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What were they like traduction Espagnol

476 traduction parallèle
What were they like?
- ¿ Cómo eran?
- What were they like, Tod?
- ¿ Como qué, Tod?
What were they like when it all started?
¿ Cómo eran cuando todo empezó?
What were they like?
¿ Cómo eran?
Come on, tell us. What were they like?
Cuéntanos. ¿ Cómo eran?
What were they like? They had greater knowledge and capabilities than our humans.
Tenían más conocimientos y habilidades que nuestros humanos.
What were they like?
¿ Cómo fueron?
What were they like?
¿ Qué aspecto tenían?
- What were they like?
- ¿ Cómo eran? - Horribles.
Don't worry what other women will think because wherever you go. Lotta. They'll all wish they were like you.
No te preocupes por lo que otras mujeres puedan pensar, porque donde quiera que vayas, Lotta, querrán ser como tú.
Doesn't anybody know who they were... or what they look like?
¿ Y no se sabe quiénes eran o qué aspecto tenían?
Where are all those people who were so afraid of you? In your factories in Kingsmont.. What would they say if they could see you like this?
¿ Qué pensarían tus atemorizados empleados de tus fábricas de Kingsmond si te vieran arrastrándote como un perro?
People who try to find out what men were like way back before they could read or write.
Intentamos descubrir cómo eran los hombres mucho antes de que supiesen leer o escribir.
It is as if Nero or, or Caracalla, Cesar or Tiberius would suddenly tell you what they felt. And you could understand exactly what they were like. - Then they're not ascetic figures.
Es como si Nerón, Caracalla, César... y Tiberio se pusieran a hablar y les entendieras perfectamente.
I can't imagine what they were like before.
Entonces no me imagino cómo serían antes.
It sounds crazy but that's what they were shaped like.
Lo creerán un disparate, pero así eran.
I knew straightaway what they were like.
Ahora sé la clase de gente que son.
Want me to tell you what they were like?
¿ Quiere que le diga cómo eran?
I don't want to know what they were like.
No quiero saber como eran.
Who were they? What did they look like?
¿ Qué aspecto tenían?
I should imagine they were giving the new boys a chance to look you over, that's what it sounds like to me.
Puedo imaginar que le están dando a sus cadetes la oportunidad de ensayar con nosotros, eso me parece a mí.
You chose our friends yourself, and knew what they were like.
Pero a los amigos te los elegiste tú solo, y conocías sus principios.
They think back to what they were like at our age.
Recuerdan cómo eran a nuestra edad.
I used to pass places like this and wonder what they were like.
Solía pasar por sitios como este y me preguntaba qué es lo que eran.
I would think that men would like to know what they were kissing.
Yo creo que los hombres deberían saber qué es lo que besan.
I didn't know what they were like.
No sabía cómo eran.
Computers, physicists, a man like Scoville. What did they think- - they were fooling with amateurs?
Las cosas van a cambiar por aquí.
I remember what they were like.
Recuerdo cómo eran.
I do not care what others say, but it would be much better for the world if women were ruling, because we would not see women killing and slaughtering each other. Well, is a sad case to those they have a beautiful son, like that and are not happy.
el mundo sería mucho mejor si fuera gobernado por mujeres a las mujeres no se las vería yendo y viniendo matándose entre ellas es triste que las que tienen un buen hijo no estén contentas
I found men who were simply men who had fled like others had fled, like I had fled, who asked me what they could do.
Les dije, "¿ Por qué no unirse a la Resistencia?"
They had what looked like bites which were bleeding.
Tenían lo que parecía picaduras que fueron sangrado.
I don't know what you think, but I would have liked to see what they were like.
No sé lo que piensa, pero me hubiera gustado ver cómo eran antes.
And, in what seemed like the twinkling of an eye- - it was, in fact, a fortnight- - they were in her father's lounge asking his permission to marry. ( squealing gibberish )
Y él se enamoró perdidamente de ella Y en lo que pareció un parpadeo, pero fue en realidad la cuarta noche fueron a pedir permiso para casarse
WOMAN [over radio] : I would like to ask the team what they would do if they were Hitler.
Me gustaría preguntar al equipo qué harían si fuesen Hitler.
They forget what it was like when they were children.
Olvidan cómo era cuando ellos eran niños.
What were they like?
- Astronautas. ¿ Cómo eran?
I don't know their relationship, they were very secretive what did he look like?
Pero no sé mucho de ellas. Eran muy reservadas. ¿ Qué aspecto tenía él?
I wonder what they were like.
Me pregunto como serían.
We shall be asking many people who knew them what they were really like.
¡ Preguntaremos cómo eran de verdad!
How they were, what they said... whether they were tender and loving whether they had special wishes what their bodies were like, especially their dicks.
Cómo eran, qué decían... si eran tiernos y cariñosos, si pedían cosas especiales, cómo eran sus cuerpos, sobre todo sus pollas.
As a result of a long and complex series of events through history, at no time in the past, could anybody have known that what they were doing then, would end up like this now.
Como resultado de una larga y compleja serie de eventos a lo largo de la historia, y nunca en el pasado, pudo nadie haber sabido que lo que estaban haciendo entonces, acabaría así ahora.
The most beautiful girls in the street. They were there like angels. What a coincidence.
Las chicas más preciosas de Roma están ahí como ángeles, qué coincidencia.
A week ago, just as when we were zeroing in what looked like a rich vein, we began to notice that they were there, hanging around in the bushes...
Hace una semana, cuando encontramos una vena rica, los encontramos allí trepando en los árboles.
I mean, you know, I'd occasionally have conversations with people... but then, uh, when they asked what I did... which would always happen after about five minutes... uh, you know, their faces... Even if they were enjoying the conversation, or they were flirting with me, or whatever it was... their faces would just have that expression just like the portcullis crashing down.
A veces, conversaba con gente... pero cuando me preguntaban qué hacía... al cabo de cinco minutos... sus caras, aunque disfrutaran de mi conversación... o ligaran conmigo... sus caras se transformaban en un menosprecio absoluto.
They cut off her tongue so she wouldn't tell who they were or what they looked like.
Ellos le cortaron la lengua para impedir que los denunciara.
You don't know what they were like.
No sabes cómo eran.
They were talking about what happened with you and Gilbert Blythe,... and mother said you have a disposition just like Marilla's.
Estaban hablando de lo que pasó contigo y Gilbert. Y mamá dijo que tenías una disposición igual a Marilla.
Like the ones that deliver cigarettes here. They were enclosed, with double-leaf rear doors. [Lanzmann] What color?
y recogieron las ropas que habían quedado... frente al supuesto cuarto de baño.
Villages in this region were few and far between, and I knew well what they were like.
Las villas en la región eran pocas y muy lejanas y yo sabía bien cómo eran.
True, but compared to what I thought they'd be like, they were superb.
Sí, pero comparado con como creía que me quedarían, son "superbe".
~ Who knows what they were like!
- ¡ Quién sabe cuántos eran!

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