Absolutely everything traduction Espagnol
530 traduction parallèle
This man is completely wrong about absolutely everything.
Este hombre está completamente equivocado en absolutamente todo.
He knew absolutely everything. I never Lied to him.
Lo sabía absolutamente todo.
I can remember absolutely everything, young man.
Puedo recordar absolutamente todo, joven.
I thought you get absolutely everything that you desire.
Pensé que usted llega absolutamente Todo lo que usted desee.
Oh, I'll have to change absolutely everything.
Tendré que cambiarme toda.
Absolutely everything, right down to coat hangers in the closet.
Absolutamente todo, hasta las perchas en eI armario.
From there we will report absolutely everything on the Admiral.
Desde allí nos informará absolutamente de todo sobre el almirante.
Ensign Count Nicholas Rostov, I decorate you with the Order of Absolutely Everything!
Conde Nicholas Rostov, yo lo condecoro con la Orden de... ¡ Con todas las órdenes!
There was a sign over them, "For the man who has absolutely everything."
Tenían un letrero que decía : "Para el hombre que tiene todo".
Absolutely everything.
Absolutamente todo.
Now you know absolutely everything about me.
Ahora usted lo sabe todo de mí.
That's absolutely everything I know.
Eso es todo Io que sé.
It has absolutely everything to do with me, as a matter of fact.
La verdad es que sólo tiene que ver conmigo.
Then carefully... remove absolutely everything... that might subsequently remind me that you had ever been there... including that yellow thing with the blue bulbs... which you have such an affection for.
Luego cuidadosamente saca absolutamente todo lo que pueda recordarme que has estado ahí incluyendo esa cosa amarilla con focos azules por la cual sientes tanto afecto.
Absolutely everything you did, from beginning to end was directly contrary to my orders.
Absolutamente todo lo que usted hizo, de terminar actuó directamente contrario a mis órdenes.
Instead, people blamed absolutely everything on Léon Blum, the Front Populaire and so forth.
En su lugar, la gente culpó absolutamente de todo a Léon Blum, al Frente Popular y así sucesivamente.
You're absolutely paranoid about absolutely everything.
Estás absolutamente paranoico sobre absolutamente todo.
I wanted to know absolutely everything about everyone.
Quería siempre saberlo todo de todo el mundo.
So you know about each of us absolutely everything?
¿ Entonces sabes absolutamente todo de cada uno de nosotros?
Everything you've said about Mickey is absolutely true.
Todo lo que has dicho sobre Mickey es verdad.
Why, you've done absolutely nothing for four years. And everything's been so peaceful since you left.
No has hecho nada en 4 años... y ha habido paz desde que te fuiste...
Nada podría satisfacerme más ahora que saber que tenía toda la razón sobre todo.
I know everything's against us, Sheriff, but we're absolutely innocent!
Sé que todo está en nuestra contra pero somos inocentes.
Absolutely everything!
¡ Todo!
- Absolutely ; she told me everything.
- Seguro. Me lo contaba todo.
Everything absolutely perfect.
No, no, todo absolutamente perfecto.
What struck me was the complete lack of modesty with which everything is expressed. There was absolutely no attempt to... - Come in.
Lo que más me ha impresionado es el descaro... con que lo muestran todo, no trataban de...
Everything is going to be absolutely perfect!
¡ Todo va a salir a las mil maravillas!
Everything is absolutely normal.
Todo ha vuelto a ser normal.
Gentlemen, I do not have to tell you that everything we have discussed here is absolutely secret.
No insistiré sobre la necesidad... de guardar en secreto estas reuniones.
But remember, my young friends, everything must be done to my satisfaction, absolutely.
Pero recuerden, mis jóvenes amigos, todo debe hacerse a mi satisfacción, todo.
- l want everything to be absolutely correct, and I don`t trust myself to arrange it.
- Quiero hacerlo todo bien, y no me fío de mí mismo para organizarlo.
well, in that case everything's absolutely splendid, and the fellow can stay on.
Eh, bien, en tal caso por mí, todo está en orden. Ese hombre puede quedarse.
Everything now is complete, so absolutely complete...
Ya está todo completo. Tan completo...
I think it's darling, but if you absolutely hate it, we can rip everything out and start from scratch.
A mí me parece encantador, pero si no te gusta, empaquetamos las cosas y empezamos de cero.
Now, are you absolutely certain that everything's been taken into account?
¿ Está completamente seguro de que se ha enterado bien de todo?
Everything the president said was absolutely correct.
Todo lo que el presidente ha dicho ha sido correcto.
Monsieur, I assure you that everything I've told you is absolutely true.
Señor, le aseguro que todo lo que le he contado es absolutamente cierto.
It keeps absolutely accurate data on man hours, cost hours, product rejects, just everything!
Mantiene datos absolutamente certeros de : Horas-hombre, horas-costo, alcance del producto. ¡ Todo!
Well, Chief, Agent 59 reports everything's absolutely normal in South America.
Bueno, jefe, el agente 59 informa que todo está normal en Sudamérica. - ¿ Cuán normal?
You must be absolutely quiet. They know everything that's going on.
... ( Escuchando a los Dalek venir desde la cápsula, Lesterton esconde a todos bajo el banco de trabajo )
- Got everything you need? - Absolutely.
- ¿ Tienen todo lo que necesitan?
You're right. Everything you say about me is absolutely right.
Todo lo que dices de mí es absolutamente cierto.
We cannot leave without being absolutely sure ourselves that everything has been done.
No podemos irnos sin comprobar que hemos hecho todo lo posible.
When I am absolutely too exhausted to go on I drop everything and rush over here to forget myself in this work for an hour or two.
Cuando estoy muy cansado..., embotado..., lo dejo todo y corro aquí, donde me entretengo con esto alguna que otra hora.
Well, we have had a little flap about gold around here, but, everything is absolutely under control.
Bueno, nos sobresaltamos un poco cuando se oyó lo de ese oro, pero todo está bajo control.
Your head, which understands everything and talks about grandiloquent things, which are absolutely ridiculous and pretentious...
Tu cabecita que lo comprende todo, que cuenta historias grandilocuentes... y absolutamente ridículas y pretenciosas.
It was absolutely readable. Everything.
Todo fue absolutamente entendible.
No sabe que está en Nueva York... y está llena de ideas equivocadas sobre todo.
I know, it's pointless to rehash everything. But I think I should have been absolutely frank with you... more explicit.
Sé que es inútil revolverlo todo, pero debería haber sido totalmente sincera contigo, más clara.
I want to make sure that everything is absolutely clear.
Quiero asegurarme que todo esté claro
everything is fine 327
everything 4202
everything will be fine 299
everything is awesome 16
everything's gonna be okay 291
everything will be alright 53
everything is good 35
everything is possible 23
everything is perfect 26
everything is wrong 17
everything 4202
everything will be fine 299
everything is awesome 16
everything's gonna be okay 291
everything will be alright 53
everything is good 35
everything is possible 23
everything is perfect 26
everything is wrong 17
everything okay 1482
everything is great 31
everything is alright 24
everything is gonna be okay 39
everything is ok 38
everything is okay 87
everything is connected 30
everything ok 306
everything good 79
everything's fine 1373
everything is great 31
everything is alright 24
everything is gonna be okay 39
everything is ok 38
everything is okay 87
everything is connected 30
everything ok 306
everything good 79
everything's fine 1373