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He's all right traduction Français

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Exactly, and now all she can do is accept the fact that he's completely inept. - That's right.
Et maintenant, la fille n'a plus qu'à accepter le fait qu'il ne comprend rien à rien.
- He's all right.
- Il est gentil.
No, he's all right.
Non, laisse.
Yes, he's handsome all right.
- Oui, il est beau.
It's all right. He's not coming.
Ça va aller.
He's all right!
Il va bien!
- All right, he's ready!
Il est prêt!
No, he's all right.
Non, il va bien.
He's all right.
Il va bien.
No, he's all right.
- Pas grave.
No, he's not all right.
Non, il va pas bien.
Oh, he's about to be harassed, all right.
Oh, il va se faire harceler pour de bon.
He seems to be doing all right.
- Il a l'air de bien s'en sortir.
He's going to be all right.
Ça va aller.
He's going to be all right.
Il va bien aller.
The kid's just excitable. He's all right.
Il est juste un peu nerveux, mais ça va.
Asshole blows enough lines, he'll be talking all night. All right!
S'il s'en met trop dans le nez, il va parler toute la nuit, ce trou de cul.
Is he all right? Everyone's fine.
- Tout le monde va bien.
Are you all right? It's just... He didn't drop it.
Il a pas obtempéré.
He'll just apologize and say all the right things, like he always does.
Il s'excusera et dit les bonnes choses comme il le fait toujours.
He's all right.
- Il va bien.
He's all right now.
Il va bien maintenant.
'Hey, it's all right, I'm fine.
'Hé c'est rien, je vais bien.
It's all right, he was just hugging me wasn't he? Are you all right?
Ca va, il était juste en train de me faire un calin n'est ce pas?
Okay, all right, so this is the trail he left when he ran off, right?
Ok, bien, alors c'est les traces qu'il a laissées, quand il s'est enfui, pas vrai?
All right, we simply tackle him, because he's 118 years old.
Ok, on va seulement le plaquer, parce qu'il a 118 ans.
All right, we, uh--any idea who he's working for?
Très bien, uh et est-ce que tu as une idée de pour qui il travaille?
He's more than all right.
Il va plus que bien.
All right, I'm sensing he's not in there.
Très bien, je ressens qu'il n'est pas ici.
Hey, it's all about this right here, huh?
Hé, ce est tout cela ici, non?
- I don't think he's gonna win. - All right, do you not?
Je pense pas qu'il gagnera.
He's all right.
Il est sympa.
All right, he's coming.
Bon, il va arriver.
This Proctor? He's not just one guy, all right?
C'est pas juste un mec, ok?
All I'm saying, is for him to be on death row all those years, knowing what was facing him, and he didn't do nothin to get right with the Lord, and then he gets out, and in six days, - I don't appreciate- - -... and all of a sudden, he's filled with the spirit! he gets testified to by some pretty, young woman- -
Il a passé toutes ces années dans le couloir de la mort, en sachant à quoi s'attendre et sans rien faire pour s'arranger avec Dieu, et puis il est libéré, et en six jours, il se retrouve défendu par une jeune et jolie femme...
He's gonna be all right.
Il va s'en sortir.
All right, ready the men, he's on his way, just south of Route 23.
Préparez les gars, il s'en vient, juste au sud de la 23.
Let's let sleeping dogs lie. I'm not gonna be drawn into defending myself when all I wanted to do was bring you in on a good deal. He's right.
Enterrons la hache de guerre.
- He's not all right.
- Il ne va pas bien.
He'll be all right.
Il va s'en sortir.
Hey, it's all right.
Hé, ça va aller.
- Brock, he's the sheriff. - All right, fine.
- Brock, c'est lui le shérif.
You know, I paid $ 22.50 for Travis to be able to go to this pizza party, so he's gonna see y'all later, right?
J'ai payé 22,50 $ pour que Travis aille à cette pizza party, donc il vous verra toutes plus tard, n'est-ce pas?
All right, he's got two.
Très bien, on y va avec deux.
He's trying to toss me some empty "sorry" so he can sweep it all under the rug, right?
Il essaye de me balancer un "merci" en l'air pour pouvoir balayer tout ça sous le tapis, pas vrai?
- ♪ He's all right
- ♪ He's all right
- ♪ Don't play no games - ♪ He's all right
- ♪ Don't play no games - ♪ He's all right
- ♪ Turn like a wheel - ♪ He's all right
- ♪ Turn like a wheel - ♪ He's all right
- ♪ Like a wheel - ♪ He's all right
- ♪ Like a wheel - ♪ He's all right
All right, let's make sure he isn't going anywhere, okay?
Très bien, faisons en sorte qu'il aille nulle part, Ok?
Yes, I did, and he's gonna be charged, but you're gonna have to keep the noise down, all right?
Oui et il sera inculpé, mais vous allez devoir faire moins de bruit, d'accord?

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