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Detective wells traducir portugués

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Detective Wells was able to examine the scene briefly.
A Detetive Wells foi capaz de examinar o local rapidamente.
Look, Detective Wells, was it?
Veja bem, Detective. Wells, não é?
Detective, don't mind me dropping in, but that seems to be the way you roll.
Detective Wells, espero que não se importe de eu entrar assim, mas parece ser o jeito que gosta.
Detective Wells and I are developing a nice working relationship.
Acho que eu e a Detective Wells estamos a desenvolver uma boa relação.
This is Detective Wells.
- Essa é a Detetive Wells.
Good job, guys. It was nice working with you again, Detective Wells.
Estava pagando o Fox como parte de uma longa troca de identidade?
Detective Wells, your testimony is that, while acting as an undercover police officer, you allegedly purchased illegal narcotics - from my client.
Detective Wells, o seu testemunho é que, enquanto agindo como uma agente à paisana, alegadamente comprou narcóticos ilegais do meu cliente.
What was juror seven wearing at that time, Detective Wells?
O que trazia o júri sete vestido nessa altura, Detective Wells?
Ah, Detective Wells, Bob Conti, I'm Chief of Staff here at the hospital, and...
Detetive Wells, sou o Bob Conti, chefe de equipa do hospital e...
Lieutenant Burns and Detective Wells have already taken her into custody.
O Tenente Burns e a Detetive Wells já levaram a prisioneira embora.
- Did you see detective Wells?
- Viu a detetive Wells?
Detective Wells, Pemberton Ward.
Detetive Wells, Pemberton Ward.
Detective Wells?
Detetive Wells?
I look forward to meeting you, Detective Wells. " 
Estou ansiosa para encontra-me, consigo detective Wells.
This is my partner, Detective Wells.
Esta é a minha parceira, Detective Wells.
Detective Wells,
Detective Wells,
Detective Wells, I've been expecting you.
Detective Wells, estava a sua espera.
Detective Wells, you're suspended.
Detective Wells, está suspensa.
Detective Wells, I'm gonna need your shield and your service weapon.
Detective Wells, vou precisar do seu distintivo e da sua arma de serviço.
Look, Detective Wells...
- Ouça, Detective Wells...
Sure. Jake, this is Lieutenant Burns and Detective Wells.
Jake, este é o tenente Burns e a detective Wells.
This is Lieutenant Burns and Detective Wells.
Este e o tenente Burns e a detective Wells. Estão a investigar a morte da Suzanne.
Detective Wells, depending on the poison and the dosage, you'll feel strong, and then weak, and then strong again ;
- Detective Wells, dependendo do veneno e da dose, vai sentir-se forte, depois fraca, depois forte novamente, mas, sem tratamento, esse processo continua a vir e a ir.
Excuse me, I'm looking for Detective Wells.
Desculpem, estou a procura da detective Wells.
Detective Wells, I know that my husband may seem a bit gruff.
Detective Wells, sei que o meu marido pode parecer um pouco rude.
Detective Wells, I'm Lieutenant Burns.
Detective Wells, sou o Tenente Burns.
- Hello Detective Wells.
- Olá, Detective Wells.
Thank you Detective Wells.
Obrigado, Detective Wells.
I'm looking for Detective Wells.
Procuro a Detective Wells.
We have Lieutenant Burns and Detective Wells.
Temos o tenente Burns e a detective Wells.
Detective Wells, I'm Sandra Russo, your new captain.
Detective Wells, Sandra Russo, a sua nova capitã.
We just got this email to Major Crimes directed to Detective Wells from the medical examiner's office regarding a certain Michael Liu. What's that?
Recebemos este email para os Grandes Crimes, dirigido à detective Wells, da médica forense relativamente a um certo Michael Liu.
Detective Wells, we haven't had the pleasure, but your reputation precedes you.
Detective Wells. Ainda não tivemos o prazer. Mas a sua reputação precede-a.
Detective Wells, this is a surprise.
Detective Wells, mas que surpresa!
You mentioned doctor wells might have had something to do
Só parecia o Detective Thawne.
John Mayne, USMC " " So, the P.I. knew Wells was Mayne.
Então, o detective particular sabia que Wells era Mayne.
Detective Wells remembers passing Ramon Garza as he left the crime scene.
A Detetive Wells lembra-se de passar por Ramon Garza quando da sua saída da cena do crime.
Detective Wells.
Olá. Uh, Carr...
No, actually I'm a homicide detective. Carrie Wells.
Não, na verdade, sou detetive dos Homicídios.
Have you secured Mr. Wells, Detective?
O Sr. Wells está seguro, Detective?
Lieutenant Al Burns, Detective Carrie Wells.
Tenente Al Burns, Detective Carrie Wells.
Detective Carrie Wells, Mr. Shiomi.
Detective Carrie Wells, Sr.Shiomi.
Lieutenant Al Burns. Detective Carrie Wells.
- Detective Carrie Wells.
Carrie Wells. Detective?
Carrie Wells.
Hi, can I speak with Detective Teddy Wells please?
Olá, posso falar com o Detective Teddy Wells, por favor?
"Carrie Wells, detective extraordinaire for the Major Crimes Unit of the NYPD..."
"Carrie Wells, detective extraordinária " da Unidade de Combate ao Crime da Polícia de N. I... "
"Detective Al Burns, Wells'strapping partner, a modern day Gary Cooper"...
"Detective Al Burns, o robusto parceiro da Wells, " o Gary Cooper moderno "...
Well, Detective Burns and Wells may have linked Philippe Huet to both murders.
Os detectives Burns e Wells podem ter ligado Philippe Huet aos dois homicídios.
Chris, agent Wells, this is detective mims.
Chris, Agente Wells, este e o Detetive Mims.
Take this beauty, Carrie Wells, former detective.
Por exemplo, esta beldade, Carrie Wells, antiga detective.
This is Detective Carrie Wells.
É a detective Carrie Wells.

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