In his heart traducir ruso
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The shy young man suddenly began to talk without stopping. But emotion made him clumsy and he couldn't express the feelings bursting in his heart.
хотел что-то сказать... но, из-за нахлынувших эмоций, он стал косноязычным... и не смог выразить те чувства, что наполняли его сердце.
Shinkichi has accepted you in his heart.
Синкичи принял тебя в сердце своём.
But deep down in his heart, I think he was saying, "Goody."
Но в глубине сердца, я думаю, он говорил : "Святоша".
The Phooey remarks that for the world he has peace in his heart.
"В итоге, он заявляет, что всему миру он желает только добра."
"And all is well outside his cell, but in his heart, he hears the hangman calling and the gallows falling and his white-haired mother's tears."
"В клетке он давно, привык к темнице, но палач зовёт повисеть на улице". "Его мать седая рыдает, в небо душа улетает".
Like a man who's trying to convince himself of something he doesn't believe in his heart.
Человека, который убеждает себя в том, во что не верит в глубине души.
There was a band playing in his heart and the devil in his eyes.
Словно оркестр играл в его сердце, а дьявол в глазах.
His collateral is in his hands, in his heart, in his guts.
Его обеспечение в его руках, его сердце, его характере.
It must have its roots in his heart.
Он должен корениться в его сердце.
"The joy a mother feels at the smile of her baby is the same God feels each time he hears a sinner praying deep in his heart."
"Радость, которую испытывает мать пред улыбкой своего ребенка, такая же как радость Господа каждый раз, когда он слышит молитву глубоко искренне молящегося грешника."
That's what's in his heart.
Это то, что он чувствует.
He knew, in his heart... that she Wasn't going to get better.
В глубине сердца он уже тогда знал, что она никогда не поправится.
Each of you knows in his heart whether he deserves my thanks.
Каждый из вас в глубине своего сердца знает, насколько истинна эта благодарность.
But I say, paraphrasing a much more lofty and sacred text, "He who looks at a woman with desire has already sinned in his heart".
Но, перефразируя слова из Священного писания, скажу : глядя на женщину с вожделением,..
Bidault already has fashism in his heart.
У Бидо в сердце фашизм.
Memories burned in his heart.
Воспоминания жгли его сердце.
She's always in his heart?
Она всегда будет в его сердце?
"It is the impious fool who says in his heart there is no God."
Сказал безумец в сердце своем : Нет Бога.
He'll have only one desire in his heart.
Одержимый лишь одним желанием.
Grenade went off in practice. There's a piece in his heart.
Рванула граната, в сердце осколок.
But flowers, you, like, love,'cause they hold a special place in your heart and have been there forever, and stick balloons should just give up because he's wasting his time?
Но цветы ты любишь, потому что они занимают особое место в твоём сердце и были в нём всегда, и шарам нужно просто сдаться, потому что они тратят своё время?
"A drop of this in a man's drink will soften his heart at once."
"Одной капли в бокал вина хватит, чтоб сердце желанному растопить".
Thereupon the son took the sword, and stabbed it in his father's heart.
и убивает отца (? )
" Friends, I leave you today after a score of years in this church as a servant of the Lord, to whom I pray that he may let words of my mouth and troubled meditations of my heart be acceptable in his sight.
ƒрузь €, сегодн € € покидаю вас после двадцати лет, проведенных в этой церкви в качестве слуги Ѕожьего, коего € прошу : да будут слова уст моих и помышление сердца моего благоугодны пред " обою.
He really put his heart in it!
С какой любовью он относился к работе!
And I hereby decree that until what time if any, that I return the Scarecrow, by virtue of his highly superior brains shall rule in my stead assisted by the Tin Man, by virtue of his magnificent heart and the Lion, by virtue of his courage. Obey them as you would me. Thank you.
А пока, до специального указа, до момента моего возвращения, чучело, благодаря своим удивительным мозгам, будет править страной вместо меня, и ему будут помогать железный дровосек, который станет руководствоваться порывами своего волшебного сердца, и Лев, исполненный храбрости!
"Them children died of heart failure," he said. He put it down in his paper.
"Детишки скончались от остановки сердца" - вот что он в бумаге записал.
"it need hardly be said that his memory will linger with us always in our heart of hearts."
"память о нем не покинет наши сердца во веки веков."
His bullet smashed my hand mine hit him in the heart.
Его пуля разбила мне руку. Я попал ему в сердце.
Sorry am I his numbers are so few, his soldiers sick and famish'd in their march, for I am sure, when he shall see our army, he'll drop his heart into the sink of fear
Но жалко мне, что рать его мала, Изнурена болезнями, походом. Уверен я : при виде наших войск
It's just that... his heart isn't in very good shape.
У него слабое сердце.
Couldn't find it in your heart to slap his face sometime when he does that stuff, could you?
Никогда не хотелось отхлестать его по лицу, когда он так поступает?
His heart's not in it.
Я в этом не уверен.
Just ice water in his veins, ticker tape coming from his heart.
Никаких эмоций, ледяная вода в жилах и биржевые сводки в сердце.
"... of a heart attack in his Bel Air home...
"... от сердечного приступа в своём доме в Бель Эйре...
Moreover, urge his hateful luxury... and bestial appetite in change of lust... which stretched unto their servants, daughters, wives... even where his raging eye or savage heart, without control... lusted to make his prey.
он жаден, груб, жесток и похотлив. Так пусть насилует и грабит без стесненья.
I think there's never a man in Christendom... that can lesser hide his love... or hate than he... for by his look straight shall you know his heart.
Нет в христианском мире человека, кто б искреннее был в любви и злобе ; тут по лицу сейчас же видно сердце.
What of his heart perceived you in his face... by any likelihood he showed today?
Что ж видите сегодня вы в лице? Что сердце вам сегодня обещает?
I'm sick in my heart for Manuel, for his pain and his disappointment.
- Не плачь, Леонардо. Мне тяжело видеть Мануэля.
He just walks in and he lays his hand on your heart.
Он просто подходит и кладет свою руку тебе на сердце.
My heart cried out to this boy in his misery, a misery imposed by my husband.
Моё сердце откликнулось на муки этого мальчика. Муки, источником которых стал мой муж.
It's a poor fellow over in my lodging house, sir. He's got a fever, and he's coughing his heart up, sir.
- Один бедняга в моей харчевне слишком сильно болен.
His heart's in the right place.
В сущности он очень добр.
However, something is heavy in my official's heart, who does his duty like in Stalin's time.
В любом случае, есть какая-то тяжесть в сердце моего чиновника, который выполняет свой долг, как во времена Сталина.
"Police Officer Anderson's heart turned faster than his motorcycle... "... when he forced to the side of the road a roaring black V-8 sedan... "... in which were 3 men and a yellow - haired woman yesterday afternoon.
Офицер полиции Говард Андерсон вынудил остановиться "Седан" с четырьмя пассажирами, одним из которых была блондинка.
Put him in your arms and his heart.
Выносила под сердцем, нянчила на руках.
First, I put my arms around him, yes, and then pulled it in my direction so that feel the scent on my breasts, yes and his heart was deranged, and yes, I said yes I do, yes!
Сначала я обняла его, да и притянула к себе, чтобы мои груди и их аромат, да и сердце у него колотилось и да, да я согласна, да!
I look at him, his eyes take me in, My heart goes into a spin.
Я смотрела на него, его глаза меня захватили, мое сердце закружилось.
And that prince killed his rival... But when he returned to the princess... she grabbed a dagger and stabbed him in the heart.
И тогда принц убил своего соперника... и когда он вернулся к принцессе... она схватила кинжал и вонзила ему прямо в сердце.
He holds a weapon made of iron in his left hand, flames which resemble a sacred heart in his right hand,
Оно держит оружие из железа в левой руке, отблеск которого напоминает о священном сердце в правой руке.
He is little in body, but his heart is big.
У него маленькое тело, но большое сердце.
in his bedroom 16
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his defense 27
in his office 49
in his car 20
in history 31
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his house 18
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his defense 27
in his office 49
in his car 20
in history 31
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his house 18
in his head 18
in his hands 21
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his words 17
in his case 29
in his mind 49
his heart 57
his heart stopped 19
heart 404
in his hands 21
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his words 17
in his case 29
in his mind 49
his heart 57
his heart stopped 19
heart 404
heartbeat 33
heartless 34
heartbreak 27
hearts 66
hearted 198
heartbreaker 20
heartburn 19
heartbreaking 30
heart beating 18
heart rate 87
heartless 34
heartbreak 27
hearts 66
hearted 198
heartbreaker 20
heartburn 19
heartbreaking 30
heart beating 18
heart rate 87
hearts and minds 20
heart attack 174
heart failure 23
heart surgery 35
heart disease 37
heartedly 17
heartbroken 26
heart rate's 34
heart attack 174
heart failure 23
heart surgery 35
heart disease 37
heartedly 17
heartbroken 26
heart rate's 34