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Like you wouldn't believe traduction Espagnol

174 traduction parallèle
Why, if I told you how often I wished I had you like this, you wouldn't believe it. Why me?
Si te digo cuánto he esperado esto, no me creerías.
You know is much as I'd like to, I wouldn't even believe it if I'd heard you'd been eaten by a shark.
No te creería, ni aunque te hubiese devorado un tiburón.
You know, if you told anybody we'd been living like this, just down the hall... for six months, neither one of us ever giving the other one a thought they wouldn't believe it.
, si le dijera a alguien que hemos estado viviendo así... aquí en el ayuntamiento... durante seis meses... sin dedicarnos uno al otro un solo pensamiento... no lo creerían.
You wouldn't believe it, Sam, the way those two like each other.
No te puedes imaginar, Sam, lo bien que se llevan esos dos.
You'd like to believe that wouldn't you?
¿ Te gustaría crearlo, verdad?
You would like to believe that, wouldn't you?
Quieres pensar eso, ¿ verdad?
Well, if it wasn't you, sir, it was somebody so much like you, you wouldn't believe it.
Si no fue usted, señor, era alguien tan parecido que no lo creería.
You're too good on things like that, Nardo. I wouldn't believe them either.
Eres muy bueno para falsificar cosas, Nardo.
At the start she wouldn't even believe it and then, well, you know what Elsa is like.
Al principio no se lo creía, pero... ya conoces a Elsa.
- A fit? - A fit like you wouldn't believe.
- Un ataque que ni te imaginas.
You wouldn't believe this, jesse, but personally, i'd like to see you win.
No me creerás, pero me gustaría verte ganar.
I'm lone. I'm so lone like you wouldn't believe.
Te dije, estoy solitario.
You wouldn't believe it just like I didn't believe you. Don't tell me you lost your key.
Bien, ¿ Qué pasó?
Hanu was practicing to attack this post... and he's got tricks up his sleeve like you wouldn't believe for you.
Hanu se prepara para atacar este fuerte y tiene más ases escondidos en la manga de los que se pueda llegar a imaginar.
Get broads here like you wouldn't believe.
Conseguir cosas que no creerias.
You'll take a fucking like you wouldn't believe.
Te encantaría.
He's nagging like you wouldn't believe.
Se quiere casar. ¡ No sabes cómo me presiona!
It's like in the madhouse, You wouldn't believe it!
Te buscaban.
And believe me, a gourmet like you wouldn't be interested.
Y créeme, a un gastrónomo como tú no le interesaría.
Eyes like you wouldn't believe.
Unos ojos que no os podéis imaginar.
If someone told me this would heappen between us and theat I would come after you like a dog, I wouldn ´ t believe him.
Si me hubieran dicho que esto hubiera pasado entre nosotros y que iría detrás de ti como un perro,... no lo hubiera creído. - Ni yo.
I've got the munchies like you wouldn't believe.
Tengo tantas ganas de comer como no lo creerías.
- Snow like you wouldn't believe!
- ¡ Nevó muchísimo!
I got a slapshot like you wouldn't believe, mister.
Golpeo la pastilla de forma increíble.
I have a family, I have a great big career, I have a future like you wouldn't believe.
Tengo una familia, una gran reputación y un futuro inmejorable
Used to pull the birds like you wouldn't believe.
Las mujeres se enloquecían con él.
Like you wouldn't believe.
- Me muero por uno.
You'd like us to believe that, wouldn't you, Cory?
Nos gustaría creer eso, ¿ verdad, Cory?
Now, you wouldn't believe it if I told you, but I can run like the wind blows.
Ahora, usted no lo creería si le dijera, pero puedo correr como el viento sopla.
You wouldn't believe how smug this guy was during the trial, ambassador like nobody could touch him.
No se imagina lo prepotente que se mostro ese tipo durante el juicio...
I want every one of those jurors to trust you like a sister. To feel like you've heard Cross'story and you believe it... and they should too because you wouldn't invest your integrity in a guilty man.
Quiero que el jurado confíe en ti como una hermana que sientan cómo crees en la historia de Cross.
Smells like you wouldn't believe.
Huele de una manera que ni imaginas.
Butt-ugly. But he loved that gal like you wouldn't believe.
Pero amaba a esa muchacha como no te imaginas.
You wouldn't believe what it was like getting here.
No os creeríais lo que he pasado.
Like you wouldn't believe.
No te imaginas cuánto.
Jerry, you wouldn't believe what it's like down there.
Jerry, no creerías cómo son las cosas allá.
Your brain was agitated or something. I had this headache like you wouldn't believe.
Me vino jaqueca y tenía mucha sed.
Oh, it's a rush like you wouldn't believe.
Es el mayor chollo.
Ally, my father betrayed me like you wouldn't believe.
Ally, mi padre me traicionó como no te imaginas.
Rocking and rolling like you wouldn't believe.
Zarandeando el barco de aquí para allá.
I'm mind-fucking these donkeys like you wouldn't believe!
¡ No te creerías el cuidado que he puesto!
You'd like us to believe that, wouldn't you?
Tú quieres que creamos eso.
I've been hanging out with him for like, only a couple of days. I've seen this guy do shit that you wouldn't fucking believe.
Es genial, lo conozco hace un par de días y lo he visto hacer cosas que jamás creerías.
You wouldn't believe what our old house looks like.
No podrías creer cómo se ve nuestra antigua casa.
You wouldn't believe it, but it was soaked like a sponge
Ustedes no lo creerán, pero estaba empapado como una esponja.
Because I got a brand new blusher you'll love. Covers up battle bruises like you wouldn't believe.
Porque tengo uno que te va a encantar, cubre los magullones de las batallas de una manera increíble.
I may be stubborn at times, and late to work often, and I don't always know when to shut up, like right now, but trust me, even if I told you the truth, you wouldn't believe me.
Tal vez sea testadura, llegue tarde al trabajo y no sepa estar callada, como ahora pero créame aunque le dijera la verdad, no me creería.
Gambled like you wouldn't believe.
Apostaba mucho.
And last week, we sent a bundle of furs like you wouldn't believe.
Y la semana pasada, le enviamos un paquete de pieles como vosotros no creeríais.
Unless you start giving her the attention that you two like to save for one another, she is going to rebel like you wouldn't believe.
A menos que empieza prestandole la atenci ¢ n que a dos les gusta ahorrar entre si, ella va a rebelarse como no creeria.
And for your information, I've gone through changes like you wouldn't believe since the last time we were together. - Like what?
Y para que lo sepas, he sufrido unos cambios que no creerías desde la última vez que estuvimos juntos.

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