With your hands traduction Espagnol
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Come out with your hands up!
¡ Salga afuera con las manos arriba! - ¡ Cornudo!
No, I mean, with your hands.
No, digo, con tus manos.
You know, ever since you were a little kid, you could - - you could do anything with your body, with your hands.
Siempre, desde que fuiste un pequeño niño, has podido - - has podido hacer cualquier cosa con tu cuerpo, con tus manos.
Exit slowly with your hands in the air.
Salga lentamente con las manos en alto.
I repeat, exit slowly with your hands in the air.
Repito, salga lentamente con las manos en alto.
Come out with your hands on your head!
Salgan con las manos en la cabeza!
Come out with your hands on your head, interlock your fingers and we'll make it quick!
Sal con las manos en la cabeza, Cruza tus dedos y haremos esto rápido.
God helps me. With your hands... And you only are His tool.
Dios me ayuda, tú sólo eres una herramienta suya.
Out now with your hands behind your head!
¡ Sal ahora con las manos detrás de la cabeza!
Come out with your hands up!
¡ Salid con las manos en alto!
Exit the vehicle with your hands up.
Salid del vehículo con las manos en alto.
Come out now with your hands up!
¡ Salgan con las manos arriba!
And you got me all mixed up with that candy bar story and that thing you do with your hands where I get all mesmerized and then I-I... Start to realize that I'm... Right.
Y luego me liaste con todo ese rollo de la chocolatina, y eso que haces con las manos que me hipnotiza, y entonces, y-yo... empecé a darme cuenta de que... tenía razón.
Driver, exit the vehicle with your hands up!
¡ Conductor, salga del vehículo con las manos arriba!
Come out with your hands up.
Salgan con las manos arriba.
Come out with your hands up!
¡ Salga con las manos arriba!
Up with your hands!
Arriba las manos!
And you and your sister always with your hands out.
Y tú y tu hermana siempre con las manos extendidas.
Will you kill him with your bare hands?
¿ Vas a matarle con las manos desnudas?
Come out with your hands up or I'll throw in a grenade.
¡ Salgan a afuera con las manos en alto o les tiro una granada de mano!
Come on, let me be your "man with dishpan hands."
Deja que sea "tu hombre con manos barreño".
"Put your hands in the air if you're down with me."
"Pon tus manos en el aire si estás abajo conmigo."
Put your hands in the air if you're down with me. "
Ponga sus manos en el aire si estás abajo conmigo. "
You shouldn't be doing dishes with your pretty hands.
No deberías lavar los platos con esas manos bonitas.
Yes. With your big hands.
Sí, con tus grandes manos.
I'm the one with your wife's blood on my hands, not them.
Yo soy el que tiene sangre de su esposa en las manos.
Civilise your children before they're big enough to kill you with their bare hands.
Eduque a sus niños antes de que sean tan mayores como para poder matarte con sus propias manos.
Then, when you came to Arackal with my Father I put henna on your hands and welcomed you.
Luego, cuando llegaste a Arackal con mi padre me puse henna en las manos y te di la bienvenida.
I'll sit with you and hold your hands and guide you on.
Me sentaré con usted, sostendré sus manos y la guiaré.
I will grab your stalk and rip it out with my own hands!
¡ cortaré tus tallos con mis propias manos!
You Category 1 these men with your bare hands.
Tú hiciste Categoría 1 a esos hombres con tus manos desnudas.
Yes, but with giant ears, you could hear things from miles away, and you could wear backpacks as earrings, which would free up your hands.
Sí, pero con unas orejas gigantes, podrías oir cosas a kilómetros de distancia, y te podrías poner mochilas como pendientes, y así tendrías las manos libres.
In the light of such carnage, playing with an object not directly attached to your hands might have seemed like a sensible option, unless - like famous electrocution victim Jimmy... you lobbed it up a substation and got pussy-whipped into retrieving it.
lanzaras hacia una subestación y te obligaran a recuperarla.
You can't get your hands on it even with a premium.
No podrías tener algo como esto, ni siquiera pagando.
Any time you're faced with any difficulty rather than deal with it, you run away or raise your hands and surrender
Cada vez que surge una dificultad en vez de enfrentarla, sales corriendo, o alzas los brazos y te rindes.
How do explain your trouble with concentration, your unsteady hands, your slower cognitive response?
¿ Cómo explicas tu problema con la concentración, tus manos temblorosas, y tu baja respuesta cognitiva?
Join this cheerful melody with me and clap your hands just like this!
# ¡ Únete conmigo a esta alegre melodía y aplaude con tus manos al igual que yo! #
Wash the blood off your hands with that!
¡ Límpiese la sangre de sus manos con esto!
Now put your hands up with me like this :
Alcen sus manos conmigo Así.
Put your hands up with me like this :
Pongan sus manos arriba como yo.
I'm gonna love you With my hands tied - Show me your teeth
Te amaré Con mis manos atadas
I'm gonna love you With my hands - Show me your teeth
Te amaré Con mis manos atadas
I can't get to your palms with you gripping your hands like that.
No puedo llegar a las palmas si aprietas las manos así.
You can steal from them, you can sleep in their houses, you can take their cars beat them to death with your bare hands in broad daylight, shoot their kids for throwing a stone.
Puedes robarles, puedes dormir en sus casas, puedes quitarles sus coches, matarlos a palos con tus propias manos en plena luz del día, disparar a sus hijos por tirar una piedra.
You said, once you'd shaken hands with your enemy, you could never take up a gun again.
Dijiste que una vez que le das la mano al enemigo, ya no puedes volver a coger un arma.
Not with your bare hands.
No con las manos desnudas.
Wash your hands with vinegar, not water.
Lávate las manos con vinagre, no con agua.
"I want you to go say 20 Hail Marys and wash your hands with holy water."
"Quiero que digas 20 Ave Marías y te laves las manos con agua bendita".
See me with your hands.
Veme con tus manos.
I was proposing you massage your muscles with your own hands.
Te estaba proponiendo masajear tus músculos con tus propias manos.
Man, you definitely have a true battle on your hands with tyler.
El hombre, que sin duda tienen una verdadera batalla en su
with your family 23
with your permission 239
with your mother 23
with your 48
with your wife 28
with your help 124
with your dad 25
with your father 34
with your life 24
your hands are cold 24
with your permission 239
with your mother 23
with your 48
with your wife 28
with your help 124
with your dad 25
with your father 34
with your life 24
your hands are cold 24
your hands are shaking 33
your hands 116
handsome 790
hands 577
handsome man 22
hands off 293
hands in the air 324
hands on the wheel 31
hands where i can see them 140
hands up 935
your hands 116
handsome 790
hands 577
handsome man 22
hands off 293
hands in the air 324
hands on the wheel 31
hands where i can see them 140
hands up 935