Get in there traduction Espagnol
15,674 traduction parallèle
- Get in there!
- ¡ Entra allí!
Get in there!
¡ Entra allí!
- How do we get in there?
- ¿ Cómo cojones entramos?
O'Grady, get in there now!
O'Grady, entra ahí ahora!
I better get in there.
Mejor me meto allí.
I can get in there now.
Puedo traerlo ahora.
- Get in there, he's going to hurt himself!
- ¡ Ve, se va a lastimar!
Let's get in there.
Bien, ahora entremos.
Yo, let's get in there.
Vamos a entrar ahí.
Listen, huh, if we don't get in there, no one eats.
Si no entramos ahí, no comerá nadie.
Okay, you know, let me get in there one more time.
Déjame ver una vez más.
All right, you get in there, Conway, and you kill anything that moves, you understand me?
Vale, entra ahí, Conway, y matas a cualquier cosa que se mueva, ¿ me entiendes?
Yeah, there ya go, get on up in here.
Sí, existe ya ir, sigue hasta aquí.
God's honest truth, whether you're in here or out there... you know who you are, how to get what you need.
La pura verdad es que estés aquí adentro o allá afuera sabes quién eres y cómo obtener lo que necesitas.
You get in your car and we'll get in ours and we'll follow you there.
Te subes a tu auto, nosotros al nuestro y te seguimos.
There's also cheese and bread. in case you get hungry on the road.
También hay queso y pan por si les entra hambre en el camino.
The boat's moored there and the keys are in it, so if get down to the dock, we're good.
El barco está amarrado, con llaves. Si bajamos al muelle, estaremos bien.
Uhh! Get in there.
Entra ahí.
Go in there and get him!
¡ Vayan por él!
I would get up early in the morning, and we would drive to Desilu right next to the Paramount lot, and I'd be there all day.
Me levantaba temprano en la mañana, Y nos conduciría a Desilu justo al lado de la Paramount, Y yo estaría allí todo el día.
Get it lost in there.
Haz que se pierda ahí.
We get on my plane, get there, eat a steak. And after that, wake up in the morning, hit that shit.
Vamos en mi jet, llegamos, comemos un bisté y luego, nos levantamos, ¡ y le damos duro!
The farm could be underwater in 36 hours, so I wanna get there before any evidence is washed away.
La granja podría ser bajo el agua en 36 horas, así que quiero llegar antes de cualquier prueba se elimina por lavado.
- Leave her right there. I'll get her feet up in the stirrups.
- Déjala ahí, tengo que hacer espacio.
I think it's good that you're getting all this practice in, Marty. Can't have you looking like a duffer if we ever get out there.
Creo que es bueno que estés practicando, para que no nos hagas ver mal si alguna vez vamos.
There is no way we're gonna get the weirdo in there without anyone noticing.
Jamás podremos hacer entrar a la loca sin que nadie se dé cuenta.
If you get locked up again, I'm gonna leave you in there, Dizz.
Si te vuelven a encerrar, te dejaré ahí, Dizz.
♪ Any man out there Who think he can rhyme ♪ ♪ Step right up and get in line ♪
Si alguno de los presentes cree que puede rimar que venga aquí y se ponga en la fila...
All the classified hard drives get stored in there and, as you know, our number-one mission as embassy guards is to protect that material.
Todos los discos duros clasificadas se almacenan allí y, como ustedes saben, nuestro principal misión como guardias de la embajada es proteger ese material.
However, there might be some value in knowing who did what and when, uh, just so you get a sense of the dynamic in play.
Sin embargo, puede haber algo de valor en saber quién hizo qué y cuándo, eh, sólo para que pueda obtener una idea de la dinámica en juego.
Go in there... and tell her to get a move on.
Ve ahí y dile que se dé prisa. Adiós.
We'll go back up there in force as soon as they get here.
Volveremos allí con más efectivos en cuanto lleguen.
Um, I know it doesn't make any sense to you, but I can't get hurt in there, but you can.
Um, se que no tiene ningun sentido para usted, pero no puedo salir herido en alli, pero se puede.
Get him in there!
¡ Llévalo allí!
You guys, you bring me out here, you get me to talk about the mother plant while this fuck - works my fucking wife in there?
Me sacaron para que les hablara de la planta madre mientras él convence a mi esposa.
You just hang in there with your Blockbuster card and get in line and rent your VHS tapes.
Tranquilos, quédense ahí con su tarjeta de Blockbuster y fórmense para rentar un VHS.
But... when you get bigger, every year there's someone there to punch you in the gut and tell you, " No, it ain't about you.
Pero cuando creces, cada año hay alguien ahí para patearte las tripas y decirte : " No, tú no eres el centro.
It could get bad in there.
Podría ponerse feo.
Yeah, well, who knows what's gonna be what in the dorms by the time we get back in there.
Quién sabe cómo serán las cosas en los dormitorios cuando volvamos.
I have all faith in God and my coach that they will get me ready, and as long as I'm ready when I'm on the line, there's no stopping me.
Confío plenamente en que Dios y mi entrenador me tendrán a punto, y siempre que esté a punto cuando esté en el carril, soy imparable.
And when you finally get'em head-to-head and go run out here in front of the world, there's gonna be fireworks, it's gonna be something special.
Y cuando por fin los pones frente a frente a correr aquí frente a todo el mundo, saltarán las chispas, será algo especial.
And all we gotta do in that time is walk in, board the plane, crack the safe, download the score, and get the flock out of there.
Y en ese tiempo solo tenemos que meternos, abordar el avión, abrirla caja fuerte, descargar el botín y largarnos de aquí -.
I will get you back in there soon, man.
Te volveré a llamar pronto, tío.
Get in over there and you count the dead dinks, go.
Vete allí y cuenta las lanchas hundidas, vete.
That way, when we're down there she won't be able to get back in.
Así, cuando estemos abajo, no podrá volver a entrar.
There's no way Sara Harvey is gonna get in here.
No hay forma de que Sara Harvey entre aquí.
Are you waiting there for me to get in?
¿ Estás esperando a que entre?
It's perfect'cause there's none of those security stickers on any of the gates, so we'll get in fine.
No hay carteles de seguridad... en ninguna puerta, así que podremos entrar.
As long as we get there in 30 minutes or so, we're fine.
Mientras lleguemos allí en unos 30 minutos, estamos bien.
I say, " Go in there, brush your teeth, wash your face, get into bed.
Digo : " Cepíllate los dientes, lávate y a la cama.
They get there, my dad takes the wheelchair out of the car, puts Connie in the wheelchair.
Llegan, mi papá saca la silla de ruedas del auto, pone a Connie en ella.
get in 2804
get in line 172
get inside 386
get into it 40
get in the car 1242
get in the water 30
get in here 819
get in the game 25
get involved 31
get in my car 17
get in line 172
get inside 386
get into it 40
get in the car 1242
get in the water 30
get in here 819
get in the game 25
get involved 31
get in my car 17
get into the car 25
get in the boat 29
get in position 38
get in the closet 17
get in bed 25
get into bed 27
get in your car 20
get in the house 74
get in the truck 109
get in the van 55
get in the boat 29
get in position 38
get in the closet 17
get in bed 25
get into bed 27
get in your car 20
get in the house 74
get in the truck 109
get in the van 55
get in here now 22
get in the back 84
get in the front 17
get in the fucking car 62
get in the trunk 19
in there 594
therese 78
there 14012
theresa 292
there you go 7508
get in the back 84
get in the front 17
get in the fucking car 62
get in the trunk 19
in there 594
therese 78
there 14012
theresa 292
there you go 7508
therefore 1419
there you are 4720
there's always hope 39
there we go 2292
there aren't any 65
there isn't 382
there you have it 213
there he is 3176
there's no time like the present 22
there is no such thing 30
there you are 4720
there's always hope 39
there we go 2292
there aren't any 65
there isn't 382
there you have it 213
there he is 3176
there's no time like the present 22
there is no such thing 30