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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ L ] / Let her through

Let her through traduction Espagnol

354 traduction parallèle
They'll lower the gate to let her through.
Abrirân el portón para que entre.
- Hey, let her through!
- Déjenla pasar.
Back up and let her through.
Retrocede y déjala pasar.
Let her through! She's my wife!
¡ Dejen pasar a mi mujer!
- Miss goody-two-shoes... - Oh, let her through.
¡ Dejadla pasar!
Let her through!
Vamos, dejen pasar.
- It's Mrs. De Ritis, shall I let her through?
- La señora De Ritis, ¿ le digo que pase?
- Let her through.
- Que pase.
Let her through
Déjela pasar.
- Mal told us to let her through.
- Mal nos dijo que la dejáramos pasar.
Let her through.
Dejadla pasar.
- No, I wouldn't let her through.
- No, yo no la dejaría pasar.
Let her through, please.
Déjenle pasar, por favor.
- Don't let her through.
- No la dejen pasar.
They've let her through.
La han dejado pasar.
Let her through.
Levdokha, deja que pase. - No.
Okay, let her through.
Dejadla pasar.
I wasn't going to let you go through with holding them up, after I found out how much you cared for her.
No iba a dejarte que les robaras dinero a ellos... cuando supe cuánto la querías.
You just sign it over to her and let her put it through.
Usted se lo endosa a ella y deje que ella lo cobre.
Let her run through storm and hell.
A través de la tormenta y del infierno.
When Evans came through the window to let her in, you hid in the closet.
Cuando Evans entró para dejarla pasar, te ocultaste en el armario.
If you're through whacking her, let's get going.
Si ya ha terminado de pegarle, vámonos.
And that's why I'm going to let Vivian go right on through. Even though the stop signal's against her.
Y por eso voy a dejar que Vivian continúe sin enterarse... aunque tiene todo en contra.
You ain't gonna tell the newspaper reporters, are ya, and let them make up their nasty stories and drag her name through the mud?
¿ No irá a contárselo a los periodistas y dejar que inventen historias sobre ella y mancillen su nombre?
One of you won't... let her come through.
Uno de ustedes impide que llegue.
They'll let her through
La dejarán pasar.
- These new-fangled vets wouldn't approve... Well, if I had a horse with a congested lung, I'd try some aromatic oils and hot water, and let her breathe the fumes up through her nostrils.
- Los veterinarios modernos no lo aprobarían, pero si yo tuviera un caballo con congestión, probaría con aceite aromático y agua caliente, y le haría respirar los vapores por la nariz.
She had smallpox, and I let her slip through my hands.
Ella tenía la viruela y permití que se me fuera de las manos.
One of our men at the theater let her slip through his fingers without making a statement.
Uno de nuestros hombres del teatro la dejó escaparse sin hacer una declaración.
Let the mob drive her like a dog through the streets to the city gates?
¿ Permitirías que la turba la llevara como a un perro... por las calles hasta el portal de la ciudad?
Let her go through, please.
Déjenla. Déjenla pasar.
Yeah, let her go through.
Sí, déjala pasar.
When Larry Evans came through the window to let her in, you hid in the closet.
Cuando Larry entró por la ventana, te ocultaste en el ropero.
Let it go, Tom, let her think about it through tomorrow.
Dejala pensar en esto hasta la mañana.
- Let her go through what I've been through.
Que sufra lo que yo sufrí.
Why did you let her dig through in there?
¿ Por qué la has dejado hurgar ahí dentro?
Coming through! Let her breathe!
¡ Por favor, por favor, dejad que pueda respirar!
Yes, I could let you dictate something to her, but I tried to get through to Brisbane myself half an hour ago.
Si, con mucho gusto le dejaría que lo hiciera, Pero hemos intentado comunicarnos con Brisbane hace media hora.
- Let her get through.
- ¡ Vamos! ¡ Déjala pasar!
She wanted to let you wear that... All through her happy times.
Quería que Ud. llevase eso durante toda su época feliz.
We can't let her go through the whole vacation in this kind of misery.
No podemos dejar que pase las vacaciones en este estado de ánimo.
And don't let her get through to Blake's Tours.
Que no se comunique con Viajes Blake.
Arturo, let's see if we can get her a job through your contacts?
Arturo... vamos a ver si, con tu influencia, le conseguimos un buen trabajo.
All right, let her come through this way.
Vale, que pase por aquí. Cerraré los ojos.
You ain't gonna tell the newspaper reporters, are ya... and let them make up their nasty stories... and drag her name through the mud?
No irá a contárselo a los periodistas, ¿ verdad? Piense que inventarían cosas y arrastrarían su nombre por el lodo.
She let me go through her purse.
Me permitió registrar su bolso.
Let me go see how our Caterina slept through the night with her nightingale.
Iré a ver cómo durmió nuestra Caterina con su ruiseñor.
The acrobat having a bad day, won't shut up in the midst of her lunacy. - Where are you trying to get... screaming like that in a basement? Let me through!
La acróbata tiene sus humores... no se calla y aquí estamos en plena demencia ¡ déjame pasar!
Let her remember it, listen and read about it, as long as she doesn't have to go through it herself.
Dejen que lo recuerde, que escuche y lea sobre eso,... siempre y cuando no tenga que vivirlo ella misma.
Let's go back the way we came and go through her front door.
volvamos por donde vinimos y entremos por Ia puerta principal.
She has been calling through space and time, for you to come and let her rest.
Ha llamado a través del espacio y del tiempo para que le des descanso.

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