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How are you doing traduction Français

4,478 traduction parallèle
Colleen, how are you doing today?
Colleen, comment vas tu aujourd'hui?
How are you doing?
Comment allez-vous?
Kalinda is it? How are you doing? I'm Nick.
Il me tenait compagnie avec son charmant accent.
Oh, hey, Travis. How are you doing, man?
Travis, comment ça va mec?
- How are you doing?
- Salut. - Comment tu vas?
Uh, hi, honey. What- - How are you doing?
Salut chérie, que..., comment vas tu?
How are you doing?
Comment vas-tu?
So, how are you doing since boy wonder bounced?
Alors, comment va-tu depuis que Wonder Boy t'as mis à la porte?
How are you doing, buddy?
Comment va tu, mon pote?
How are you doing, Mr. Peter?
Comment allez-vous, Mr Peter?
So how are you doing on that guest list?
Donc comment faites-vous la liste d'invités?
How are you doing?
How are you doing?
Comment allez-vous faire?
How are you doing today?
Qu'est ce que tu fais aujourd'hui?
So, how are you doing?
Alors, comment tu vas?
- Hello, Helene. - How are you doing?
- Bonjour, Héléne.
- How are you doing, folks? - ( People groaning )
Qu'est ce que vous êtes en train de faire, vous tous?
How are you doing today?
Comment ça va aujourd'hui?
How are you doing that?
Comment fais-tu ça?
How are you doing? Okay?
comment ca va?
How are you doing, Amira?
Comment vous sentez-vous, Amira?
How are you doing?
Qu'est-ce que tu fais?
How are--how are you doing?
Comment vas-tu?
How are you doing?
Comment ça va?
- And how are you doing?
- Bien. Comment vas-tu?
How are you doing?
Vous allez comment?
And how are you doing?
Et comment vas-tu?
How are you doing?
Comment vas tu?
Dad, how are you doing?
Papa, comment tu vas?
You know, "Hey, Mike, how are you doing today?"
Genre, "salut Mike, ça va aujourd'hui?"
Hey, how are you doing this?
Comment vous faites?
How are you doing, boy?
Encore debout, petit?
[Colleen] How are you doing?
Ça va? Je suis Colleen.
I don't know how you've been doing what you've been doing for so long and you are still so naive.
Je ne sais pas comment tu as pu faire tout ce que tu as fait depuis si longtemps et être toujours aussi naïve.
I think you're just doing all of this to prove how deep you are about music.
Je ne crois pas que tu sois fan de Smokey Robinson, Je crois que tu fais tout cela pour nous montrer à quel point tu es mélomane.
Okay. How are you guys doing?
Comment vous allez?
[cheers and applause] hey, how are you doing today?
Salut, comment allez vous aujourd'hui?
How are you doing?
Comment allez vous?
How are you and your friend doing tonight, Sofia?
Comment vous et votre ami allez ce soir, Sofia?
How are you and Peter doing?
Peter et vous, vous tenez le coup?
But you have no idea how lucky you are, because HCT is doing a set at our Halloween party.
Vous avez de la chance. TÀLA chantera pendant notre fête d'Halloween.
No, no, no. What are you doing? How long you been there?
Que faites-vous là?
- Now matter how small the chance, you and the police are doing all that you can?
Je présume que vous et la police faites tout pour la retrouver.
What are you doing in there, Corporal? And how many times do I have to tell you?
Combien de fois je vais devoir te le répéter?
Not that I haven't seen you do the impossible, but how exactly are we planning on doing this?
C'est pas que je ne t'ai jamais vu faire l'impossible, mais comment allons nous faire ça exactement?
What are you doing? We got to see for ourselves how reckless this is.
On doit vérifier par nous même à quel point c'est imprudent.
So how are you doing?
Toujours inquiet pour votre femme seule à Vegas?
Okay, um... how often are you and Barney doing it?
Ok... à quelle fréquence vous le faites Barney et toi?
What are you all doing? Even if a mistake was made, how can you hit a person till like this?
Que faites-vous? comment avez-vu pu la battre si cruellement?
- How much left? - What are you doing?
- Alors, combien il me reste?
- How's it going, Jonah? - What are you doing?
Ça va?

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