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How are you traduction Français

55,196 traduction parallèle
H-how are you glowing?
Comment ça se fait?
How are you not encouraging infidelity?
En quoi vous ne l'encouragez pas?
- How are you? - I'm fine.
- Comment allez-vous?
- How are you feeling?
Comment tu vas, toi?
And how are you so sure you're not with the singles?
Elles ne sont pas célibataires?
How are you?
Comment ça va?
How are you, boy?
Comment tu vas?
And once you finish it, how are you supposed to get to the middle?
Comment on est censé se rendre au centre?
- How are you, Bruce?
Comment vas-tu, Bruce?
How are you feeling this morning?
Comment vous vous sentez ce matin?
How are you doing?
Comment ça va?
How are you, Ray?
Comment vas-tu, Ray?
- How are you?
- Comment tu vas?
How are you?
Ça va?
How are you?
Comment va?
- How are you?
- Comment ça va?
- How are you?
- Comment vas-tu?
Jamie! "How are you, knight?"
- Jamie! - Ça va, monsieur?
How are you?
Comment tu te sens?
- How are you?
- Comment allez-vous?
What's up, man? How are you doing?
Ça va?
Hey kids! How are you?
Ca va, les enfants?
- No politics today, please. - How are you, sir?
Pas de politique ce soir.
How are you even allowed in here?
Vous avez l'autorisation?
- Lauren how are you?
- Lauren comment vas-tu?
- Good, how are you?
- Bien, et toi?
Hi how are you, Heather?
Salut comment allez-vous, Heather?
Well hello stranger, how are you?
Bonjour étrangère, comment allez-vous?
- it's been a while. - I know, how are you?
- Est-ce que je sais, comment vas-tu?
- Hi, how are you?
- Salut, comment vas-tu?
Gardner, Gardner how are you feeling?
Gardner, Gardner comment te sens-tu?
Let's see how tough you are without cars to throw at people, shall we?
On va voir ce que tu vaux, sans voitures à jeter sur les gens.
How could I do that when you are the biggest piece...
Toi, t'es le plus gros tas de...
Do you realize how busted we are?
Tu réalises qu'on va se faire griller?
Hello? How's that gonna work if all you guys are so busy at night?
Comment on fera si vous êtes tous occupés le soir?
Victoria, we wanted to come here in person and tell you how excited we are to be working with you instead of against you, now that...
Victoria, on voulait venir ici pour te dire en personne combien on est contents de travailler avec toi plutôt que contre toi, depuis...
How drunk are you?
À quel point t'es soûl?
You know how they are at this age.
Les enfants sont comme ça à cet âge-là.
Lucas, do you know how many people are in my employ?
Lucas, sais-tu combien de personnes travaillent pour moi?
Let me ask you, how confident are you in your ability to discern good from evil?
Dis-moi, Dans quelle mesure tu as confiance en ta capacité à discerner le bien du mal?
- How are you?
- Ça va?
- That's how you are.
- C'est tout toi.
How old are you?
Quel âge a-t-elle?
You are here. How can I even think of other vendors?
Je ne me fournirai pas ailleurs que chez vous.
I see how conflicted you are.
Je vois combien vous etes conflictuel.
So how are things going for you, career-wise?
Alors, comment les choses vont-elles pour vous, en carriere?
To prove how good you are.
Pour prouver à quel point vous êtes douée.
How old are you? Five?
T'as quel âge?
She's out there, she likes you, and she's alive, and do you have the first idea how lucky you are?
Elle t'attend, elle t'aime et elle est en vie! Tu as la moindre idée de la chance que tu as?
How useful you are.
Vous êtes très utile.
Look how brilliant you are.
Tu es brillante.

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