I asked him to traduction Espagnol
2,997 traduction parallèle
I asked him to invest it for me.
Le pedí que lo invirtiera.
I asked him to come home.
Le pedí que viniera a casa.
As a fellow classmate, I asked him to help me buy a horse. He didn't help me.
Somos compañeros, pero le pedí si me podría comprar un caballo y dijo que no.
I asked him to clarify, but I'm just the delivery boy.
Le pedí que fuera más específico, pero solo soy el mensajero.
I asked him to bring the invoice.
Le dije si me podría traer la factura.
I asked him to meet me here.
Le pedí que se reuniese conmigo aquí.
Because I asked him to be a godparent.
Porque le he pedido que sea el padrino.
I thought I asked him to put it down, not throw it at me.
Creo que te pedí que lo pusieras en el suelo, no que me lo tirases.
Because I asked him to.
Porque yo le pedí que lo hiciera.
I asked him to consult because his father did work in the field.
Le consulte ya que su padre hizo un trabajo en el campo.
I didn't feel safe with him so I asked him to stop the cab and I... I took a picture of his ID before I ran away.
No me sentía seguro con él así que le padí que parara el taxi y yo... tomé una fotografía de su identificación antes de salir corriendo.
I asked him to pop by with Ollie's laptop, just in case there was anything on it - bullying, troubles, like you said.
Le pedí que trajera la laptop de Ollie, en caso de que hubiera algo en ella. Acoso, problemas, como dijiste.
I asked him to find out what Bart's reappearance means to my marriage.
Le pedí que averiguara qué significa la reaparición de Bart para mi matrimonio.
The man who runs the place, I asked him to keep her, the girl...
El hombre que lleva el local, le pedí que la mantuviera, - a la chica...
Look, don't get mad, but I asked him to give you a call.
Mira, no te enfades, pero le he pedido que te llame.
I asked him to call me if he found any definitive Kay Cappuccio connection to the Vasquez family. Hey. You know when they're gonna be done in there?
Le pedí que me llamara si encontraba alguna conexión definitiva entre Kay Cappuccio y la familia Vasquez. ¿ Sabes cuándo acabarán ahí dentro?
So I asked him, you know, what kind of curtain you going to put up in this building...
Así que le pregunte, ya sabes, "¿ qué tipo de cortina vas a poner en el edificio?"
I heard she is sick. I asked him a few times after returning to Korea, but he wouldn't tell me.
Supe que estaba enferma... le pregunté varias veces cuando regresó al país... pero no lo dijo.
After Dong Joo knew about my relationship with ahjussi, He said he would leave the house. But I was the one who asked him not to leave.
Cuando Dong Joo descubrió que estábamos saliendo... dijo que se iría, pero yo lo detuve.
We were together for about a year, and he finally got down on his knees and asked me to marry him and I said yes - he's very old-fashioned.
Estuvimos juntos durante casi un año, y finalmente se puso de rodillas y me pidió que me casara con él y yo dije que sí, él es muy anticuado.
When I asked who checked him in, I went back to their surveillance cameras.
Cuando pregunté quién lo llevó, revisé sus cámaras de seguridad.
If Jean Azevedo asked me to go with him, I would.
Si Jean Azevedo me lo pidiera, lo dejaría todo.
Well, I've asked around about him, and nobody seems to know about him.
He preguntado, pero nadie parecía conocerlo.
I told him what my father told me to answer to the boys who asked to marry me,
Le respondí lo que mi padre me dijo que respondiera... a cualquiera que me pidiera matrimonio.
And the next day I went along to the theater, and after the curtain he appeared, and I sauntered up to him, and I asked him,
Y al día siguiente fui, junto al teatro, y tras el telón apareció, y me acerqué a él, y le pregunté :
And I wanted to play with him, so I asked if I could sit in.
Y yo quería jugar con él, así que le pregunté si podía sentarse.
And I was asked to find him by a singer called Johnny Rotten,
Y me pidió que encontrarlo por un cantante llamado Johnny Rotten,
Anyone at all know... where Mycroft Holmes is, I've been asked to meet him here?
¿ Alguien sabe... dónde está Mycroft Holmes? Se me ha pedido que me encuentre con él aquí.
I am the neighbor of Julian, asked me to bring him.
Soy el vecino de Julián, me ha pedido que le traiga.
Hey look, it's not like I asked to see him.
Oye mira, no es que haya pedido verle.
I removed him from his car and asked him to take a breathalyser exam.
Le alejé de su coche. y le pedí que hiciera la prueba de alcoholemia.
And everything about it was strange to me, but he--I was very, very stressed, and we were very busy, and when I asked him a question, he always had an answer.
Y todo con respecto a ello se me hizo extraño, pero él--Yo estaba, muy estresada, y estábamos muy ocupados, y cuando le preguntaba algo, él siempre tenía una respuesta.
I came across a girl who has asked me to guide him.
Me encontré con una chica que buscaba una dirección.
The last time I asked you to compel him.
Es la ultima vez que te pido que lo obligues.
I asked Damon to compel him.
Le pedí a Damon que lo obligara.
Yeah, I asked Stu to hook me up with a bottle of the good stuff, but then Marcy had to go and pistol-whip him.
Sí, le pedí a Stu para que me consiguiera una botella de la buena, pero luego Marcy tuvo que ponerse dura con él.
He asked me to represent him, so I'll give...
Me pidió que lo representara, así que le voy a dar...
Rowan wasn't in and so to save myself the trip, I asked him if he wouldn't mind dropping the envelope off.
Rowan no estaba, y para ahorrarme el viaje, le pregunte si no le molestaria llevar el sobre.
"I just asked him to do one thing, but he didn't."
"Solo le pedí que hiciera una cosa, Pero él no lo hizo."
And Rex just said I was embarrassing him, and he asked me to leave.
Y Rex dijo que lo estaba avergonzando, y me pidió que me fuera.
I've even spoken to him, asked him questions.
He hablado con él, le he hecho muchas preguntas,
I asked him out there to apologize to him.
Le pedí ir allí para disculparme.
Then he asked if I would go to dinner with him, right there in the freezer aisle.
Entonces me preguntó si querría ir a cenar con él, justo allí, en el pasillo de los congeladores.
Then I started talking to him whenever he came in, and soon enough, he asked me to the pictures.
Entonces empecé a hablar con él cada vez que venía, y pronto, me invitó al cine.
I asked to call him because we are doing a a small reorganization of the Élysée.
Le he pedido que viniera para reorganizar un poco los servicios del Elíseo.
I told him he was reading into things, but he still asked me to stay after class.
Le dije que leyera entre lineas, pero aún con todo, me pidió que me quedase después de clase.
Lady Agnes wrote to Mr Landry, asked him to help us, but I've been passed fit for the forces now, so we don't know what we're going to do.
- Ya veo. - Lady Agnes escribió al Sr. Landry, pidiendo que nos ayudase, pero ahora he sido considerado apto para el ejército. así que no sabemos qué vamos a hacer.
He asked to see you, but I told him you were going to Mandalay.
Pero le dije que iría a Mandalay.
I looked all over the flat I asked the driver to look for him outside
Y le he dicho al chófer que lo busque en la calle.
She gave me a bottle of whiskey and asked me to make sure that I served him from that bottle.
Me dio una botella de whiskey y me pidió que me asegurara de que le sirviese de esa botella.
He asked me for a cash loan, but I didn't give it to him.
Él me pidió un préstamo, pero no se lo di.
i asked you first 53
i asked 191
i asked first 21
i asked myself 26
i asked you something 17
i asked you a question 258
i asked for it 22
i asked you 78
i asked them 16
i asked him 111
i asked 191
i asked first 21
i asked myself 26
i asked you something 17
i asked you a question 258
i asked for it 22
i asked you 78
i asked them 16
i asked him 111