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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ L ] / Let him wait

Let him wait traduction Espagnol

315 traduction parallèle
I really promised this dance to the Duke of Riverbotham... but as the old fogy isn't here, we'll let him wait.
En realidad, prometí este baile al duque de Riverbotham, pero como el viejo no está aquí, que se espere.
Let him wait.
¡ Pues que espere!
We'll let him wait till I'm finished. Come on, play, play, play.
Lo haremos esperar, hasta que termine.
Let him wait in the reception room.
Que espere en la salita.
Let him wait.
Déjale que espere.
Let him wait a few minutes. And make a bad impression?
¿ Y que le dé una mala impresión?
All right, let him wait.
Muy bien, que espere.
Let him wait.
Que espere.
Let him wait.
- Atiéndale.
- the ambassador is waiting. - Let him wait.
- Que espere.
- Oh, let him wait.
Que espere.
Let him wait some more.
Que espere algo más.
You can't let him wait, not knowing.
No puedes dejarlo esperando sin saber...
Señora, let him wait.
Señora, déjele esperar.
- Let him wait.
- Que espere.
Let him wait.
Déjale que espere
Well, let him wait.
Bien, que espere.
- Good, let him wait.
- Bien, que se espere.
Mr McGinnis is waiting... Let him wait!
¡ Pues que espere!
Oh, let him wait.
- Que espere.
- So let him wait.
- Que espere.
Don't let him wait alone.
No dejes que espere solo.
Let him wait
Dile que espere.
Now, let's wait for him up on the bluff.
Esperémoslo allá, en el acantilado. Vamos.
Let him wait!
¡ Que espere!
Wait for me in one of the boxes, don't let him see you.
Esperame en el reservado pero, que no te vea.
A filthy, selfish man who let his wife wait on him.
Un cerdo egoísta que dejaba que su esposa le sirviera.
let him wait
¡ Que espere!
Wait till he gets the trumpet for us and then, Aunty will be glad to let you kill him.
Espera a que nos traiga la trompeta y luego... tu tía estará feliz de dejarte matarlo.
Kid, if you'll just let me take him - Wait a minute, Fingers.
- Kid, si me dejas... - Espera un momento, Doigts.
Why, you... let's get him! No, wait!
- Disculpe, comodoro su mayordomo nos impedía entrar por la puerta principal así que...
Wait a minute. Let him fix this first.
Deja que arregle esto antes.
Sir Matashichiro, let's have lunch or something and wait for him.
Señor Matashichiro, almorcemos O tomemos algo y esperemos.
Yes. I came down to ask him to come to bed... to let his experiment wait until morning.
Bajé a pedirle que fuera a la cama... que dejara su experimento para la mañana.
Let's wait for him.
Vamos a esperarlo.
Sólo quiero que le digas que no pude esperar más.
Now... let's go out and wait for him.
Ahora... salgamos y esperemosle.
Right, let's start spending money already no, we wait for him in here!
- ¡ Ya, a gastar dinero! Esperamos aquí.
No, we've got to wait and let the professionals catch him. After the hold-up.
No, hay que esperar y que los profesionales lo atrapen después de cometido el robo.
But of course the ogre wouldn't let me, so I came to Spain to wait for him here.
Pero como el ogro no me iba a dejar, vine a España a esperarle.
- Wait a minute. Let him go.
- Un momento, Déjale ir.
Would you let the president know that I wasn't able to wait for him.
Avise al Presidente de que no puedo esperarle.
Okay, let's wait for him.
¡ Esperémosle!
Let's wait for him to come out.
Sí. Esperaremos a que baje.
Let's wait for him to move away.
Esperemos a que se aleje.
- Let him wait.
¡ Que espere!
Wait a minute... Do you mean to tell me that you sat over there and drank with him in the dark and talked sex by the volume and let him kiss you and everything and nothing?
Un momento... ¿ Quieres decir que te quedaste allí sentada y bebiste con él a oscuras y hablasteis de sexo y dejaste que te besara y todo y luego nada?
Let's wait for him to come out.
Esperaremos a que salga.
Thank monsieur Fouke and tell him to wait I will act when there will be favorable moment. Let's go monsieur.
Déle las gracias a Fouquet y dígale que espere, actuaré en cuanto se presente la ocasión. ¡ Vamos!
Maybe we'd better wait until Miguel gets here and let him figure it out.
Tal vez sea mejor esperar a que venga Miguel y que lo decida él.
I suppose so. But we don't have time to wait around to let him make up his mind.
Me imagino, pero no tenemos tiempo para esperar a que se decida.

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