And there it was traducir turco
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But there's another part of the story that Don's going to tell you about that strongly suggests it was him and not me that precipitated the death of our very close friend and leader.
Ama hikayenin Don'un anlatmak istediği başka bir kısmı daha var. O kısım yakın dostumuzun ve liderimizin ölümüne sebep olan kişinin ben değil, onun olduğunu gösteriyor.
There was nothing in Atlanta or New York, so CNN gave me permission to explore other options, and it turns out I don't have any.
Atlanta ya da New York'ta hiçbir şey yoktu. CNN diğer seçeneklere bakmam için izin verdi. Meğer başka seçeneğim yokmuş.
There was a story Charlie wanted me to do and I didn't want to do it.
Charlie'nin yapmamı istediği bir haber vardı ve ben haberi yapmadım.
You know, when you were six and you walked in and he turned around, but it was too late because he was already there.
- Ne kazası? Altı yaşındayken odasına girmiştin hani. Arkasını dönmüştü ama artık çok geçti.
Apparently he was up there working on the flagpole, and... was hit by lightning and it blew him right off the roof.
Anlaşılan oraya bayrak direğini yapmaya çıkmış sonra yıldırım çarpmış ve çatıdan düşmüş.
And it was there he met his greatest challenge.
Ve orada en büyük zorluğuyla karşılaştı :
I went to see what it was, and there was a car, and in the car... I'm sorry, Jimmy, it was your mother. She's dad.
Ne olup bittiğini görmek için gittim ve tabii ki bir araba vardı, arabanın içinde de üzgünüm Jimmy, annen vardı.
It's like when I had tuberculosis, and you took me out to the Utah desert, and there was nothing but dry open space for hundreds of miles around us.
Verem olduğumda beni Utah çölüne götürüp yapacak bir şey bulamadığında hissettiğim şeyleri hissediyorum!
But there was a lot of it and I was pretty.
Ama çok vardı ve ben de hoştum.
There was a fetus, and it's not human.
Bir bebek vardı ama insan değildi.
And if that stuff's up there? "I'm It!"? People will think that was me doing that.
Eğer o duvarda olursa insanlar benim yaptığımı düşünecek.
Yeah, it was pretty touch-and-go there for a little while, but she did not know who she was dealing with. All right?
Bir süre boyunca riskli bir tartışma oldu ama karşısındakinin kim olduğunu bilmiyordu.
It was Elton John, okay, and it was a vase, not a bowl, and he wasn't even there.
Elton John'du, tamam m ve kase değil bir vazoydu, ayrıca o orada bile değildi yahu.
The phone rang, and there was nobody there when I picked it up.
Telefon çaldı, açtığımda ses yoktu.
He's right that it was impossible for him to have gotten there and back in 30 minutes.
Dediği gibi Han Nehri'nin ortasındaki bir gemiye gidip gelmesi imkânsız.
You ain't maybe, like, see the package and look in there and notice that it was some expensive Joseph Cannoli Italian loafers inside that package?
Belki sen görmedin, yani, paketi gördün ve içine baktın sonra fark ettin ki... paketin içinde pahalı italyan Joseph Cannoli kunduraları var olduğunu görmüş olabilir misin?
and I think there was much more confusion on the lower areas where there's a sort of brown on brown and brown and it's a little confusing if you're not really aware of what's happening.
Alt bölüm daha da fazla kafa karıştırmış olmalı. Kahverengi üstünde kahverengi üstü kahverengi boya. Resimde ne olduğuna dair bir fikriniz yoksa bu durum biraz şaşırtıcı olacaktır elbette.
This one's in a big church and you could probably find, actually, which chapel it was, sit there and see where the light was during the day, how it worked, why it was the optimum time for it to be viewed.
Bu resim büyük bir kilisede olsaydı, durduğunu yeri bilseydiniz o kiliseye gidip gündüz ışığının nerden geldiğini inceleyerek resme bakmak için en uygun zamanı belirlemeniz mümkün olurdu.
The drawings I saw in Berlin, there we discovered that with Bill, that we know which music is performed at a place and it's so complex in the positions on the instrument that he must've known music, because that element was not clear.
Berlin'de gördüğüm resimlerde... Bill ile şunu keşfettik : Sanki atonal bir müzik parçası gibi notalar enstrümanların üzerine çok karmaşık biçimde oturuyor.
There was hundreds of them and if it wasn't for Raven... uhh...
Yüzlerce kişiydiler ve Raven olmasaydı...
It was great to have you and Matt there.
Seninle Matt'i ağırlamak harikaydı.
There was a lot of thinking and strategy put into it so you just have to respond as written without asking any questions or comments.
Hazırlamak için çok uğraştılar, bu yüzden ne yazıyorsa o şekilde cevap ver. Ne soru sor ne de yorumunu kat.
She's out there with all those giant 78's and 85's... it was just a matter of time before she got injured.
O Orada tüm ile bu dev 78 en ve 85... Daha O yaralı var önce sadece zaman meselesiydi.
There was a lot of blood, not surprisingly, in the kitchen, which the senior investigating officer from the murder team fast-tracked down the lab, and it turns out this blood isn't Lewis Whippey's or Brett McKendrick's.
Mutfakta çok fazla kan vardı, hiç şaşırtıcı değil elbette. Cinayeti yöneten amir hemen laboratuara gönderip analiz ettirmiş. Kan ne Lewis Whippey'e, ne de Brett McKendrick'e ait.
There was a broken Dalek and we repaired it.
Bozuk bir Dalek vardı, biz de onu tamir ettik.
It was just the moment took us, you know, and there was... there was a passion, certainly, in the boudoir.
Sadece aramızda geçen bir andı ve aramızda tutku vardı o küçük odada.
And I get that I was being unreasonable in a way, trying to stay there, and why you thought it seemed like a good idea to do what you did.
Bir bakıma mantıksız davrandığımı, orada kalmaya çalıştığını ve yaptığın şeyin neden iyi bir fikir olduğunu düşündüğünü anlayabilirim.
Your old man was out there with me and it did not do me any good having him watch my six.
Senin ihtiyar benim için oradaydı ve beni arkamdan izlemesi hiç de iyi bir şey değildi.
But having all made it to the finish line on time, we noticed there was nobody in sight, no one to deliver our cars to, and no one to give us a ride home.
Ama finiş çizgisine zamanında gelmiştik ama etrafta kimseden iz yoktu. Arabalarımızı teslim alacak kimse yoktu. Ve bizi eve götürecek kimse yoktu.
I thought it was just mccombs and me left, Till you show up... now there's three of us.
Sadece ben ve McCombs kaldık sanıyordum sen gelene kadar, ama artık üçümüzüz.
Because as hard as having a baby was for me, and dear God it was hard, there was one big thing I wish I had... a partner, and you have the best kind in Peter.
Bir bebek sahibi olmak zor bir iş,... gerçekten de benim için çok zordu,... ve eksikliğini hissettiğim bir şey vardı bir partner, sen ve Peter'ın olduğunuz gibi.
He rolled down a can and there was a message in it :
Tıngırdayarak bir konserve kutusu geldi ve içerisinde bir mesaj vardı.
You said that Mehar counted the dowry in front of you and it was all there.
Mehar'ın drahomayı önünüzde saydığını ve hepsinin orada olduğunu söylediniz.
Nope, and I guess I never thought to bring it up because I was learning to airbend, then there was the pro-bending, then I got tied up fighting the Equalists.
Hiç, ayrıca bu konuyu gündeme getirmek pek aklıma gelmedi çünkü o ara hava bükmeyi öğreniyordum, sonra sıra pro-bükücülüğe geldi en sonda ise Eşitlikçiler'le meşgul oldum.
It was only at the end, when there's no other choice, they had to make the hard decisions of who'd live and who'd die.
Çok çaresiz kalındığında, hiçbir seçenek olmadığı zaman kimin yaşayıp kimin öleceğine dair zor kararlar veriliyordu.
You saw in the last run it was Tanner foust that got down there and lit the scoreboard up.
Son yarışta gördünüz. Aşağıdaki Tanner Foust idi. Ve skorbordda adı yazıldı.
No, there was harm, and there was foul, and I gotta wear it.
Zarar da var, pislik de var ve ben bununla yaşıyorum.
What if the dome dug it, and that cliff and Barbie going down there was all part of the dome's plan?
Ya bunu kazan şey Kubbe ise ve Barbie'nin oraya inişi Kubbe'nin planının parçasıysa?
There were only three minutes left in the auction and it was a mint condition Scotty from a smoke-free home.
Açık arttırmanın bitmesine 3 dakika kalmıştı ve sigara içilmeyen bir yerden yepyeni bir Scotty'ydi.
At the Christmas tree lot, there was mistletoe, and she kissed me under it in public.
Noel ağacı alırken ökseotunu görüp milletin gözü ününde beni öptü.
And it seems there was some infidelity.
Ve görünüşe göre bazı aldatma olayları var.
And if there was? Then I want it.
Eğer kaldıysa onu istiyorum.
Look, I tried to warn you, and you stood there with your stupid leg up in the air, telling me that the student was no match for the master and all it took was one doctored picture for you to shit the bed!
Bak, seni uyarmaya çalıştım ama sen burada salakça ayağını kaldırıp çırağın ustasını geçemeyeceğini söyledin ve altına sıçman için sadece bir oynanmış resim yetti de arttı bile.
There was a lot of blood and footprints, but whoever did it left a kilo right on the table.
Bolca kan ve ayak izi vardı. Ama kim yapmışsa, eroini masada bırakmıştı.
He put his hand on my back, Emily, and it was there for way too long.
- Elini sırtıma koydu, Emily. Çok uzun süre geri çekmedi.
And she knew there was something in the study that could stop it?
Belki de çalışma odasında bunu durdurabilecek bir şey olduğunu biliyordu.
In your opinion, and I know it's just an opinion, what is the more likely scenario given that you've tested the same sample, that there was an error in the original DNA test or that the report was compromised after the results came in?
Sence, yani sadece fikrini almak istiyorum bu testini yaptığın DNA ile ilgili olarak orijinal testte mi bir hata vardı yoksa sonuçlar geldikten sonra üzerinde bir oynama mı yapıldı?
I mean, if there was singing, you know - - and that's a big "if" - - if there was singing, it would be classic rock, not this...
Eğer müzik olacaksa klasik rock olmalı.
Yeah. That's because Cole knew he couldn't leave her out there, not once I was onto him, so he put her back in the car and dumped it and the body someplace else.
Bulamazlar tabii çünkü Cole ben onu orada yakaladıktan sonra ormana bırakamayacağını biliyordu, cesedi arabasına geri koydu ve başka bir yere attı.
I really wanted to be there, but it still took time for me to adjust and feel like I was a part of it all.
- Buradaki kilit nokta gerçekten burada olmak istemem ama alışmak ve tüm bunların bir parçası gibi hissetmek için zamana ihtiyacım olmasıydı.
And there was a study done last year that said that it was possible... for vaccine aerosols to contaminate mechanical workings.
Geçen yıl bir çalışma vardı ve aşı spreylerinin mekanik işleyişe bulaşmayacağını söylüyordu.
and there you go 56
and there you have it 52
and there are 45
and there's more 69
and therefore 143
and there i was 26
and there it is 180
and there 292
and there you were 36
and there's 117
and there you have it 52
and there are 45
and there's more 69
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and there i was 26
and there it is 180
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and there you were 36
and there's 117
and there's this 29
and there's something else 41
and there's nothing 21
and there we are 37
and there you are 57
and there's a 25
and there he is 78
and there is 20
and there was 39
and there were 18
and there's something else 41
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and there we are 37
and there you are 57
and there's a 25
and there he is 78
and there is 20
and there was 39
and there were 18
and there she was 52
and there we go 24
and there they are 27
and there she is 48
and there he was 70
there it was 64
it was 5878
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
and there we go 24
and there they are 27
and there she is 48
and there he was 70
there it was 64
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it was over 93
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it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was nice seeing you 35
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it was nice to meet you 237
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it was nice seeing you 35
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