At this very moment traduction Espagnol
641 traduction parallèle
Gentlemen... at this very moment, 1,432 of your colleagues are marching to pay their respects to the queen.
Caballeros. A estas horas están marchando 1. 432 de vuestros compañeros para presentarle sus respetos a la reina.
And that's just the danger that she is face to face with at this very moment.
Y ese es justamente el peligro que afronta en este preciso momento.
See, at this very moment the heart of Tetsuo is also being stolen.
Yo tampoco veo la hora de robar el corazón de Tetsuo.
The reason he's not here now to defend himself is... that at this very moment, he's sitting at Joe Tupping's bedside... trying to give that poor boy back a chance at happiness... trying even though Verney and everybody else said there was no use trying.
Pero no está aqui hoy para defenderse... porque en este momento está al lado deJoe Tupping... intentando darle una oportunidad para que sea feliz. Lo intenta aunque todos dijeron que no tenia caso intentarlo.
At this very moment, when the country, covered in blood, is fighting against the external enemies, the Bolsheviks betray the Motherland.
¡ En este mismo momento, cuando la Nación cubierta de sangre, lucha contra los enemigos externos,... los bolcheviques traicionan a la Madre Patria!
at this very moment
en este momento
But that does not alter the fact that in workaday, modern London today, at this very moment, there are two cases of werewolfery known to me.
Pero eso no cambia el hecho... de que en el Londres rutinario y moderno de hoy en día, en estos momentos, haya dos casos de hombres lobo que yo conozca.
At this very moment conveying that misguided, Unfortunate youth through the night to his death.
En este mismo momento conduciendo a ese infeliz, desgraciado joven a través de la noche hacia su muerte.
You should consider not only Vanning the murderer but also Vanning the vice czar who at this very moment is exacting his staggering tribute from a supine and cowardly city.
Deben considerar a Vanning no sólo como el asesino sino como el vicezar quien en este momento está cobrándole por la fuerza su tributo a una ciudad supina y cobarde.
It's working at this very moment.
- Ya está funcionando.
At this very moment she's the happiest of women.
En estos momentos, es la más feliz de las mujeres.
At this very moment, the Union Pacific's first train... is pulling into Ogden, Utah.
En este mismo momento, el primer tren de Union Pacific... está llegando a Ogden, Utah.
At this very moment, gentlemen... we are being officially abandoned by the Army of the United States of America.
En este mismo instante, caballeros, el ejército de los Estados Unidos nos ha abandonado oficialmente.
I've flown over the high mountains, I've gone down narrow rapids, I've even loved other women, but never have I been so dizzy, so-so helpless as I am at this very moment.
He sobrevoIado Ias montañas más altas, he bajado rápidos furiosos, hasta he amado a otras mujeres, pero nunca he sentido el vértigo, eI desamparo que siento en este momento.
He's probably reading it at this very moment.
Probablemente estará leyéndolo en este momento.
Right at this very moment, he's doing a punishment tour for his latest escapade.
En este momento cumple castigo por su última hazaña.
But for one minute little error... that man, at this very moment, by sheer dynamic force... would be flying around this room like an inspired plane under his own power.
Que si no fuera por un insignificante error... este hombre, en este preciso momento por pura fuerza dinámica... estaría volando por esta habitación por sus propios medios, como un aeroplano.
It may interest you to know that at this very moment he's on his way here.
En este momento se encuentra rumbo aquí.
He can tell you where the blighter is at this very moment. You come too.
Él podrá decirte dónde está quien buscas...
But how do you know that Scotland Yard isn't waiting to break in at this very moment?
¿ Cómo sabe que Scotland Yard no va entrar en cualquier momento?
At this very moment, we're facing the first major test of our fitness to shoulder this responsibility.
Justo en este momento, enfrentamos la prueba más difícil de todas para cargar con esta responsabilidad.
You see, some place at this very moment, a crime is being contemplated.
, en algún lugar, en este momento, se está perpetrando un crimen.
But you don't understand, that appalling man from Scotland Yard is questioning Pat at this very moment.
Pero usted no entiende que ese hombre de Scotland Yard está interrogando a Pat en este preciso momento.
At this very moment?
¿ En este momento?
All over the world, men are working on this very problem at this very moment. Von Stein in Vienna, Ritter in London.
En el mundo hay mejores hombres que trabajan... con ese problema en este instante.
It has a hundred guards over it at this very moment.
Hay cien guardias vigilándola ahora mismo.
I'll lay you odds he's in London at this very moment.
Creo que está ahora en Londres.
Perhaps in this house, at this very moment, is your letter from George Washington.
Tal vez en esta casa, en este mismo momento, está tu carta de George Washington.
This knot is evidence that will hang a murderer, and he might not be standing so far away from the arm of the law at this very moment.
Este nudo es una prueba contra el asesino. Y puede que el brazo de la ley no esté muy lejos de él.
At this very moment, Alexei's fate is being decided.
En este momento se decide el destino de Alexei.
We're in the midst of a little experimental session at this very moment.
Estamos en el medio de una sesión experimental en este mismo momento.
Uh, this is where I was born and this is where we are at this very moment.
Aquí es donde nací. Y aquí es donde estamos, en este momento.
At this very moment, Branwell may be lying dead in the gutter.
En este preciso momento Branwell podría yacer muerto en esa acera.
At this very moment, I don't care.
¡ En este preciso momento, no me preocupa!
He's probably lurking about in the bushes at this very moment.
Probablemente estaría merodeando entre los arbustos en ese preciso momento.
He's probably ogling some woman at this very moment.
Seguramente está mirando a una mujer ahora mismo.
Perhaps at this very moment she is forgiving you.
Quizás ahora mismo te esté perdonando.
At this very moment, they may be sharpening the axes or rigging their gallows, or perhaps both.
En este preciso instante puede que están afilando las hachas o preparando la horca, o ambas cosas.
Seems at this very moment she's presenting him with a family.
Y está a punto de darle una familia.
Mrs Campbell, at this very moment, our troops are fighting in North Africa.
En estos momentos, nuestras tropas luchan en Africa.
Even now, at this very moment, Nobody outside the palace Knows the result of the operation,
Aun ahora, en este momento, nadie fuera de palacio conoce el resultado de la operación.
De hecho, en este momento, mi estómago es muy feliz.
Yeah. Well, all this is leading into a very interesting and deep-dish discussion which I haven't time to pursue at the moment.
Todo esto es muy interesante pero no tengo tiempo.
You very ugly young man, you know, to me at this moment you look perfectly delightful?
Usted es un joven feo... para mí en este momento usted es perfectamente encantador.
Because it knew at this moment, across the park Sir Emery is going to announce the marriage of his daughter to the very man you're talking to.
Porque sabía que en ese momento, cruzando el parque Sir Emery iba a anunciar la boda de su hija con el... -... hombre con el que está hablando.
This is it. It's not very neat at the moment.
Ahora no está muy ordenado.
After three years of complete silence... he suddenly comes back from the grave with this cock-and-bull story... and at the very moment when the will is to be read.
Después de tres años de completo silencio... sale de la tumba con esta ridícula historia... en el preciso instante de leer el testamento.
Hasn't been outside in weeks. The Fuhrer wants no trouble with Switzerland at this moment. We must be very careful.
Eche una ojeada a la encuadernación... debemos tener mucho cuidado.
This very moment a Royal Air Force plane is waiting for us at the secret landing place.
Un avión nos está esperando para llevarnos a donde queramos.
I find it very difficult to believe that at this particular moment... you and Ruthie can't think of anything more interesting to talk about than the weather.
Encuentro muy difícil de creer que en este momento a ti y a Ruth... no se os ocurra nada más interesante de qué hablar que del tiempo.
Probably having his coronation at this very moment.
Quizá ahora esté tomando posesión.
at this stage 63
at this point 786
at this rate 278
at this age 20
at this moment 173
at this time 248
at this time of day 16
at this time of night 45
at this 20
at this hour 158
at this point 786
at this rate 278
at this age 20
at this moment 173
at this time 248
at this time of day 16
at this time of night 45
at this 20
at this hour 158
at the movies 19
at the age of 82
at the end of the day 343
at the end 233
at the very least 397
at the same time 408
at the airport 47
at the moment 453
at the party 41
at the hospital 120
at the age of 82
at the end of the day 343
at the end 233
at the very least 397
at the same time 408
at the airport 47
at the moment 453
at the party 41
at the hospital 120