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How about this one traduction Français

558 traduction parallèle
How about this one?
Celle-ci ira?
How about this one?
Que dites-vous de celui-ci?
- How about this one?
- Et celui-là?
Ah, how about this one?
Et celle-ci?
How about this one, Dreamland Nightmare?
Et le Dreamland Nightmare?
How about this one, Mrs. Scott?
Celui-ci, Madame Scott?
Hey, how about this one?
Tiens, essayons Rachmaninov :
how about this one, then?
Et ça, alors?
Well, how about this one?
- Et celle-ci?
- How about this one, Captain?
- Et celle-ci, capitaine?
- How about this one?
- Celui-là alors?
- All right, how about this one?
Ok. Qu'est-ce que tu penses de celle là?
How about this one next door?
Et celle-ci à côté?
All right. How about this one?
Très bien.
Now, let's see, how about this one?
Que pensez-vous de celle-là?
- How about this one?
- il y a 30 min. - Et ça?
- Hey, how about this one?
Pas mal, celle-là?
How about this one?
Et celle-là?
- How about this one?
Et celle-là?
How about this one right now?
Chiche! On y va?
Now, how about this one?
Maintenant, à propos de celui-là?
How about this one?
Que dites-vous de ça :
- How about this one right here?
- Ce modèle-ci ira?
- Cram It up your ass. - How about This one?
- Va te faire enculer.
How about this one, dear?
- Celle-ci vous convient?
...... then how about this one?
...... Que penses tu de celle ci?
Or how about this one?
Ou bien celle la?
How about this one?
Et celui-là?
Or how about this one?
Ou que diriez-vous celui-ci?
How about How about this one, madam?
Que pensez-vous de celle-ci?
Well, how about this one? You can see sleepover.
Mon Danny est encore en train de lire au lit.
How about this one?
Et celui-ci, tu connais?
- How about this one?
- Et celle-là?
How about this one?
Et celle-là? Trop banale?
One is, how much money your uncle has laid down to bring this about.
combien ton oncle a payé pour en arriver là.
Well, how about this one? Is it good or bad?
- Celui-ci est comment?
- How about the one you did this morning?
- Prenons la scène de ce matin.
Waldo, I mean to be as kind about this as I know how but I must tell you, you're the one who follows the same obvious pattern.
Je risque de te paraître méchante, mais je dois te le dire : c'est toi qui es victime d'une fichue faiblesse.
One being this is New Year's Eve. How about living it up a little?
Mais c'est le réveillon, profitons-en.
Just one thing I'd like to get clear. How sure are you about this?
Juste une chose que je voudrais clarifier...
You raise a kid backstage, you teach him every trick you know about singing and dancing and how to make people laugh, and then one day, this.
On forme un gosse dans des coulisses de théâtre... On lui apprend à chanter et à faire rire... Et voilà!
You seem to know more about this than I do. I don't know, I think this trial of yours is the one thing we need to show us how this organization works.
Le procès nous en dira long sur l'organisation.
It became clear that we had one single day to make up our minds... as to how we felt about this whole situation.
Il devint clair qu'on n'avait qu'une seule journée pour se décider... sur ce qu'on pensait de tout ça.
This one's unique. This didn't happen because a general was too reckless but because a general was too cautious, how about that?
C'est un cas spécial car il ne s'agit pas de l'imprudence d'un général... mais de son excès de prudence, qu'en dites-vous?
I'm just not quite sure about this one. How much do you weigh, son?
Je ne suis pas sûr de celui-ci.
How about one this way? No, no.
Une de ce côté?
- How about something a little more musky? This one's called Mimmo.
- Ou alors plus musqué :
Prince Wolgang is a very loyal servant! No one else in this kingdom will be able to make me laugh so hard! How did you decide to recommend someone who doesn't know what Sogyukseo is about?
Notre grand prince Wolgang est si dévoué. y a-t-il quelqu'un d'autre à part lui dans tout le royaume? qui ne peut même pas faire la différence entre le temple et la clinique?
- How about this one?
- Et celui-ci?
This is going to be the one about how you see life exactly the way it is, right?
Celui sur ton point de vue réaliste sur la vie?
How about I take this one?
Je m'en occupe?

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