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Let him know traduction Espagnol

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I'm gonna let him know we're gonna pay Adam Noshimuri a visit.
Voy a decirle que le vamos a hacer una visita a Adam Noshimuri.
Let him know that you love him, and that you'll see him soon.
Hágale saber que le ama, y que lo verá pronto.
Just let him know you're there for him.
Déjale saber que estás ahí para él.
Great. I'll let him know.
Bueno, se lo haré saber.
You should probably let him know he still has his job.
Probablemente debería hacerle saber él todavía tiene su trabajo.
And I was hoping maybe that you can let him know that I answer to you.
Y estaba esperando que quizás puedas hacerle saber que respondo ante ti.
If some guy's an asshole, they'll let him know.
Si algún tipo es un gilipollas, ellas se lo harán saber.
I shall be sure to let him know, Arthur.
Me aseguraré de hacerselo saber, Arthur.
Out of... courtesy, I let him know when I'm coming over.
Por... cortesía, le hago saber cuándo voy a venir.
Let him know.
If you know him or if you know anyone that does, can you... can you please let him know that his brother's dead?
Si lo conoces o si conoces a alguien que lo haga, ¿ puedes... puedes, por favor, hacerle saber que su hermano ha muerto?
Bring along some white wine to let him know you're okay with him being gay, even though you probably won't ever, like, go to a gay bar with him.
Lleva algo de vino blanco, para que él sepa que no te importa que sea gay, aunque, probablemente, nunca vayas a un bar gay con él.
Let him know we mean business.
Hasle saber que hablamos en serio.
Dad, what's real important is that you let him know that he can trust you.
Papá, lo que es muy importante es que le dejes saber que puede confiar en ti.
Let him know everything is fine but don't pick him up or he'll never go to sleep.
Dile que todo está bien... pero no lo agarres o si no, nunca se dormirá.
I'll let him know you're here.
Le diré que estás aquí.
You didn't let him know about the big surprise party we're throwing him tonight, did you?
No le dijiste nada de la fiesta sorpresa que le estamos preparando para esta noche, ¿ verdad?
Let's let him know we're here, right?
Hagamos que sepa que estamos aquí, ¿ no?
And it's good to let him know right off the bat that you have a gag reflex.
Y es bueno dejarle saber desde el principio que te dan espasmos cuando meten algo en tu garganta.
He told me to... hang out with Bobby and text him, let him know where we were.
Me pidió que... me quedara con Bobby y le enviara un mensaje, contándole dónde estábamos.
But I'll let him know you stopped by.
Pero le dire que te has dejado caer.
All right, I'll page Clemens, let him know that he's an idiot, and walk him through how to do it.
Bien, llamaré a Clemens, para hacerle saber que es un idiota, y guiarle en la forma de hacer esto.
I'll let him know.
Se lo haré saber.
I'll let him know.
Le avisaré.
I will let him know.
Se lo diré.
All right, Yvonne, call Savoy, let him know that Miss Desmond's no longer welcome to work in a casino in our city.
De acuerdo, Yvonne, llama al Savoy, dile la señorita Desmond ya no es bienvenida para trabajar en un casino de nuestra ciudad.
Could you just let him know that I got roped into something by my partner tonight, so I'm gonna have to push our trip to tomorrow.
¿ Podrías hacerle saber que estoy liada en algo con mi compañera esta noche, así que voy a tener que dejar nuestro viaje para mañana.
Please don't let him know I'm here.
Por favor, no le digas que estoy aquí.
Well, make sure you let him know you're a lady.
Un perro es lo más entu...
I wanted to let him know that I grieved for his time wasted on a season in hell.
Quería que supiera que me apenaba que perdiera su tiempo por una temporada en el infierno.
You let me know if you recognize him.
Dime si le reconoces.
You know, I mean whether he's talking about it or not, when I saw him looking up at me, he was freaked. Aah! And it's a look I've seen before, let me tell you.
Ya sabes, quiero decir aunque esté hablando de ello o no, cuando le vi mirándome, estaba flipando. Y déjame decirte que es una mirada que ya he visto antes.
Whoa. This thing with the Pittmans is a ridiculous distraction, and you and I both know it's in T.K.'s best interest just to let him focus on his rehab, okay?
Esta cosa con los Pittman es una ridícula situación, y tú y yo ambos sabemos que el mejor interés para T.K.
I told him that I was gonna let everybody in the church know what he'd done.
Le dije que iba a decirle a todo el mundo en la iglesia lo que había hecho.
You know he wanted to come with ya, but you wouldn't let him,'cause of your pride.
Sabes que quería venir contigo. Pero no le dejaste por orgullo.
Well, let me know if you see him.
Bueno, hazme saber si lo ves.
You know, if you let him live, he could fail you again.
Ya sabes, um, si dejas que viva, él podría fracasar de nuevo.
Let me know if you want me to come round there and squidge his bollocks with a pair of pliers for him, eh?
Avísame si quieres que me pase para retorcerle los huevos con unos alicates.
That was him calling to let me know that he got stopped at a checkpoint.
Llamó para avisarme que se demoró en un puesto de control.
Ussing just let me know that a truce is fine by him.
Ussing me acaba de hacer saber que la tregua está bien para él.
- Oh. Let us sing to him the song we all know.
Permitidnos cantarle la canción que todos conocemos.
I took him to his first day of kindergarten, and I was, you know, ready for the tears and the good-bye, and how hard it was gonna be, and he just let go of my hand.
Le llevé a su primer día de guardería, y estaba, ya sabes, preparada para las lagrimas y el adiós, y lo duro que iba a ser, y simplemente me soltó la mano.
Let him taste some of that, you know...
Déjale probar un poco de eso, ya sabes...
I also know that you'd never let any real harm come to him.
También sé que nunca dejarías que le pasará nada malo.
I just wanna have a real conversation with my son, so let me know if you see him around.
Solo quiero tener una conversación real con mi hijo, así que hazme saber si lo ves.
Let me know if you see him.
Hazme saber si la ves.
I told him I'd let you know. ( Laughs )
Le dije que te informaría.
I know it sounds funny coming from me, but now I wish you'd let him buy it.
Sé que suena cómico viniendo de mí, pero ahora me gustaría dejar que lo compre.
I want to know why Loki let us take him.
¿ Por qué se dejó coger?
A friend of mine is over there on your wall, he's in a spot of bother and I ain't about to let him down, so you better tell me what the fuck I want to know or I will shoot you.
Un amigo mío está contra la pared, no está en un buen lugar y no voy a defraudarlo, así que mejor me dices lo que quiero saber o te dispararé.
Guys, I know it sounds really weird, but I don't think we should let him in.
Chicos, sé que suena raro de verdad, pero no creo que debamos dejarlo entrar.

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