The neighborhood traduction Espagnol
7,603 traduction parallèle
All the neighborhood women hate her.
Todas las mujeres del vecindario la odian.
Where's everybody in the neighborhood gonna go?
¿ A dónde irán todos los del barrio?
This is the fanciest-looking place in the neighborhood, after the abandoned chandelier factory.
Este es el sitio más elegante del barrio, después de la fábrica de lámparas de araña abandonada.
Just in the neighborhood then?
Entonces, ¿ pasabas por el barrio?
Welcome to the neighborhood.
Bienvenido al vecindario.
Well, I know the neighborhood is less than ideal, but a house like this, at this price?
Sé que el barrio es menos que ideal, pero ¿ una casa como esta, a este precio?
Trent said the neighborhood kids used to play on the hill.
Trent dijo que los chicos del vecindario suelen jugar ahí.
We're canvassing the neighborhood For leads on a case.
Estamos sondeando el barrio para encontrar pistas para un caso.
And I just happened to be in the neighborhood.
Y pasaba por el vecindario.
I thought I'd bring you these. Welcome to the neighborhood, all that.
Pensé en traerte estas, para darte la bienvenida al vecindario y todo eso.
- I was in the neighborhood.
- Pasaba por el barrio.
Well, there goes the neighborhood, they covered that open manhole.
Bueno, el barrio se va a la porra, han tapado la alcantarilla.
You just saved the neighborhood, you glorious bastard.
Acabas de salvar al barrio, cabrón maravilloso.
I was just in the neighborhood.
Estaba en el vecindario.
Well, this is the best value for the money in the neighborhood.
Bueno, este es el mejor precio en el vecindario.
You know, so- - so the neighborhood's getting nicer, but it's just not really the neighborhood anymore, you know?
Ya sabes, el barrio se está poniendo más lindo, pero ya simplemente no es más el barrio, ¿ sabes?
You live in the neighborhood?
¿ Vivís en el vecindario?
I used to strap a chair to my ass and take long walks around the neighborhood, too.
Solía atarme una silla al trasero y tomar largos paseos por el vecindario también.
Have you stormed into other homes in the neighborhood to say that to people?
¿ Has irrumpido a otras casas del vecindario para decirle eso a la gente?
Restrict LAPD to evacuating the neighborhood.
Que la policía de Los Ángeles evacúe la zona.
I-I just moved to the neighborhood.
Me he mudado al vecindario.
He never came in the bar, but... definitely in the neighborhood.
Nunca vino al bar, pero... definitivamente en el barrio.
Mendoza is the big man in the neighborhood.
Mendoza es el mandamás en el vecindario.
Emma, we need to introduce ourselves to the neighborhood.
Emma, necesitamos presentarnos en el vecindario.
Lizzie, do you honestly think the neighborhood doesn't know who we are?
Lizzie, ¿ honestamente crees que el vecindario no sabe quiénes somos?
I picked up applications from a few places in the neighborhood that are hiring teenagers.
Cogí solicitudes de trabajo de algunos sitios del barrio. que están contratando adolescentes.
All the girls in the neighborhood.
Son todas las chicas del vecindario.
And the neighborhood, the big trees, grass, birds.
Y el vecindario, grandes árboles, pasto, pájaros.
There would've been a rash of suicides across the neighborhood, and who would've been to blame?
Habría habido muchos suicidios en el vecindario. ¿ Y por quién?
You found me at the only hospital in the neighborhood.
Me encontraste en el único hospital del vecindario.
What about the neighborhood you grew up in?
¿ Qué pasa con el barrio en el que creciste?
She worked the neighborhood, so we talked to the manager of the Hawaiian Sands Motel where the victim tricked.
Trabajaba en el barrio, así que hemos hablado con el gerente... de motel Hawaiian Sands donde la víctima trabajaba.
He was well-known throughout the neighborhood.
Era bastante conocido en todo el vecindario.
Never known the neighborhood to look so nice.
Nunca conocí el vecindario por verse tan bien.
Introducing the Luksus residences, located in the vibrant East Village neighborhood of Manhattan.
Les presento las residencias Luksus, situadas en el vibrante barrio East Village de Manhattan.
Well, every neighborhood has the guy you go to When the banks turn you down.
- Bueno, cada vecindario tiene el tipo al que vas cuando los bancos te rechazan.
Be good to see the old neighborhood.
Será bueno ver el viejo barrio.
'Cause the whole neighborhood's grieving.
Porque el barrio está de duelo.
You just won't be happy until the whole neighborhood is gone.
No estarás contento hasta que todo el vecindario se ha haya ido.
Somehow the House Party series wasn't popular in my scorchingly racistic, industrial lead-mining neighborhood.
De alguna manera la serie House Party no fue popular en mi racistic abrasadoramente, industrial barrio de plomo-minería.
Patrick : Neighborhood is not the safest.
Este vecindario no es muy seguro.
Before you go and say it's a shitty neighborhood, you should know I live right down the block. Oh.
Antes de que digas que es un barrio de mierda, deberías saber que vivo al final de la calle.
A neighborhood called "The Mission."
En San Francisco, en un barrio que se llama Missión.
Buzz... In the Crenshaw neighborhood, less than a mile away.
Buzz... en el vecindario Crenshaw, a menos de dos kilómetros.
The sooner you leave this neighborhood, the better.
Mientras más pronto deje este vecindario, mejor.
It is a wonderful neighborhood but for the neighbors.
Es un vecindario maravilloso excepto por los vecinos.
- I'm not saying the guy's a saint, but he did keep a kind of peace in my neighborhood, and he paid for all kinds of cool shit like a carnival every year.
- No estoy diciendo que el tipo de Un santo, pero lo hizo mantener una especie de la paz en mi barrio, Y que pagó por todo tipo de mierda fresca
He gave the kids in my neighborhood a horse one time.
Se dio a los niños de mi barrio Un caballo de una vez.
Hey, me and all the kids in my neighborhood worshipped Jimmy O. He was the man.
Hey, yo y todos los niños de mi barrio Adorado Jimmy O. Era el hombre.
It's the kind of establishment which, despite the rapidly gentrifying neighborhood around it, still manages to attract a thoroughly seedy clientele.
Es la clase de establecimiento que, a pesar del vecindario rápidamente aburguesado que les rodea, sigue logrando atraer a una clientela profundamente sórdida.
Yeah, but just the fact that it was on that street in our neighborhood, it might mean that whoever hired Bob and Carol is closing in on us.
Sí, pero solo el hecho de que estaba en la calle, en nuestro barrio, podría significar que quienquiera que contrató a Bob y a Carol está acercándose a nosotros.
neighborhood watch 19
the night of the murder 53
the new yorker 37
the notebook 36
the night is young 64
the new york times 60
the night of the fire 17
the night before 47
the night shift 17
the noise 65
the night of the murder 53
the new yorker 37
the notebook 36
the night is young 64
the new york times 60
the night of the fire 17
the night before 47
the night shift 17
the noise 65
the night before last 20
the not 21
the night he died 19
the night she died 20
the nose 48
the night 83
the next time i see you 21
the next one 38
the north 33
the no 36
the not 21
the night he died 19
the night she died 20
the nose 48
the night 83
the next time i see you 21
the next one 38
the north 33
the no 36