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Detective sergeant traducir portugués

261 traducción paralela
Miss O'Shaughnessy, Lieutenant Dundy and Detective Sergeant Polhaus.
Miss O'Shaughnessy, Tenente Dundy e o Detective Sargento Polhaus.
Detective Sergeant Monroney.
Detetive sargento Monroney.
Oh, this is Detective Sergeant Singer, from New York.
Oh, este é Detetive Sargento Singer de Nova Iorque.
Detective Sergeant Frederic Wilson.
Detective Sargento Frederick Wilson.
Detective Sergeant Wilson.
Este é o Detective Sargento Wilson.
Detective Sergeant Tarrant, is his name.
O sargento-detective Towne.
Andrew. is it all right if I introduce Detective Sergeant Tarrant and Constable Higgs?
Andrew, posso apresentar o detective Towne e o agente Hicks?
And one of them, Detective Sergeant Tarrant, yes, he's real.
Um deles, o sargento Towne... Sim, ele é real.
Detective Sergeant Jennifer Thatcher, sir, Scotland Yard.
Sargento Detective Jennifer Thatcher. Da Scotland Yard.
Detective Sergeant Eugene Moretti, asshole!
Sargento Eugene Moretti, babaca!
This is Detective Sergeant Eugene Moretti.
Aqui é o detetive Sargento Eugene Moretti.
I'm Detective Sergeant Volpe.
Sou o sargento detective Volpe.
If I were a detective sergeant trapped in this room all day, I'd do everything in my power to seek out that one investigation
Se eu fosse um sargento-detetive, enfurnado o dia todo nessa sala... faria de tudo para encontrar uma investigação...
I'm Detective Sergeant Melkowitz, Narcotics.
Sou o Sarg. detetive Melkowitz. Narcóticos.
Of detective sergeant Danny Quintz.
Sargento-Detective Danny Quintz.
Detective Sergeant Chan to see Miss Wong.
Detetive Chan, para ver a Sra. Wong.
I'm Detective Sergeant Gallagher, Chicago Police Department.
Sou o Detective Sargento Gallagher, Polícia de Chicago.
This is my partner, Detective Sergeant Ridzik.
Este é meu parceiro, Detective Sargento Ridzik.
Detective Sergeant.
Sargento Detective.
Internal Affairs. Detective Sergeant Goodhart.
Assuntos Internos, Sargento Detective Goodhart.
Detective Sergeant Bauer, I'd like to report a multiple murder.
Sargento Bauer. Quero denunciar um múltiplo assassinato.
Detective Sergeant Bridger, NYPD.
Sargento detective Bridger, NYPD.
- Detective Sergeant in six months.
- Sargento Detective em 6 meses.
I realize you're not a golfing man, Detective Sergeant but... the Association of Inspectors and Superintendents Annual Four Ball had to be cancelled today.
Eu sei que não é um homem do golfe, Detective sargento, mas o Quarto Baile da Associação de Inspectores e Superintendentes teve de ser cancelado hoje.
Do you understand the importance of this, Detective Sergeant? Well, I do now, sir.
- Compreende a importância disto, Detective-Sargento?
I'll tell you something, Detective Sergeant... I will not have the reputation of the Garda... brought into disrepute by these shenanigans.
Vou-lhe dizer uma coisa, Detective-Sargento, não quero que a reputação da GARDA, seja prejudicada por estes eventos.
I'm Detective Sergeant Zat.
Sou o detective Zat.
This is Detective Sergeant Tellis.
Ele é o sargento Tellis.
Detective sergeant Svenson believes you are in possession of material connecting you to the heists
A detective acredita que você tem material que o liga aos assaltantes.
This is Detective Sergeant Troy. And I need to talk to you.
E preciso de falar consigo.
Present, Detective Chief Inspector William Bell and Detective Sergeant Mark Cheweski
Presentes, o Detective Chefe Inspector William Bell e o Detective Sargento Mark Cheweski.
I'm Detective Inspector Webster. This is Detective Sergeant Vickers and W.P.C. Best.
Este é o Detetive Vickers... e esta é a Oficial Best.
Oh, I'm sorry. This is Detective Sergeant Scott.
Desculpem, este é o sargento Scott.
Sergeant Holcomb, another detective and Sam Meeker.
Sargento Holcomb, outro detetive e Sam Meeker.
Will the sergeant at arms call detective Myers, please?
O sargento de serviço chame o detetive Myers, por favor?
Did Sergeant O'Keefe explain what this American wanted? Yes, I got the message.
O Sargento O'Keefe explicou o que o detective queria?
Sergeant Howie, I think that... you are supposed to be the detective here.
Sargento Howie, supõe-se que você... é aqui o detective.
Detective Munafo, Sergeant Fox.
Detective Munafo, Sargento Fox.
I'm Sergeant Taggart and this is my partner, Detective Rosewood.
Sargento Taggart. O meu colega, Detective Rosewood.
Believing a felony was in progress, Sergeant Taggart joined Rosewood, with Detective Foley present only as an observer, and proceeded to enter the grounds.
Suspeitando dum crime, o Taggart juntou-se ao Rosewood, estando o Detective Foley presente apenas como observador, e entraram no local.
You sergeant detective was then.
Você era o detetive, então.
My name is Sergeant Frank Drebin, Detective Lieutenant, Police Squad.
Sou o sargento Frank Drebin, detective, Esquadrão de Polícia.
Sergeant? Inspector?
I'm Sergeant Detective Della Pesca.
Sou o Sargento-Detective Della Pesca.
Desk sergeant just got a call for a Sex Crimes detective at the 96th Street IRT.
- Sim? Ligaram a pedir um detective para um crime sexual na 96th St.
DETECTIVE : Sergeant Miller!
Sargento Miller!
Thank you, Sergeant Perry, Detective Keough.
Obrigado, sargento Perry, detetive Keough.
Your pay cheque may say "sergeant," but on this detail, Detective Greggs runs your team.
O cheque do salário pode dizer "sargento", mas, neste destacamento, é a Detective Greggs que dirige a equipa.
Detective Sanchez, sergeant Gabriel, if there's anything even remotely interesting in this house, i want it in the murder room.
Detective Sanchez, Sargento Gabriel, se houver aqui algo remotamente interessante, quero-a na sala do crime.
And... keep sergeant Gabriel informed of your progress... because we need to focus on progress... lady and gentlemen.
E mantenham o detective Gabriel informado do vosso progresso. Porque temos de nos focarmos nisso, senhora e senhores.
Thank you, sergeant. Detective.
Obrigada, Sargento.

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