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What were they doing traduction Espagnol

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If so, who was the person on the stairs the night before the fall and what were they doing there?
Si fue así... ¿ Quién estaba en las escaleras la noche antes de la caída y qué hacía allí?
- What were they doing here?
- ¿ Qué estaban haciendo aquí?
And tell us... what were they doing in the bar?
Dígannos qué hacían en el bar.
But what were they doing 3, OOO miles from home?
Pero ¿ qué hacían a 4.800 km de su asentamiento?
What were they doing?
¿ Y qué hacían?
What were they doing?
¿ Qué están haciendo?
What were they doing after Mike?
- Sí. ¿ Por qué persiguen a Mike?
What were they doing?
¿ Qué hacían?
- What were they doing out?
- ¿ Qué estaban haciendo ahí?
What were they doing on Goralis?
¿ Qué harían en Goralis?
But what were they doing there?
- Pero, ¿ qué hacían allí?
Matisse tended to treat Picasso like a favorite son of whom he couldn't quite approve. They exchanged paintings, but they were always on their guard, each speculating about the other's work and asking, "what's he doing?"
Las únicas veces que Picasso se desvivía por alguien, excepto cuando intentaba conquistar a una nueva mujer, era cuando visitaba a Matisse, en el hotel Regina, en Niza.
I think what they were doing was good.
Pienso que lo que hicieron estuvo bien. Para mí.
Whoever designed this baby knew what they were doing.
El diseñador sabia lo que se hacia.
It's almost as if they dropped what they were doing and ran.
Es como si hubieran echado a correr abandonando lo que estaban haciendo.
Whoever it was, sure knew what they were doing.
Quienquiera que haya sido, sabía lo que hacía.
And because we were convinced this was what war was, that everyone was doing this to everyone, because they must not shame, a superior race, a model for humanity, and because they were nice, and because they were helpful
y debido a que estábamos convencidos eso era, qué guerra era, esa donde todo el mundo estaba haciendo eso a todo el mundo, porque ellos no eran iguales, una raza superior, un modelo para la humanidad, y porque ellos eran buenos,
Whoever done this knew what they were doing.
Casi como hechas por un cirujano.
Everybody remembers that day, exactly what they were doing.
Todos recuerdan ese día, exactamente lo que estaban haciendo entonces.
Exactly what they were doing.
Lo que estaban haciendo, con exactitud.
They were doing something over there, they were not aware what was happening.
Estaban ocupados y no se enteraron de nada.
In one way everybody was... a lot more serious about what they were doing by the end of that year.
Todos tomábamos... las cosas más en serio al final de ese año.
So there is an obvious relationship with what they were doing... The first filmmakers to give continuity to the movement, With the cuts, with the paste.
Así que hay una relación evidente con lo que hacían... los primeros cineastas para dar continuidad al movimiento, con los cortes, con el pegado.
I don't have a clue what they were doing.
No tengo pista de qué estaban haciendo.
I don't know what they were doing, but sea turtles actually came up to the house.
No sé qué hacían, pero las tortugas marinas vinieron hasta la casa.
This church is one of the finest examples of what they were doing... at the turn of the century.
Esta iglesia es uno de los grandes ejemplos... de lo que hacían al inicio del siglo.
They were only doing what they thought was right.
Ellos sólo hacían lo que creían correcto.
If they knew what they were doing.
Si sabe lo que hace, sí.
Yeah, I believed in what we were doing, and they corrupted it.
Creía en esto y lo corrompieron.
What did you think they were doing? Discussing your future in dodgeball?
¿ Crees que estaban discutiendo tu futuro en deportes?
We didn't know what they were doing.
No sabíamos qué hacían.
I didn't agree with the Conservatives about what they were doing with the black people y'know, the racial policy
Yo no estaba de acuerdo con lo que hacian los conservadores con la poblacion negra su politica racial y todo eso
He asked them why they were doing this, and they told them what I was.
Les preguntó por qué y le dijeron qué era yo.
We found out later that what they were doing... is they were trying to change the color of our eyes.
Nos enteramos más tarde que lo que estaban haciendo... era tratar de cambiar el color de nuestros ojos.
Come on you sit here in this stupid lab... and you look at the stars, and you wish you were travelling and doing what they're doing and now... you got a chance and you're gonna say no?
Vamos, te quedas sentada en este estúpido laboratorio mirando a las estrellas y deseando viajar y poder hacer lo que ellas hacen y ahora... que tienes la oportunidad, ¿ vas a decir que no?
Black-and-white veterans Clarence Brown and Charles Rosher knew what they were doing.
Los veteranos del blanco y negro, Clarence Brown y Charles Rosher sabían lo que hacían.
What the hell were they doing with a car on the goddamn Moon?
¿ Por qué demonios iríamos con un auto a la Luna?
And what they were doing, they didn't want anybody to know about.
Y no querían que nadie supiese lo que estaban haciendo.
They didn't know what they were doing.
No sabían lo que hacían.
- What the hell were they doing?
- ¿ Qué diablos hacían?
What they were doing to Maggie is a sponge bath compared to what they have in store for us.
Y lo que le estuvieran haciendo a Maggie fue solo un baño de esponja comparado con lo que tienen reservado para nosotros.
Looks like they all stopped what they were doing and just left.
Parece que interrumpieron todo y se marcharon.
I heard what they were doing to you.
Escuché sobre lo que le estaban haciendo a Ud..
But then we were all nobodies, which was perfect for us because all the respectable, straight-arrow guys were busy doing what they always do, which is be respectable which meant the rest of us could run around acting like crazies which is what we did best.
Pero entonces todos éramos "nadie". Lo cual era perfecto para nosotros porque todos los tipos respetables hacían lo de siempre ser respetables. Y el resto de nosotros podíamos actuar como locos que era lo que mejor hacíamos.
In some rather inexplicable way I figured out by the sound what they were doing with their mouths how to create that sound
De alguna forma inexplicable, adiviné por el sonido qué estaban haciendo con sus bocas para crear ese sonido
Did he tell the captain what he was doing? I think he did, and that they were all in it together, otherwise, they could have changed course
Creo que lo hizo, y que estaban todos juntos en esto, de lo contrario, podrían haber cambiado de rumbo
That's life. The records of a non-profit are public information. Let's find out what they were really doing.
Los informes de esas fundaciones son datos públicos veamos qué hacen en realidad.
That's what they were doing when you blasted in here, waving your weapon at'em.
- Eso es lo que hacen. Es lo que hacían cuando irrumpiste aquí y les apuntaste con tu arma.
Whoever did this certainly knew what they were doing.
Quienquiera que haya hecho esto, sin duda sabía lo que estaba haciendo.
What they were doing here?
lo que estaban haciendo aquí?
They didn't have many resources although the Persian empire... paid for the re-establishment of the temple... but still they didn't have many resources or skilled craftspeople... and they found a certain antipathy amongst those who had remained... who felt they knew what they were doing... and didn't want these characters coming back... saying we'll re-establish our own system.
No tenían muchos recursos, aunque el lmperio Persa... pagó para la reconstrucción del templo... pero aun así, no tenían muchos artesanos cualificados... y encontraron cierta antipatía entre los que habían permanecido allí... que pensaban que sabían lo que hacían... y no querían que estos personajes volvieran... diciéndoles vamos a restablecer nuestro sistema.

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