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Let him down traduction Espagnol

1,338 traduction parallèle
I don't want to let him down.
No quiero decepcionarle.
But please, let him down gently.
Pero por favor, suavizad el golpe.
- I think I really let him down.
Me parece que realmente lo decepcioné. ¡ Oye!
Let him down.
- Es peligroso. Bajémosle.
I tried to let him down easy.
Traté de desilusionarlo suavemente.
Just let him down gently.
Sólo desaliéntalo gentilmente.
You let him down easy.
Lo decepcionas fácilmente.
You can't let him down now.
No puedo fallarle.
You can't let him down.
No puedo fallarle.
All right, let him down.
Muy bien, bájenlo.
Now, I hope I don't let him down.
Y espero no decepcionarle.
I should never have left her or let him down.
Nunca debi dejarla sola o permitir que el bajara.
I can't let him down.
No puedo dejarle aquí.
She said her dad loved her, and you let him down.
Dijo que su padre la amaba, y que tú lo defraudaste.
Wouldn't be smart to let him down now.
No sería prudente decepcionarlo.
He's totally depressed, I can't let him down.
- Sí. Está totalmente deprimido. No puedo dejarlo así.
Now, let him down.
Vamos a bajarlo.
He's got other patients... And I can't let him down ".
"Que no hago carrera contigo", y yo no le quiero defraudar. "
I can't just let him down.
No puedo decepcionarle.
It's time to take off those pumps, put on those espadrilles you're so fond of- - which, by the way, aren't coming back ever- - kick down that door, and let him get used to the fact
Es hora de quitarte esos tacones, de ponerte esas alpargatas que tanto te gustan... y, a propósito nunca volverán estar de moda de patear la puerta y de hacerlo acostumbrarse al hecho de que vives allí.
Let's take him down together
Acabemos con él juntos
Let's hope marriage and California have settled him down.
Esperemos que el matrimonio y California lo hayan hecho sentar cabeza.
Then I'll close down the only fleapit in this poxy village... that would let him in the door.
Cerraré el único bar de mala muerte en esta maldita aldea... que lo dejaría entrar.
- While he's down, let's kick him.
¿ Jefe, ya que está en el piso, vamos a patearlo!
I let my hair down and sent signals that I might be attracted to him.
Me solté el pelo, me hice víctima y mandé señales de que quizá me sentía atraída hacia él.
Alright, let's get him out of there into the containment box down below, now.
Muy bien, saquemoslo de allí y pongamoslo en la caja de contención de una vez.
Your choices are either to let the disease run its course... which is very painful for the animal... or to put him down.
Tus opciones son dejar que la enfermedad siga su curso, lo cual es muy doloroso para el animal... o ponerlo a dormir.
Now, let's see if we can get him down here with us.
Ahora Déjame ver si lo puedo traer aquí.
"Let him be the lightning rod, and when somebody goes down he's not a young man with a family." We agreed.
"Dejadle ser el pararrayos, y cuando alguien caiga no será un joven con familia". Lo acordamos.
And I don't know if I should just let him... imagine what he wants to imagine... or if I should sit him down sometime and, you know, tell him... that his father's not such a nice person.
Y no sé si dejarle imaginar lo que él quiera, o si agarrarlo un día y decirle... que su padre no es un buen tipo.
- Just shut up and sit down and you let him stay!
- ¡ Cállate, siéntate y deja que se quede!
Let's go down there before the coroner does... and play "Weekend at Bernie's" with him.
Vámonos y juguemos a "Fin de Semana con Bernie."
Let's put him down.
Ahora bajémosle.
I just let him go down on my button. Tell me what you want to do.
¿ Dime qué quieres hacer?
- I don't, I don't want him on this case! Let's settle down.
Se supone que esto es por Ally, no por ti.
- Let's sit him down here.
- Sentémosle aquí.
Robert Price let them down and they made him eat his liver.
Robert Price les falló y le hicieron comerse el hígado.
OK, let's sit him down.
OK, vamos a sentarlo.
Let's track him down and find out.
Hay que buscarlo y encontrarlo.
Oh, let it go, Frasier- - what are you going to do, go down there and make him change it?
Oh, déjalo ir, Frasier -, ¿ qué vas a hacer, ir allí y hacer lo que cambio?
Now, I say we tip his chair and let him go tumbling down the shaft.
Yo digo que inclinemos la silla y lo dejemos caer al foso.
Eternal rest grant onto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine down upon him.
Otórgale descanso eterno, Señor, y deja que la luz eterna brille sobre él.
Wait and let them kill him? - I'm gonna take this down.
Voy a hacerlo yo.
Fuck, let him in before he kicks the door down.
Ábrele antes de que tire la puerta abajo.
You know, I counted on him and he let me down.
Sabes, contaba con él y me defraudó.
Let's take him down.
Vamos a pasarlo.
So we said, "Let's tone him down." See?
Pensamos que podíamos cambiarla. ¿ Entiendes?
Don't let him go down there with nothing.
No lo dejen ir sin nada.
Slow down and let him fucking pass you!
Baja la velocidad y dejalo pasar!
Let's love him down to the dressing room.
Vamos, amémoslo en el camerino.
Let's go, you track him down.
Vamos, me lo traes.

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