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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ I ] / I asked them

I asked them traduction Espagnol

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So I asked them to give me my son's body, which they did after four days.
Entonces pedí que me dieran el cadáver de mi hijo. Me Io dieron después de cuatro días.
I would organize the rooms and that at reception and uhh guys who were particularly drunk so I asked them to stay outside so that the hotel people wouldn't see them before we could at least get our keys and get into the hotel
Como tour manager yo... organizaba... las habitaciones y eso... Los muchachos eran borrachines y les pedía quedarse afuera así la gente no los veía antes de al menos conseguir las llaves...
And I asked them about the cash. They were totally open to a cash offer.
Les pregunté sobre el efectivo y están totalmente abiertos a una oferta.
I asked them to follow you, and they were forced to pay dearly for it.
¡ Yo les dije que los siguieran! ¡ Y fueron condenados a pagar muy caro!
- What would they say if I asked them?
- ¿ Qué dirían si les pregunto?
I asked them to turn up the oxygen and they wouldn't.
les pedí que me dieran oxígeno y no lo hicieron.
I asked them to come to Subramaniam Park.
Les dije que irían al Parque Subramaniam.
I asked them to put somebody else on the case because I was afraid it might break you.
Pedí que se le asignara el caso a otros porque temía que te vieras superada.
I asked them not to tell the fbi.
Yo les pedí que no se lo dijeran al fbi.
I just wanted to see them lie to I just wanted to see them lie to me to my face, when I asked them me to my face, when I asked them if there was or not.
Me hubiera gustado ver cómo me mentían a la cara, cuando les preguntara si la había o no.
I said, "He asked for them, they sit down there we don't use rear projection anymore."
Dije : "Las pidió. No las usamos. Ya no hacemos esas proyecciones".
So I just gave a mean face, and asked them if they want to fight.
El caso es que los miré con furia y les pregunté si querían pelear.
With my head pressed against the glass of one of those windows, looking at the city, I sometimes thought of the beggars who asked for alms outside Sunday Mass, and I saw myself with my hand outstretched like them, next to my mother.
Con la cabeza recostada en una de aquellas ventanas, mirando hacia la ciudad, a veces recardaba a los pobres que pedían limosna durante la misa me veía con la mano extendida mendigando como ellos, al lado de mi madre.
The only thing I always refused... WRITER which happened very rarely... were girls who asked me to take my glasses off in bed... I didn't like to take them off.
Lo único a lo que siempre me negué... y que me pasó muy raramente... fue que las mujeres me pidieran quitarme las gafas... y yo me negaba.
When, I took Henry Starr's clothes, back to his father he asked me, why the police had kept them for so long.
Cuando le llevé las ropas de Henry Starr de regreso a su padre, el me preguntó porque la policía las había guardado tanto tiempo.
I got a hold of them yesterday... and I asked for directions to the protest... and they told me they couldn't get me from where l was at to here.
I se celebrará una de ellas ayer... y le pedí instrucciones para llegar a la protesta... y me dijeron que no podía me desde donde l estaba en aquí.
But every one of them asked me if I was looking for employment.
Pero todos me preguntaron si estaba buscando empleo.
So when Sigma Epsilon asked me to pledge I wanted to tell them the truth up front so I didn't have to go through all that again.
Cuando Sigma me pidió que fuera aspirante quise decir la verdad para no vivir una situación incómoda.
- Last night I asked you to take them.
- Anoche le pedí que tomarlas.
I asked Ben, our gardener, to deliver them.
Le pedí a Ben, nuestro jardinero, que los llevara.
But I've asked them to prepare a full seven-course extravaganza in hopes it will keep you two from snooping around in anymore of our personal effects.
Pero les pedí que prepararan una cena de siete platos... con la esperanza de que Uds. dos no estén fisgoneando... en ninguno de nuestros artículos personales.
I'm guessing you already went to the school board... -... and asked them to suspend me.
Supongo que ya fue con la junta escolar y les pidió que me suspendieran.
Chancellor Travell has asked that I escort them the rest of the way.
Travell me ha pedido que les escolte personalmente el resto del trayecto.
And I don't want to be asked how come no one ever met with them.
Y no quiero que me pregunten por qué nadie se reunió con ellos.
No, i would like to, yes, please. The other seven, they came over and asked me to help them build their new shelter, so i think that I've earned a little bit of respect from them.
Además, los ganadores elegirán a un miembro... del otro equipo para ir a la isla del exilio... también elegirán a uno de su propia tribu para que le acompañe.
If I hadn't asked Patrick to end his affair with Annie Keel..... she might not have killed them.
Si no le hubiera pedido a Patrick poner fin a su relación con Annie Keel... ella podría no haberlos matado.
I asked you not to take them away.
Le pedí que no se los llevara.
If my kids asked me, I'd set them down and I'd tell them, this is whatgay people do.
Si mis hijos me lo preguntasen, sólo les diría : "Esto es lo que hacen los gays."
When you asked me to come out here for you, you promised me... I wasn`t just going to be one of those women who finds properties and... goes to lunch 500 times developing them and never gets one made.
Cuando me pediste que viniera aquí me prometiste que no sería sólo una de esas mujeres que buscan proyectos y almuerzan 500 veces para desarrollarlos y luego nada.
That's why I asked your ass for them two flashlights.
Por eso te pedimos las linternas!
I've asked them to make someone available to help you with the class work to bring you up to scratch in the subjects where you're lagging behind.
Os lo he comentado para hacéroslo más sencillo ; para ayudaros con el trabajo diario, para llevaros a profundizar con las materias en las que os habéis retrasado.
They asked me and I told them and they didn't punish me.
Me preguntaron, les dije y no me castigaron.
I went and asked them for a gun.
fui y les pedí un arma.
I've never asked them for anything.
Nunca les he pedido nada.
I've asked them not to smoke, cause when they smoke, they waste their money and their health.
Les he pedido que no fumen, porque fumando pierden dinero y salud.
I specifically asked you to stay to make them feel safe.
Te pedí que te quedaras para que se sintieran protegidas.
No, I asked you to stay with them so that they would- -
No, te pedí que te quedaras con ellas para que...
You asked me if I missed them.
Ud. me preguntó si los extrañaba. La respuesta es sí.
I think if you asked anyone onboard whether they thought this mission was worth the risk, you'd get the same answer from every one of them.
Creo que si le pregunta a cualquiera a bordo... si merece la pena arriesgarse por esta misión recibirá la misma respuesta de cada uno.
Now, I've been real friendly. Even asked them to join the game.
Fui realmente amistoso, incluso los invité a unirse al juego.
I went down to the city council meeting and asked them not to.
Fui a la reunión del ayuntamiento y les pedí que no lo hicieran.
When I asked the woman about them... she told me they were there because of the healing qualities.
Cuando le pregunté a la mujer sobre eso... me dijo que las dejaban allí por sus propiedades curativas.
Apparently, I called them and asked them to send me a bathrobe.
Aparentemente, los llamé y les pedí que me enviaran una bata.
He phoned and asked about'The Hawk'. I've got them all, from the first issue, in really good condition.
Los tengo todos, desde el primero y en muy buenas condiciones.
Nunca se lo tendría que haber preguntado.
I asked you about inviting them the other night, and you said....
Te pregunté si los invitaba la otra noche y dijiste...
You should have gotten rid of them... when I asked you to before.
Deberías haberte deshecho de ellas cuando te lo pedí.
I'm here in no official capacity, and I'm wielding nothing but the League of Professional Women asked me if I could help get them time with the president.
Estoy aquí de forma no oficial y no estoy ejerciendo pero la Liga de Mujeres Profesionales me preguntó si podría ayudarlas a conseguir unos minutos con el Presidente.
A few of them asked if I'd hold them afterwards
Una me preguntó si la abrazaré al terminar.
I was asked by senior staff to identify it for them.
Altos cargos me han preguntado si sabía qué es.
- I don't know. I just asked them how they felt about hot showers.
Les pregunté qué opinaban de las duchas calientes.

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