you really want to get away with it, then you need to do a little research.
Se realmente queres matar pessoas... e tu realmente queres continuar, precisas de pesquisar.
You won't get away with this!
Tu não vais conseguir acabar com isto!
That you will not get away with.
- Não vai se safar disto. - Entre.
You count thee away with this?
Julgas que te safas com isto?
I know you planned this whole thing, you won't get away with it.
Sei que foste tu quem planeou isto!
I won't let you get away with this, Ivan!
Não vais escapar dessa, Ivan
How dare you throw away the beautiful gifts you were born with!
Como te atreves a desperdiçar os dons com que nasceste?
Every second that you sit there is another second Tuckey has to get away with all that cash.
Cada segundo que ficas ai sentado é outro segundo que o Tuckey tem para fugir com o dinheiro.
I think you felt compelled to let everyone on this island know that in this place, no one fucks with you and gets away with it.
E eu acho que te sentiste obrigada, a deixar saber, a toda a gente desta Ilha, que neste sítio, ninguém goza contigo, e se fica a rir.
You gonna let him get away with that?
Vais deixá-lo safar-se com essa?
You allowed the elders to send your only daughter away with nowhere to go.
Permitiu que os anciãos expulsassem a sua única filha sem ter para onde ir.
And my ace in the hole, so to speak, was that... Even if the worst had happened and Aunt Vanessa had sadly passed away, you could always put me in touch with her in the spirit world, and that...
E o meu trunfo, por assim dizer, era que, se o pior acontecesse e a tia Vanessa falecesse, a Sophie podia pôr-me em contacto com ela no Além e isso...
Use the words "national security" and you could get away with anything.
Usa-se as palavras "segurança nacional" e tudo se consegue.

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