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Get away from him traduction Français

929 traduction parallèle
I hate cats. I can't get away from him.
Je hais les chats.
Yvonne, get away from him before he ruins your life as well.
Yvonne, quittez-le avant qu'il ne vous amène à votre perte, vous aussi.
- I've got to get away from him.
- Je dois lui échapper.
He let his prisoner get away from him and at the next election...
Il laissait ses prisonniers s'échapper, et à l'élection suivante...
I tried to get away from him, but I couldn ´ t.
J'ai essayé de lui échapper, mais c'était impossible.
You didn't seem very anxious to get away from him.
Mais vous êtes restée près de lui.
Let's get away from him.
Éloignons-nous de lui.
- When he told you to go. To get away from him.
- Quand il vous a renvoyé.
Get away from him!
Éloigne-toi de lui!
I've got to get away from him, Harry.
Il faut que je le quitte avant de...
Harry, we must. I've got to get away from him. Please, Harry.
Il faut que je lui échappe!
Youghal can't get away from him.
Youghal ne peut pas le semer.
Any man who would let Mary Stuart get away from him is a sucker.
Quiconque laisse Mary s'échapper est idiot.
Louise, get away from him, I tell you.
Louise, éloigne-toi de lui.
I tried to get away from him.
J'ai tenté de lui échapper.
- She tried to get away from him.
- Elle le fuyait.
Just to get away from him.
Histoire de lui échapper.
Get away from him!
Ne l'approchez pas!
Get away from him!
Somebody come here and get a stretcher and take him away from here.
Qu'on l'emmène sur une civière!
- I tell you this... Please! Get him away from me, would you.
Je vous dis- - Lâchez-moi!
Now listen, we've got to get that picture away from him.
Écoutez. Il faut lui reprendre cette toile.
We've got to get him away from it.
II faut le reprendre!
Now, I want you to get it away from him and hide it.
Confisquez-le-lui et cachez-le.
I'll die if I don't get away from him.
Je mourrai si je ne le fuis pas! - Du calme.
So nobody else would get him away from us.
Pour que personne d'autre ne vienne nous le voler.
Get Peek away from him or he'll have J.J. Back in shape.
Éloigne Peek ou J.J. va se retrouver en pleine forme.
Tell him I'll start rehearsals the instant he can get away from those pictures.
Il sera heureux de vous voir.
Don't let him get away from us, catch him!
Ne le laissez pas nous échapper!
That raise would mean a lot. I could get him away from here.
Avec cette augmentation, je pourrais l'emmener loin d'ici.
That's why we've got to get her away from him, out of that house.
Nous devons l'éloigner de lui et de cette maison!
I made a grab for him as he tried to get away from me.
J'ai voulu l'attraper quand il a tenté de s'enfuir.
After what happened today... I drove him down to the country to get him away from those people...
Après ce qui est arrivé, je l'ai emmené à la campagne pour l'éloigner de ces gens.
She's just dying to get back to her boy. She hates being away from him.
Elle a simplement horreur d'être loin de son fils.
Miss Wonderly wants us to find the sister, get her away from him and back home.
Miss Wonderly voudrait qu'on la récupère.
- Little Joe just weak. He was trying to get away from that old Georgia Brown but she just overpowered him.
P'tit Joe est un faible, il a voulu résister à Georgia mais elle a été plus forte que lui.
What's the matter with Washington, sir? Why don't they unscrew that guy... from his swivel chair and send him down here so we can get away from that dock?
Washington devrait décoller ce type de sa chaise et l'envoyer ici pour qu'on parte.
There goes Sanshiro Do not bother Sanshiro Don't get close to him Stay away from him
Voila Sanshiro... faites attention a Sanshiro... ne vous approchez pas de lui, restez loin de lui... ne vous approchez pas de Sanshiro, il se fâchera...
Captain, you don't mean to say you let him get away from you?
Capitaine, ne me dites pas qu'il vous a échappé!
Get away from here. Tell him to get back to his place before I throw him overboard.
Dites-lui de retourner à sa place ou je le jette à l'eau!
Don't get close to him Stay away from him
N'approchez pas, fuyez plutôt
If he wants me to be proud of him tomorrow you better get him away from those musicians tonight.
S'il veut que je sois fier de lui demain, vous devrez l'éloigner de ces musiciens, ce soir.
- Come on, help me get him away from here.
- Aide-moi à le tirer hors de là.
My Lord, when Latour gave his evidence in chief the words used by him were, "The Colonel told me to go away." Not, "Get away from me."
Le témoin a dit "le colonel m'a dit de partir" et non "il m'a renvoyé".
If you kill Don César... you'll spare him a scandal, you'll get rid of him for us, you'll take him away from Don Salluste... he'll see to it.
si vous tuez don César, vous lui évitez un scandale, vous nous le soufflez, vous l'enlevez à don Salluste... qui s'en charge.
- How'd you get that away from him?
- Comment lui avez-vous pris cela?
Get away from him.
Éloigne-toi de lui.
Got to get him away from the crowd.
Il faudra l'isoler de la foule.
Angie, stay away from him! I'll get him.
Laisse-le, Angie!
Get some of the money away from him.
Faites-le chanter.
Get the gun, get the gun away from him!
Prenez-lui le fusil!

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