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Detective burkhardt traducir portugués

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I'm Detective Griffin.. this is detective Burkhardt.
Sou o Detetive Griffin. Este é o Detetive Burkhardt.
You can thank Detective Burkhardt.
Obrigado. Podem agradece-lo ao detective Burkhardt.
It's detective Burkhardt.
É o detective Burkhardt.
I'm Detective Burkhardt, this is Detective Griffin.
- Sou o Detetive Burkhardt. - Este é o Detetive Griffin.
I'm a friend of Detective Burkhardt's.
Sou amigo do Detetive Burkhardt.
Yeah, it's detective Burkhardt.
Sim é o Detetive Burkhardt.
Yeah, this is detective Burkhardt.
Sim, fala o detective Burkhardt.
This is Detective Burkhardt.
Fala o detective Burkhardt.
This is Detective Burkhardt from the Portland police department.
Fala o detective Burkhardt da policia de Portland.
I'm Detective Burkhardt.
Sou o detective Burkhardt.
This is Detective Burkhardt.
Fala o detective Burkhardt...
Detective Burkhardt, Portland pd.
Detective Burkhardt, policia de Portland.
Hi, I'm Detective Burkhardt.
Olá, sou o detective Burkhardt.
Oh, by the way, I liked your Detective Burkhardt.
A propósito gostei do seu detective Burkhardt.
Detective Burkhardt.
Detective Burkhardt.
- I need to know what Adalind did.
Por que se importa com a namorada do detective Burkhardt?
It was to Detective Burkhardt's cell phone. It lasted 27 seconds.
Foi para o detetive Burkhardt.
We have reason to believe Detective Burkhardt is involved in the murder of two federal agents.
- O que está acontecendo? Acreditamos que o detective Burkhardt está envolvido no assassinato dos 2 agentes.
Yeah, this is Detective Burkhardt.
É o Det. Preciso de uma identificação, de um no de telefone de Washington. Burkhardt.
Jarold, this is Detective Burkhardt, my partner. Nick...
Jarold, detective Burkhardt, o meu parceiro.
Yeah, this is Detective Burkhardt.
Sim, fala o detective Burkhardt.
- I'm Detective Burkhardt.
- Sou o detective Burkhardt.
Detective Burkhardt!
Detective Burkhardt!
Uh, Det... Detective Burkhardt.
Detective Burkhardt.
Do you suggest we simply walk into the police station, ask for Detective Burkhardt, and cut off his head?
Estás a sugerir que simplesmente entramos na esquadra da policia, perguntamos pelo detect. Burkhardt, e cortamos a cabeça dele?
Detective Burkhardt and Griffin, Portland P.D.
Detectives Burkhardt e Griffin, da policia de Portland.
Why do you care what happens to detective Burkhardt's girlfriend?
Por que se importa com a namorada do detetive Burkhardt?
Detective Burkhardt?
- Detetive Burkhardt?
Detective Burkhardt?
Detetive Burkhardt? Sou a Jess Reilly.
- Um, Detective Burkhardt?
- Detetive Burkhardt?
Who are you? I'm Detective Burkhardt, ma'am, with the Portland police.
Sou o Detetive Burkhardt, minha senhora, com a Polícia de Portland.
Detective Burkhardt, Detective Griffin.
Burkhardt e Det. Griffin.
Detective Burkhardt, Detective Griffin, Portland police.
Burkhardt e Griffin, Polícia de Portland.
- This is Detective Burkhardt.
- Quê? - Aqui é o Det. Burkhardt.
I'm Detective Burkhardt, and this is Detective Griffin.
Sou o detective Burkhardt, e este é o detective Griffin.
This is Detective Burkhardt. Where are you?
- Aqui é o Detective Burkhardt.
- Yes? I'm Detective Burkhardt.
Sou o Detetive Burkhardt.
- It's Detective Burkhardt.
- Quem é? - É o Detetive Burkhardt.
I'm expecting Detective Burkhardt to show up there.
Fala o Detetive Griffin. Estou à espera que o Detetive Burkhardt apareça aí.
Do not let Detective Burkhardt leave.
O Capitão está a caminho. Não deixe o Detetive Burkhardt sair daí.
This is Detective Burkhardt.
Sou o Detective Burkhardt.
This is Detective Burkhardt.
Este é o detective Burkhardt.
Why do you care what happens to Detective Burkhardt's girlfriend?
Juliette está em grande perigo, Nick, e não temos muito tempo.
Detectives Griffin and Burkhardt.
- Podemos ser úteis. Tudo bem, detective.
Detective Nick Burkhardt.
O detective Nick Burkhardt.
If it pleases the lodge, I would like to introduce Detective Nicholas Burkhardt of the Portland police department, and I'm proud to say, my friend.
Se o Abrigo permitir, gostaria de apresentar o detective Nicholas Burkhardt da divisão da policia de Portland, e com orgulho o digo, também um bom amigo meu.
This is Detective Nick Burkhardt.
Fala o detective Nick Burkhardt.
Is this Detective Nick Burkhardt?
- É o detective Nick Burkhardt?
I'm calling from Portland. Are you the Detective that investigated my name is the 1994e Silverton that involved the deaths of Kelly and Reed Burkhardt?
É o detective que investigou um acidente de carro, em 1994, que envolveu as mortes de Kelly e Reed Burkhardt?
Detectives Nick Burkhardt and Hank Griffin, this is Detective Valentina Espinosa of Albuquerque.
Os detetives Nick Burkhardt e Hank Griffin. É a detetive Valentina Espinosa, de Albuquerque.
Detective Welch, prior to Jen Cole's murder... Did you know Rusty Berkhart socially?
Detective Welch, antes do homicídio da Jen Cole... você convivia socialmente com o Rusty Burkhardt?

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