I asked around traduction Espagnol
481 traduction parallèle
I asked around the police station, and no one remembers a 911 call for a suicide.
Le pregunté por la estación de policía, y nadie se acuerda de una llamada al 911 para un suicidio.
- I see. - I asked around, though.
He hecho averiguaciones.
I know, I asked around.
Lo sé, estoy informada.
I asked around.
He hecho preguntas por ahí.
After our first visit, I asked around about what is this medicine for.
Tras nuestra primera visita pregunté por ahí sobre esa medicina.
I asked around about prison welfare.
Pregunté sobre el sistema penitenciario.
I saw him and you coming out of Jacobs'place... and then yesterday I asked around about you.
Le vi salir de Jacobs con usted... y luego ayer pregunté a la gente por usted.
I asked around. The camp left two days ago.
He averiguado que hace dos días, que levantaron campamento y se fueron.
I asked around, everybody's a clam.
Pregunté por el lugar, nadie sabe.
I thought I asked you to come around to my place tonight and start working for me.
Creí haberte dicho... que vinieras esta noche y empezaras a trabajar para mí.
I've asked all around. It's no use.
He preguntado por todas partes y nada.
Stop messing around! I didn't ask for his address, I asked where he is in Chapei!
¡ No te pregunto sus señas, sino dónde para en Chapei!
- I asked all around the neighborhood and nobody claims him, so Sailor wants to keep it.
- Pregunté en el vecindario y no es de nadie, Sailor quiere quedárselo.
I asked what is that strange costume you're parading around in?
¿ Te pregunté qué es ese disfraz con el que te estás exhibiendo?
Dally, I've asked all around the place. Everywhere.
Dally, he preguntado por todas partes.
- I asked for around 20.
- Le dije que sólo trajese 20.
I've asked George Woolf to stand by in case Ted doesn't come around.
Pedí a George Woolf que se prepare por si Ted no cabalga.
Well, he asked downstairs about his brothers, and they sent him up. I let him stick around.
- Preguntó por sus hermanos.
And, well, she asked me to look around and see if I could find a good, solid deal.
Y, bueno, me pidió que viera si podía invertirlo por ella en un negocio sólido.
Nobody asked me and I wasn't anybody's friend especially but I stuck around
Nadie me pidió nada y no era amigo de nadie en especial pero me quedé por allí
I would have asked, but I didn't see anybody around.
Se lo hubiera pedido, pero no encontré a nadie.
They asked me, if anybody come around... asking questions about Lee Kawolsky, what do I know?
Preguntaron si había venido alguien preguntando por Lee Kawolsky, que si sabía algo.
Do you think that's why I asked you here, to be chased around the furniture?
¿ Crees que te invité para eso?
Called people, asked around, and suddenly I thought of the phone book.
Llamé a gente, pregunte por ahí, y de repente me acordé de la guía telefónica.
I asked around.
- Pregunté.
Penny, darling, I've got to go out this morning and I've asked Robert to show you around.
Penny, tengo que salir hoy. Le diré a Robert que cuide de ti.
Ojalá invitaras a una chica lista, pero como no... estaré en el espectáculo al aire libre.
I asked myself who, of everybody around, fouled... fouled up his life the most?
Me pregunté : ¿ quién de todos los que conozco ha destrozado más su vida?
I phoned Marston and asked him if anyone around there had horses for hire.
Lamé a Marston y le pregunté si había alguien que alquilara caballos.
I asked you never to pound stakes when I'm around.
Te pedí que no volvieras a clavar estacas cerca de mí.
He asked me if I have seen any prostitutes around here.
Me preguntó si había visto prostitutas por la zona.
When you didn't come back, I went in to Las Rinas and asked around.
Cuando no regresaste fui a Las Rinas y pregunté por ti.
I've asked around.
He preguntado por ahí.
All right, open your Young Latin Scholars, Book One with the grey cover ; page 27, the section I asked you to prepare around the form.
Abran sus libros de latín. Pag. 27, la sección que pedí que preparasen.
I asked you to show the lieutenant around.
Le pedí que le mostrara la empresa al teniente.
Yes, I asked her what she was doing walking around at that hour... And, as usual, she insulted me.
Y le pregunté qué hacía paseando a esas horas y ella me insultó, como siempre.
I've asked around, but nobody says he shot your wife.
He preguntado por ahí, pero nadie dice que haya disparado a tu mujer.
I've asked around. No trace.
He preguntado, incluso fui a su apartamento, pero se ha mudado y no ha aparecido por el bar.
Hmm. Actually, the reason I asked you to come up to this room was that I figured sooner or later you'd get around to asking me where I was on the night of the murder.
De hecho, la razón por la que le pedí que viniera aquí es que me imaginé que tarde o temprano usted me preguntaría dónde estaba la noche del asesinato.
Polly, I have asked you, please, not to leave your strange drawings lying around.
Te he dicho que no dejes tus extraños dibujos por ahí.
They just showed me around the place, and they asked me if I wanted to join.
Sólo me enseñaron el lugar, y me preguntaron si quería unirme.
And tell Mrs. Bolwieser that I asked why she doesn't come around any more.
Y dile a la Sra. Bolwieser que pregunté... por qué ya no viene más por aquí.
I asked him of course what he is doing and he turns around... with a huge grin on his face, and says,..
Lógicamente, le pregunté qué estaba haciendo. Se dio la vuelta y con un amplia sonrisa me dijo "el sexo es maravilloso"
When I came back he went out to the pub. Then, when I asked him... what I should do around the house, he replied that it wasn't my place.
Llegaba a casa y él se iba al pub y si le preguntaba qué iba a hacer yo en casa, me decía que yo no estaba en casa.
I asked Ernest to spread it around that you were becoming the new owner.
La idea fue mía.
The truth is that when I was prowling around the castle looking after the interests of Don Rodrigo, I came upon a party of horsemen who asked me if I had heard tell of a certain Dona Musica.
La verdad es que cuando daba una vuelta junto al castillo velando por los intereses de don Rodrigo, me topé con una partida de jinetes que me preguntaron si había oído hablar de una tal doña Música.
I'd asked everyone, but Suzette hadn't been around in weeks.
Le pregunté a todos, pero hace semanas que nadie ve a Suzette.
The other one was, the fact that once, finally knowing that I really did have his best interest at heart, which I don't think he was used to in anybody, ever, at any time. Talked about, orjust asked me, finally, turned around and said, "Hey, does this look OK"?
La otra cosa fue, algo que, ya sabiendo que él realmente estaba interesado en mi amor, lo que no era tan usual en él en aquel tiempo, después de hablarlo, se dio vuelta y dijo, "Hey, ¿ esto luce bien?"
So I went to drive it around the back, just like he asked.
Así que fui a conducir alrededor de la parte posterior, al igual que él pidió.
I asked Rug Daniels to follow her around.
Le pedí a Rug Daniels que la siguiera.
When I asked him about Friday night, he said he was home alone... while his wife was out playing mahjong until around midnight.
Cuando le pregunte acerca del viernes por la noche me dijo que se había quedado solo en casa mientras su esposa estaba afuera jugando Ma Jong hasta eso de las 12.
i asked you first 53
i asked 191
i asked first 21
i asked myself 26
i asked you something 17
i asked you a question 258
i asked for it 22
i asked you 78
i asked them 16
i asked him 111
i asked 191
i asked first 21
i asked myself 26
i asked you something 17
i asked you a question 258
i asked for it 22
i asked you 78
i asked them 16
i asked him 111
i asked him to 16
i asked you to do one thing 19
i asked her to marry me 21
i asked her 65
i asked mr 24
around 956
around the world 31
around the corner 75
around noon 17
around me 18
i asked you to do one thing 19
i asked her to marry me 21
i asked her 65
i asked mr 24
around 956
around the world 31
around the corner 75
around noon 17
around me 18
around midnight 41
around here 182
around money 20
i ask the questions 35
i ask you 194
i ask you again 25
i ask 87
i ask myself 41
i ask again 16
around here 182
around money 20
i ask the questions 35
i ask you 194
i ask you again 25
i ask 87
i ask myself 41
i ask again 16