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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ H ] / He let me go

He let me go traduction Espagnol

1,070 traduction parallèle
No license, no driver's license stamp and no registration and he let me go.
Iba sin permiso de circulación sin el sello y sin libro de registro y me ha dejado marchar.
He's beating him! Let me go in there! They're just arguing.
- ¡ Tiene que dejarme entrar!
- He said you must come with me. - Let's go.
Dijo que debías venir conmigo.
Then he let go suddenly... and he fell on the floor.
Después me soltó y cayó en el suelo.
- Tell him that when Don Emidio is ready for baptism.. he'll let me know and I'll go be a godfather.
Dile a Ricuccio que cuando don Emidio esté listo para el bautismo me avise, que seré su padrino.
Let me go first, I have a small surprise for you.
Déjenme precederlos, les he preparado una sorpresa.
He wouldn't let me go.
Él no quería dejarme.
He won't let me go.
No me dejará partir.
I was going to ask Brother Arvide if he might let me carry the drum when we go out again this afternoon.
Iba a pedirle al Hermano Arvide que me dejara llevar el tambor... cuando volvamos a salir esta tarde.
- I'm not through with you! Let go of me!
- No he terminado contigo, déjame!
- I said I'm going. Let me go, sir!
- He dicho que se quite. ¡ Suelte, capataz!
- Well, I let myself go!
- ¡ Me he dejado llevar, eso es!
I stopped by the shop and his father won't let him to go to school today.
He pasado por la tienda y me ha dicho que su padre no le deja ir hoy a la escuela.
I was scared, but he wouldn't let me go.
Yo tenía miedo pero no me dejaba marchar.
Let me go, I haven't done anything!
¡ Déjenme, yo no he hecho nada!
Black Cloud said he would let me go if you let him and his warriors out of the Canyon.
¡ Escuche, general Miles! ¡ Nube Negra dice que me soltará si usted les permite salir del cañón!
- I said, let go.
- He dicho que me deje.
I don't let him go, and don't you go with him, if he asks, either!
¡ Ni le dejo ir, ni voy con él aunque me lo pida!
But I still don't know... and he's going to let me go through with it again.
Pero aún no lo he descubierto... y me va a dejar vivirlo de nuevo.
I didn't hurt anybody. Let me go!
No le he hecho daño a nadie.
But let me tell you, the worst thing I ever did was let you go on the way you've been doing.
Pero Io peor que he hecho ha sido dejarte vivir así.
Let me think. Where would he go?
Pensemos. ¿ A dónde podría ir?
I told you to let me go, let me go!
¡ Le he dicho que me suelte, suelta!
He said, "Let's go for dinner," and I said, "Not with me."
ÉI dijo : "Vamos a cenar". Y yo respondí : "No conmigo".
Oh, when we lived up north he he let me play around the rocks and go to the beach alone.
Oh, cuando vivíamos en el norte me dejaba jugar alrededor de las rocas e iba a la playa sola.
They're gonna get me for this anyway. Let's go!
De todos modos ya me he salido del tiesto. ¡ Vamos!
He had to go into hiding in the country to escape a labor call-up. But he has let me have the radio for you.
Se ha escondido en el campo para escapar de la llamada de trabajadores pero me ha dado esta radio para ustedes.
It wasn't possible anyway you and me, you know it wasn't. George wouldn't let you go. If you'd have taken him to court, he would have thrown more muck at us than either of us could stand.
Lo nuestro no era posible, si hubieras llevado a George a juicio nos habría destrozado.
- Let go, I said!
- ¡ Le he dicho que me deje en paz!
If you let me go, I can find out everything he says.
Si dejas que me vaya, podré enterarme de lo que dice.
Well, he won't let me go back to school.
Bueno, él no me deja volver a la escuela.
Let him go. He don't know nothing about it. You got me.
Déjenlo ir, el no sabía nada de esto, me tienen, ¿ qué mas quieren?
All you'll do is march me down to that judge and he's got to let me go.
Lo único que va a hacer es llevarme ante el juez y él tendrá que dejarme ir.
OK you will, but not a word to Paddy about the bear, otherwise he won't let you go out with me again.
Bueno, lo serás, pero del oso ni una palabra a Paddy, porque entonces no te dejará volver conmigo.
Or to let me know where he is so I can go to him.
O que me haga saber adonde poder ir a buscarlo
He stopped me today 70km from Rome but then he let me go.
Me ha parado a 70 Km. de Roma y después me ha dejado marchar.
Why doesn't he question me and let me go?
Interrogadme rápido y soltadme.
- Let me go.
¡ Dejadme, yo no he hecho nada!
- Is he here? - Let me go ask him!
- Déjeme preguntárselo.
How long have I been asking you to let me go!
¡ Las veces que te he dicho que me dejes en paz!
I screamed, but he wouldn't let go of me.
Grité, pero no me soltó.
Let go of me I said!
¡ Dejadme, he dicho!
But even if it's real, he's not gonna let me go.
Pero incluso si es real, no me dejará escapar.
That's where I wanted to go in the first place... only, I was stupid enough to let you talk me out of it.
Ahí es dónde quería ir yo. He sido un tonto por escucharle...
- He's a monster, and this... ugly monster he won't let me go.
- ¿ El Juez? Ese monstruo jamás me dejará ir.
Let him go? table, m? me if he does not eat.
Que se siente con los demás, tanto si come, como si no.
I told you to let me go!
¡ He dicho que me sueltes!
He told me what was here. Let me go!
Me dijo qué había aquí. ¡ Déjame ir!
If it's any comfort, I've always regretted... having let you go.
Si te sirve de consuelo, siempre me he arrepentido... de haberte dejado.
I've got to get out of here, and you've got to let me go. That man is going to send me to jail. You know he is!
Tengo que largarme, ese hombre me va a mandar a la cárcel.
So I let myself go, he goes wild.
Entonces, me deja, me da agarradas desenfrenadas.

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