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Difficult to say traduction Français

352 traduction parallèle
How much time do I have left? It is difficult to say for sure, but looking at it's current pace, somewhere between 4 weeks and 2 months from now, your left eye will lose sight as well.
Combien de temps me reste t-il? environ 4 semaines
It's quite difficult to say how, despite his depleted strength, young Hutter succeeded in surmounting the obstacles on his voyage home - - meanwhile, Nosferatu's deadly breath swelled the sails of the ship, which flew on toward its destination with ghostly haste.
Il est difficile d'imaginer comment le jeune Hutter avec son énergie décimée, a réussi à surmonter les difficultés de son voyage de retour. En attendant, mené par le souffle mortel de Nosferatu, le navire a rapidement navigué vers son but avec rythme surnaturel.
It's difficult to say.
C'est difficile à dire.
Well, it's difficult to say just now.
C'est difficile à dire maintenant.
- That's difficult to say.
C'est difficile à dire.
It's difficult to say.
C'est difficile à dire
It's difficult to say. Depending upon the circumstances.
Dur à dire, ça dépend des circonstances.
Is it so difficult to say?
Que veux-tu dire tout le temps et que tu ne sais pas exprimer?
Well, that's very difficult to say.
C'est difficile à dire.
- It's difficult to say.
- Difficile à dire.
I'm afraid I have something rather difficult to say to you.
Je dois vous demander quelque chose.
Sometimes Mr. Esmond finds it very difficult to say no to me.
M. Esmond trouve parfois difficile de me dire non.
Difficult to say.
- Difficile à dire.
- It's so difficult to say.
- C'est difficile à dire.
Your name's difficult to say so we'll call you "Oharu" instead, yes?
Votre nom est difficile à prononcer. Si on vous appelait Oharu plutôt?
It's a little difficult to say, but I feel kind of responsible for what's happened to Cadet Avery.
Ce n'est pas facile à dire, mais je me sens responsable de ce qui lui est arrivé.
It's difficult to say.
Difficile à dire.
But important things are difficult to say
Mais inutiles pour les choses importantes.
Difficult to say.
- C'est difficile à préciser.
It's difficult to say.
- Difficile de savoir.
And you know, it's difficult to say... But very often I feel I miss your presence.
Tu sais, ce n'est pas facile à dire pour moi mais ta présence me manque
It's difficult to say what I think of them, Miss.
Difficile à dire.
Well, that's rather difficult to say.
C'est assez difficile à dire.
Yumisaka, what do you think? It's difficult to say. You might think I'm weird,
Vous allez peut-être me trouver bizarre, moi qui ai toujours chercher à le condamner, mais à mon avis, faute de preuves matérielles, il arrive presque à prouver son innocence avec des sentiments.
A little difficult to say.
Difficile à dire.
Is it so difficult to say the word?
Ce mot est si difficile à dire?
Difficult to say with a ship of that size.
Difficile à dire avec un vaisseau de cette taille.
Difficult to say.
Difficile à dire.
It's difficult to say...
C'est... difficile à dire.
It's difficult to say with Vulcan physiology. But I believe it's something to do with his cardiovascular system.
C'est difficile à dire, mais je crois que c'est cardio-vasculaire.
No, no, I'm not, really. Funny you'd say that because I always find it so difficult to talk to people. - Do you?
Non, pas du tout je veux dire ça je n'arrive pas bien... à parler aux gens
Well, I just wanted to say that it's - she's going to be right here in town. It's going to be pretty difficult, you know - you'll want to see her.
Et... je voulais juste vous dire... qu'elle sera en ville et ce sera difficile...
Well, it's a little difficult to believe, but, of course, if you say so...
C'est un peu difficile à croire, mais si vous le dites...
I'll say to you what I've always said to myself when things seem too difficult :
Je vais vous dire ce que je me dis quand la vie devient trop compliquée.
It shouldn't be difficult to move a glass around and say it's Mary Meredith. - What do you think?
On peut toujours déplacer un verre en disant que c'est Mary.
It's difficult to think of what to say after seven years... but I suppose that "good evening" is as good as anything else.
Que se dire après 7 ans? Au fond, c'est une soirée comme une autre.
The Chinese say it is difficult for love to last long therefore, one who loves passionately is cured of love in the end.
Les Chinois disent... que l'amour ne peut durer longtemps... et que celui qui aime passionnément... finit par être guéri de l'amour.
And I say "difficult" because you must imagine how difficult it is to serve people on a another level, other procedures, another mentality.
Et je dis lourd parce que vous devez vous douter combien il est difficile de servir des gens d'un autre niveau, qui ont d'autres procédés et une autre mentalité.
It is difficult to say.
C'est difficile à dire.
In dealing with the, ah, borderline patients, that is to say the people who find it difficult to cope with the normal strains of living, and in whom the, ah, the danger of a psychotic break is always present...
Quant aux patients les plus instables, C'est à dire ceux qui ont du mal à affronter la vie de tous les jours et pour qui la menace d'une dépression profonde est toujours présente...
Oh, I was hoping you'd say that. There must be photographs, however difficult to take,
Il faut des photos, si difficiles à prendre soient-elles!
Now, what I have to say now... is very difficult for me.
Il est très difficile pour moi de dire ce qui va suivre.
Oh, I wouldn't say that was obvious. On the contrary, I'd say that was rather difficult to prove.
Cela vous met dans une position difficile.
But the Customs prefer to get money out of you. I would say a 10,000 pound fine, must have been very difficult for a small jeweler to find.
10.000 Livres d'amende, ça a dû être difficile pour un petit bijoutier comme vous.
He used to say three rounds after a difficult match would do no harm.
Il disait que trois rounds après un dur combat font du bien.
I don't believe I'm overpraising you one bit when I say that it brings the whole difficult field of science reporting to a new low.
Je ne pense pas être trop élogieux en disant qu'il hisse le reportage scientifique, réputé ardu, aux sommets de la nullité.
Well, I'd say that Mother was a rather difficult person to describe.
Eh bien, on peut dire que ma mère est quelqu'un de difficile à décrire.
It's very difficult for me to say this.
Ça m'est pénible d'admettre ceci :
A small man, it's a shame to say, an ugly one, and he has a difficult character.
Petit et - il faut le dire - pas très beau, et il a un caractère difficile.
You will find what I'm going to say very difficult to understand.
JANO : Ce que je vais vous dire va être difficile à comprendre.
It would be, to say the least, difficult to care for him here in New York.
Il serait, vous en conviendrez, difficile de s'occuper de lui à New York.

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