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He wasn't lying traduction Espagnol

174 traduction parallèle
Maybe he was lying. ─ He wasn't.
- Quizá estaba mintiendo.
He's lying, Joe, That wasn't him speaking.
No me dejaría irme así como así. No hará nada. Tú no le conoces como yo.
He wasn't lying.
Es tan bonita como un cuadro.
- He wasn't lying! - So Gabriello, vowing that he would kill you in the worst way he could, went near your home, and waits.
- Entonces, Gabriello juró que te mataría de la peor forma que pudiera, fue a tu casa y te espera.
I wouldn't be lying on the floor with some man if he wasn't married.
¿ Cómo iba a estar en eI suelo tomando champán si no Io estuviera?
This chap Ben Canaan probably wasn't lying when he said he fought with us.
Probablemente, Ben Canaan luchó con nosotros.
- Look, I wasn't lying to you, Mr...
- Mire, no le he mentido, Sr...
He wasn't lying, Zeb!
¡ No mentía!
He wasn't lying.
No mentía.
I wasn't lying when I said that the carabinieri have the memoir.
No he mentido cuando he dicho que el ejército tenía la declaración.
- He wasn't lying here, he was hanging there.
- No estaba tendido allí ; estaba tendido allá.
He wasn't lying.
Era verdad, no eran mentiras.
The last time I saw Keeler, he wasn't standing too tall. He was lying flat on his face from a punch... two years ago he would have laughed at.
La última vez que vi a Keeler... estaba en el suelo de un golpe del que hace años se hubiese reído.
How do you know he wasn't lying?
Pudo haberte mentido...
It's possible he wasn't lying, that the business with his friend and him was true.
Entonces es posible que no haya mentido, que lo de su tío y él sea verdad.
He wasn't lying about Marco.
Lo de Marco no era mentira.
A notification? "Yes, somebody reported him lying, when the" "ambulance arrived, he wasn't there anymore"
Alguien avisó el desmayo de una persona... al llegar la ambulancia no había nadie.
Sometimes they'd sit him up so he wasn't lying in bed all the time... as you do with a patient, but this time when I turned up... he asked the nurse, could he be gotten out of bed... so he could use the computer, and he did.
A veces lo sentaban, de modo que no siempre estaba acostado, como se hace con un paciente. Pero esta vez cuando llegué, le pidió a la enfermera que lo sacara de la cama... para utilizar el computador, y lo hizo.
Yeah, he's lying like hell. He wasn't supposed to been down there according to the Huntley Hearing'til 7 : 30 just to read that confession over to you.
El condenado tenía que haber llegado y no llegó hasta las 7 : 30.
I told him she wasn't Jewish, but Austrian but he was convinced I was lying.
Le dije que no era judía, sino austríaca, pero estaba convencido de que mentía.
- Sherman was lying, wasn't he?
- Sherman mentía, ¿ no?
- I'm sayin'Easy Wind is a lyin'moon cricket, but maybe on this one he wasn't really lying','cause I did it for a small nickel.
- Digo, Viento Fácil es un mentiroso pero quizás en esta no estaba mintiendo, porque lo hice por un poco de dinero.
He couldn't have been watching, or at least he wasn't that interested. He's lying. Wait, wait, wait!
No la estaba viendo o no tenia interés.
Because he thinks I was lying. I wanna show him I wasn't.
Porque él cree que estoy mintiendo y quiero que vea que no es cierto.
But he wasn't lying.
Pero él no estaba mitiendo.
He wasn't lying.
No mintió.
Guess he wasn't lying.
Supuse que no mentía.
The man may be a low-down lying polecat, but he wasn't lying about them grits.
El tipo ese es un mentiroso pero no mentía sobre la comida.
He wasn't lying haIf-naked in a hotel room sleeping.
No estaba descansando semi-desnudo en un hotel.
Tenías razón, Del no mentía.
Whoa. At least he wasn't lying about that black belt.
Por lo menos no mintió acerca de ese cinturón negro.
He wasn't lying.
Él no estaba mintiendo.
Él juró que no era verdad, que el chico estaba mintiendo porque le había suspendido.
He wasn't lying.
No estaba mintiendo.
He wasn't lying down for anybody.
Tiene aguante.
You know, he wasn't lying.
Cariño, Buddy no mentía.
He wasn ´ t lying.
Él no mentía.
I wasn't even gonna go to the ceremony, but... I've been lying here remembering why I never gave school up, and why I killed myself writing papers instead of just... I don't know... accepting that I'd be an agent forever.
Ni siquiera iba a ir a la ceremonia pero he estado aquí mintiéndome recordando por qué nunca dejé la facultad y por qué me he estado matando escribiendo redacciones en vez de no sé aceptar que sería agente para siempre.
I wasn't lying.
No te he mentido.
Wasn't moving, he was just lying there, knife stuck in him.
No se movía, estaba tirado allí. Con el cuchillo clavado en él.
Al McGrath wasn't lying, he was covering.
Al McGrath no mentía, él encubría.
I wasn't lying to you.
No te he mentido.
Then he wasn't lying!
¡ Entonces, no mentía!
But he wasn't lying.
Pero él no estaba mintiendo.
I said I wasn't going to say anything but he's lying through his teeth.
Dije que no iba a comentar nada... pero no está soltando más que mentiras.
They gave him a polygraph test, and he wasn't lying.
Le hicieron un examen de polígrafo, y no mentía.
No, he wasn't lying.
No, no estaba mintiendo.
What if he wasn't lying?
¿ Y si no mentía?
That being said, he wasn't lying.
Dicho esto, él no mentía.
I can't believe it- - after all of that he wasn't lying.
No puedo creerlo- - después de todo no estaba mintiendo.
He's lying. He wasn't telling the truth about selling supplies to the public.
No estaba diciendo la verdad sobre vender suministros al público.

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