She's my ex traduction Français
188 traduction parallèle
She's been staying with my ex-hus - with her father.
Elle était chez mon ex-mar... Avec son père.
Of course, she's not my wife, she's my ex-wife. I wonder if the unwritten law applies for ex-wives, too?
La loi orale s'applique-t-elle aux ex?
I sweat to pay off my father's debts, and he's in his grave. I sweat to pay my ex-wife alimony, and she's living on the other side of the world somewhere.
De payer les dettes de mon père, qui est mort... et la pension de mon ex-femme... qui vit à l'autre bout du monde!
She's my ex-roommate.
C'est mon ancienne colocataire.
As I usually say, It is my ex-wife's arrangement, she did everything here.
Comme je dis toujours, la déco est de mon ex, elle a tout fait ici.
She's my ex-wife.
C'est mon ex-femme.
You see... she's my ex-wife.
Vous savez, c'est mon ex-femme.
I was looking for a vacation spot where I was sure I wouldn't run into my ex. Since she's never been away from room service for more than a minute in her life...
Je voulais être sûr de ne pas tomber sur mon ex, et vu qu'elle ne supporte pas d'être éloignée de la civilisation plus d'une minute...
She's my old girlfriend from college.
C'est une ex de la fac.
Now she's my ex-wife.
Elle est devenue mon ex-femme.
My ex-classmate is now the headmistress of a girls'school. She's invited me to lecture.
Une amie qui dirige une école de jeunes filles m'a demandé d'y faire un discours.
She's my ex-girlfriend.
C'est faux.
So my little girl, she shows up at my ex-wife's house.
Donc, ma fille se pointe dans la maison de mon ex.
And my ex-wife, "Miss OK if you have to, but don't mess my hair", she says it's fine with her.
Et mon ex, "Madame d'accord si tu n'as pas le choix, mais soyez sages", elle dit qu'elle est d'accord.
I was on my way home. Your ex-wife, she's fine.
Je rentrais chez moi, et j'ai vu les voitures.
Ooh, ooh, because she's my ex-wife... ... and will probably want to bring her ooh, ooh, lesbian Iife-partner.
Parce que c'est mon ex-femme... et qu'elle voudra venir avec sa oh, oh, concubine.
That's my aunt's ex-girlfriend from a thousand years ago who broke up with her boyfriend, and she's sleeping on our couch for a while.
C'est l'ex petite amie de ma tante qui a rompu avec son petit copain, et qui dort à la maison quelques temps.
And she also, to the best of my knowledge... has never identified herself, audience-wise... as Jane Trudeau... even though her husband, Mr. Trudeau... is a prominent cartoonist of some kind... and not, as so many people believe, the ex-president of Canada.
Elle aussi, pour autant que je sache, ne s'est jamais fait appeler Jane Trudeau, bien que son mari, M. Trudeau, soit un grand dessinateur, et pas, comme on le pense souvent, l'ex-Premier Ministre du Canada.
The problem is, Judge, is that my ex-wife... she's a sick person, and she needs help.
Le problème, c'est que mon ex-femme... Elle est malade et a besoin d'aide.
Becuase if I have to hear one more time about your ex-wife and football team she's dating, I'll torse my toast.
Si j'entends encore parler de votre ex-femme et de son footballeur, je vais gerber.
Yeah. And you know what? Natalie - she's my old roommate's cousin.
Et Natalie, c'est la cousine de mon ex-colocataire.
Look, a couple years, I'll have my father's debts paid off at the store. And I told you, alimony stops as soon as she gets married again.
Dans deux ans j'aurai payé les dettes de mon père et dès que mon ex se remarie, plus de pension alimentaire.
I asked my ex-wife, I said, "Who's that?" She says, " That's Scott.
J'ai demandé à mon ex-femme qui c'était. Elle a répondu : "C'est Scott".
? Wouldn't? you want me to - it's Jane, she's my ex.
Je croyais que te refuserais, c'est mon ex.
Well, when I first started going out with my ex, she only played softball on the weekends.
Quand j'ai commencé à sortir avec mon ex, elle jouait au softball que le week-end. Puis, elle s'y est vraiment mise.
- She's my ex-wife.
- C'est mon ex-femme.
Well, my ex-husband... we're divorced, but I still care about him, on a... human level, he no longer speaks to his mother, she was very rejecting, he was a bedwetter, but now she's dying, and I know part of him wants to make peace with her,
Eh bien, mon ex-mari... on est divorcés mais il compte encore pour moi sur le plan humain, il ne parle plus à sa mère, elle a toujours été distante, il a mouillé son lit tard, mais elle est mourante, et je sais qu'une part de lui veut se réconcilier, mais il reste fermé sur lui-même, alors...
She's my girlfriend's close friend and she's very nice.
Elle est mon ex petite amie Et elle est très bien.
She's my pregnant friend who's Ross'ex!
Une amie enceinte et l'ex de Ross!
- She's my ex-wife.
- C'est mon ex femme.
Look, Britney, recently I made the potentially fatal mistake of getting back together with my ex-wife who, angel that she is, is carrying the spawn of another man's seed.
Écoute, Britney, j'ai fait l'erreur potentiellement fatale de retourner avec mon ex-femme, un véritable ange, qui porte la progéniture d'un autre homme.
I woke up with a tiki dancer in my bed six days ago... then I found out she was my fiancée's cousin... then I got mugged by her psycho cop ex-boyfriend.
Il y a 6 jours, je me suis levé à côté d'une danseuse... qui n'est autre que la cousine de ma fiancée... et je me suis fait agressé par son taré d'ex.
She's my ex-wife's sister.
C'est la soeur de mon ex-femme.
Actually, she was my brother's ex-girlfriend - Lulu.
En fait, c'est l'ex-copine de mon frère, Lulu
My ex-wife, Bonnie, she's been diagnosed with ovarian cancer.
Mon ex-femme, Bonnie. Elle vient d'apprendre qu'elle a un cancer des ovaires.
When my gash of an ex-wife ditched me, first thing she did... was got that ass real tight.
Quand mon ex m'a largué, elle s'est dépêchée de s'occuper de son cul.
That girl who just came in, she's going out with my ex-boyfriend.
La fille qui vient d'entrer... Elle sort avec mon ex.
It reads... 75 % of the details of most sessions wouldn't carry much currency for espionage, but enough significant material passed through Sonia Baker's hands to justify, in my opinion, why she would be useful to the oil industry, U-EX in particular, because they, again in my opinion, were the only company directly responding to hostile perceptions of their working practices.
car, toujours selon moi, eux seuls réagissent à l'hostilité provoquée par leurs méthodes.
She's the one who went to my ex-wife.
C'est elle qui est allée voir mon ex-femme.
She's been with two of my exes. Staying out of that vicious cycle.
Elle est sortie avec deux de mes ex... reste en dehors de ce cercle vicieux.
My ex-wife, she's been...
Mon ex-femme!
Her name's Kaela and she was my last girlfriend.
C'est Kaela, mon ex-petite amie.
She mentioned she's my ex-wife, did she?
Elle t'as dit qu'on était mariés, hein?
My ex... she's crazy.
Mon ex, c'est une folle.
I mean, she's my ex-Stefania.
Je veux dire, mon ex Stefania.
And if consulting with your wife, your ex, your mistress, whatever she becomes, if that's what's needed to save my patient,
Si l'aide de ta femme, ton ex, ta maîtresse, quoi qu'elle soit, peut sauver mon patient,
She's my ex-girl.
C'est mon ex.
My ex. My ex... She's...
Mon ex. Mon ex... elle.. elle accouche dans 10 jours.
So out walks Lara, who's the - the ex of my current girlfriend. And, uh, what does she do? She makes out with my ex.
Ouais, alors débarque Lara qui est l'ex de ma petite amie actuelle et quand elle a... elle sort avec mon ex
She's not my ex-wife, man. She's just Walt's mother.
Ce n'est pas mon ex-femme, seulement la mère de Walt.
She's my ex, so you didn't tell me.
Vous n'avez rien dit car c'est mon ex.
she's my sister 210
she's my cousin 38
she's my friend 189
she's my girl 23
she's my niece 28
she's my mother 114
she's my best friend 111
she's my wife 185
she's my daughter 242
she's my girlfriend 101
she's my cousin 38
she's my friend 189
she's my girl 23
she's my niece 28
she's my mother 114
she's my best friend 111
she's my wife 185
she's my daughter 242
she's my girlfriend 101
she's my mom 39
she's my baby 33
she's my favorite 16
she's my soul mate 16
she's my boss 27
she's my family 16
she's my patient 35
she's my responsibility 16
she's my 39
she's my partner 33
she's my baby 33
she's my favorite 16
she's my soul mate 16
she's my boss 27
she's my family 16
she's my patient 35
she's my responsibility 16
she's my 39
she's my partner 33
my ex 647
my experience 25
excuse me 38382
exactly 13088
experience 101
execute 80
extreme 42
excuse you 68
excuse 205
explosion 159
my experience 25
excuse me 38382
exactly 13088
experience 101
execute 80
extreme 42
excuse you 68
excuse 205
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explore 23
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express 32
existence 25
exile 33
executive 19
extra 268
exactement 34
exist 43
excusez 81
execution 60
express 32
existence 25
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extra 268
exactement 34
exist 43
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