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I just think that traducir portugués

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No, I just think that we should go back down to the ground instead of being unresponsible.
Não, só acho que devíamos voltar ao invés de sermos irresponsáveis.
I just think that you were...
Só acho que estavas...
I think the difference is that now you can't make companies like that per-se you can't have companies that just like
Acho que a diferença é que, agora, não se podem fazer empresas, como o Doc dizia. Não podemos ter empresas que só...
I think you should always be questioning, you know, I take this very scientific attitude that everything you've learned is just provisional that, you know, is always open to recantation or refutation or questioning
Acho que devemos questionar sempre. Assumo uma atitude muito científica de que tudo o que aprendemos é só provisório, está sempre aberto a retratação ou refutação ou questionamento e acho que o mesmo se aplica à sociedade.
I definetly should have understood that he was flirting with me I think just to some degree I was like
Devia ter percebido que ele estava a namoriscar comigo, acho que, em certa medida, pensei :
I think it was just that sense of, kind of, being a little bit embattled that the song has umm... and it also had like this hopefulness too.
Acho que era aquela sensação de ter de estar sempre a lutar que a música tem. E também tinha uma certa esperança.
And I think what was driving the prosecution was the sense that Swartz was committed not just to breaking the law but really making sure that law was nullified.
Pode ir-se ao Congresso, como Swartz fez tão magistralmente com a SOPA ou pode violar-se essa lei de forma a tentar anulá-la e acho que o que estava a guiar a acusação era a sensação de que Swartz estava empenhado não só em infringir a lei, mas em certificar-se de que a lei seria anulada.
You just didn't think that I would see them?
Apenas pensaste que eu não as veria?
I think you just have to be honest with him and tell him that you would love to be his best man, but it's obviously just not worth the risk.
Acho que deves ser sincero com ele e dizer que adoravas ser o padrinho, mas... Isso, obviamente, não vale a pena o risco.
You think that I just have a magic wand that will make this go away?
Acham que eu tenho uma varinha mágica que fará tudo isto desaparecer?
That guy you were with, he reminds me of someone so annoying, but I just can't think of who.
Aquele tipo com quem estavas, lembra-me alguém tão irritante, mas não consigo lembrar de quem.
I think you hear the word squid ink and you just assume that somehow...
Acho que ouviram a palavra tinta de lula e simplesmente assumiram que de alguma maneira...
I think I'll try to forget that just happened.
Acho que vou tentar esquecer o que aconteceu agora.
I just don't want her to think that we don't care.
Só quero que ela não pense que não nos importamos com ela.
The most incredible thing anyone ever said to me, I think, is that, "I feel oppressed just by the fact that you exist."
A coisa mais incrível que já me disseram, eu acho foi isso, "Eu sou oprimida pelo fato de que você existe"
At the end of the day, I'm just a fat guy standing here in front of a short guy telling him that... I think we found his tree.
No fim das contas sou só um tipo gordo à frente de um baixo a dizer-lhe que acho que encontrámos a sua árvore.
I like to think that I'm greener than I am, but maybe I just want the credit without doing all the hard work that you do.
Talvez queira ter os créditos sem ter o trabalho árduo que você tem.
I think the word has just become a symbolic issue for powerful groups that feel like they're doing the right thing.
Tornou-se uma palavra simbólica para grupos poderosos que julgam estar a fazer o acertado.
As much as I'd love to show the Wall what we think of her, there's just that little matter of tick, tick, boom!
Por mais que queira mostrar a ela o que pensamos dela, temos o pequeno problema da "tick, tick, bomba!".
I think that when someone sees a lot of really bad things, they just want to keep it inside.
Acho que quando alguém passa por várias coisas más, só querem manter isso dentro deles.
No, I'm not. I'm just saying I don't think he got the attention and care that he deserved when he got back home.
Só estou a dizer que não acho que ele tenha recebido a atenção e o carinho que merecia quando voltou.
I just don't think I like you being with someone that we've never met before.
Não gosto que saias com alguém que não conhecemos.
I think his accusers just assume that we shall find him guilty and confiscate his land.
Acho que os seus acusadores... Apenas supõem que devemos culpá-lo e confiscar as suas terras.
I think I just want to stay here, if that's ok.
se puder ser.
Did I really just hear you tell our son that you think he should get the surgery?
Eu ouvi tu a dizer-lhe que devia fazer a cirurgia?
I just think today, you know, seeing all of this, it just reminded me of her, the part of me that makes me feel so awful about myself.
Acho que hoje, vendo tudo isto, fez-me lembrar ela, a parte de mim que faz sentir-me tão mal comigo mesma.
I shouldn't care but I just think if if I could hear him say I'm sorry just once, that would be something, you know?
Eu não devia importar-me, mas... Apenas acho que se... Eu pudesse ouvi-lo dizer que lamenta...
I think we should be ready for these parents to do just that.
Devemos estar prontos para os pais que vão fazer isso.
Did you think that you could bully me into this and I'd just shuffle away and say, " Yes, sir.
Achou que me podia intimidar a fazer isso e eu afastar-me-ia e diria : " Sim, senhor.
I think he just wanted to share with you all that he's come to understand...
Acho que ele só queria partilhar contigo tudo o que ele tem vindo a entender.
Okay, I think you just need to talk to the guy who said all that. And he can clear it up for you.
Preciso que fales com o tipo que disse isso e ele vai esclarecer-te.
You think that I can't get us out of this situation, like I'm some kind of amateur. - Okay, look will you just shut up - I brought you into the profession.
- Podes calar-te um minuto?
Funny thing, though. Those are the songs that just get stuck in your head. "Ear worms", I think is what they call them.
Mas é curioso, essas músicas ficam no ouvido, são orelhudas.
Just off the top of my head, I can think of about 200 sailors on board this ship who'd like to try that out on you.
Sem pensar muito, lembro-me de mais de 200 marujos a bordo deste navio que gostariam de experimentá-lo em si.
- I think I got extra. - I think he meant your plan for your life... not just tonight. - No, that's -
- Acho que tenho produto a mais.
- Well I just want to go on record - I do not think That this is a good idea.
Não acho que seja uma boa ideia.
What was it about the conversation we just had that made you think I would want to work for you?
O que é que nesta conversa o fez pensar que eu trabalharia para si?
You may think that you called him on his scheme tonight, but I think it was just a test to see how well you play the game.
Podes pensar que o acompanhaste no esquema, hoje à noite, mas eu acho que foi apenas um teste, para ver quão bem jogas.
You know my history with the guy, and now you see that some of the theories he comes up with can be pretty out there, and I just don't think he'll be a good fit around here.
Sabe o meu histórico com ele e agora pode ver que algumas teorias dele podem bem rebuscadas, não acho que ele se ia encaixar bem aqui. Considere-o fora.
And I just don't think that my handsome 10 inches is worth the trouble.
E penso que os meus atraentes 25 cm não merecem o sarilho.
That's your choice. But I just think I could help.
A escolha é sua, mas... acho que posso ajudar.
But I think we should just leave it at that.
Mas, acho que devemos permanecer assim.
I'd like to think that they're just rumors, but I can't afford to take that chance.
Eu queria pensar que eram só rumores, mas não posso correr esse risco.
You may know, but s... sometimes I suspect that you think... I'm this uncooperative old bitch... who's just making all of this up.
Pode saber, mas às vezes suspeito que pensa que sou velha cabra que não coopera que está só a inventar isto.
She's got this guy, he's a junior, soccer captain, and he thinks he's God's gift, but I think that he's just taking her for granted...
Ela namora um rapaz, ele é mais velho, capitão da equipa de futebol, e acha-se um presente de Deus, mas acho que ele não lhe dá valor...
I think that you just want to leave like you always do. I think you got what you wanted this morning, and now...
Conseguiste o que querias esta manhã, e agora...
- You know, Cece, I can't help but think that I am just following another bad lead with this marketing thing.
- Cece, não consigo evitar pensar que apenas estou a seguir uma má direcção com isto do marketing.
I think you're going to find it's just a little bit more complicated than that, Special Agent.
Penso que o que irá encontrar é um pouco mais complicado que isso, agente especial.
Well, that's what we're trying to find out right now, but I think some are just concerned moms and citizens.
É o que estamos a tentar descobrir, penso que algumas são só mães e cidadãs preocupadas.
I think we should get out of here, though, because I just painted over some dude's shit and people get shot behind that.
Acho que devemos sair daqui pois eu fiz este grafite e as pessoas levam tiros por isso.
And, um, I know that we have plans this weekend, but Sam Landon was just assaulted in his apartment, and we think it was Tony Barnes.
Sei que temos planos para este fim-de-semana, mas o Sam Landon foi agredido no seu apartamento, e achamos que foi o Tony Barnes.

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