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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ H ] / Have some wine

Have some wine traduction Espagnol

493 traduction parallèle
Won't you have some wine?
¿ Quieren un poco de vino?
Have some wine?
¿ Quieres vino?
Now, before we go any further, won't you have some wine?
Ahora, antes de que vayamos más lejos, ¿ no querrá algo de vino?
Sit down and have some wine.
Vamos, siéntese. Bebamos vino.
We'll have some wine.
Bebamos vino.
- We'll have some wine.
- Bebamos vino.
Would you like to have some wine, sir?
¿ Quiere un poco de vino, señor?
I'm not wasting my time. I'm going back to the inn. I have some wine to draw.
En vez de perder el tiempo voy a embotellar vino.
- Come and have some wine.
- Ven a tomar un poco de vino.
Watch the dancing and have some wine.
Ved el baile y bebed vino.
Now, let's have some wine.
Tomemos algo de vino.
- Will you have some wine, Mistress Sims?
- ¿ Un poco de vino, señorita Sims?
Have some wine, Shimen.
- Toma un poco de vino, Jimmy.
Have some wine. It might help.
- Bebe vino, te ayudará.
- Is it a crime to have some wine?
- ¿ Acaso es delito beber vino?
You will have some wine with us before dinner, Emilio?
¿ Quieres un vino antes de la cena, Emilio?
We still have some wine left.
Aún queda algo de vino.
We shall have some wine presently
Debieramos tomar un poco de vino.
That does it. I think I'll have some wine with you after all.
Creo que voy a tomar un poco de vino.
Would you have some wine, captain?
¿ Quieres una copa de vino, Capitán?
Have some wine, Hughson.
¿ Un poco de vino, Hughson?
Here we have some wine flasks.
Aquí tenemos garrafas.
You stay and rest, and have some wine.
Quédese, descanse y tome un poco de vino.
- Would you have some wine too?
- ¿ Quieres tomar un poco de vino?
Have some wine with us.
Tome un poco de vino con nosotros.
Let's have some wine, Bozek.
Tomemos un poco de vino, Bozek.
Perhaps you'll have some wine with us, Boaz.
Tal vez quiera tomar vino con nosotras, Boaz.
Have some wine.
Siéntate y bebe.
I have some old wine from my country.
Tengo vino añejo de mi pais.
- Have some more wine.
- Toma más vino.
"This wine is so flavourless, I have some nice wine, why not go to my room?"
Esta cerveza no es buena, tengo un poco de buen vino, ¿ por qué no ir a mi cuarto? ...
We have some very fine old wine upstairs.
Tenemos un vino añejo muy bueno arriba.
There must have been some sort of crisis at the Stork Club when the waiter brought you the wrong wine.
Tiene que haber habido algún tipo de crisis en el Club de las Cigüeñas cuando el camarero trajo un vino equivocado.
Some stuff only, just to have a glas of wine. To fill the heart a little bit.
Lo justo para tomar un vino y alegrar un poco el corazón.
Then my fatal charm would have snuck up on you, and before you knew it, you'd be mine in some dingy little French restaurant where the wine wasn't too bad.
Entonces, mi fatal encanto se ha colado en ti, y antes que te dieras cuenta, serías mía. en algún pequeño restaurante francés donde el vino no es tan malo.
You ought to have some of that pink wine to go with it.
Deberíamos beber vino rosa.
I have some imported wine.
Tengo vino importado.
Have some more wine, Pat.
Bebe más champán, Pat.
We have enough of time. We can drink some of your good home made wine.
Podemos tomar un poco de ese buen vino de casa.
Now, come on, let's have some of Giulio's good wine.
Venga, vamos a beber el buen vino de Giulio.
I have some good white wine today.
Tengo un buen vino.
May I have some more wine?
¿ Me pones más vino?
Have some wine.
Tome un poco de vino.
- Your Highness, I have some excellent wine in the library.
- Majestad, tengo un vino excelente en la biblioteca.
Couldn't we have some of this wine now?
¿ No podríamos probar ahora un poco de su champán?
- May I have some of that wine, please?
¿ Quieres darme un poco de vino, por favor?
We still have some grenache and some malaga wine.
Queda Grenache y Málaga.
Let's have some more wine.
Bebamos algo más de vino.
Have some of this wine.
Entonces bebe esto primero. Es Oporto.
So we can have it cold later, with some of that cold white wine?
Lo tomaremos frío después, con un poco de vino blanco.
I thought perhaps i could have some wine.
Pense que tal vez podria beber algo de vino.

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