Then you'll know traduction Français
985 traduction parallèle
- Then you'll have to fill out one of these forms, you know.
Remplissez ce formulaire.
I don't know how long I'll be gone, but I'll write you letters now and then.
Je ne sais pas combien de temps durera ce voyage, mais je t'écrirai de temps à autre.
We'll drop in now and then to see how you're getting along, you know.
On passera à l'improviste, pour voir comment ça va. Compris?
Then I'll go with you to the balls I can't go to just now, the great balls, you know.
Et nous irons aux bals, mais aux grand bals, cette fois-ci!
Well, sure because if I let you out now, the animals might see me, and then they'll know how to get out.
- Si je te libère maintenant... les animaux pourraient me voir et ils sauront comment s'en sortir. Au revoir, George.
- Then you'll lie in the hold until you do know.
- On ne le sait pas.
I know, but when you go out and pick a couple of people off ice floes and fly serum through a blizzard to a lot of sick Eskimos, then I'll buy your violets.
Je sais, mais le jour où tu sauveras des gens sur la banquise et que t "apporteras du sérum à des Eskimos lors d" un blizzard, j " achèterai tes violettes.
If I ever catch you stacking''em on me... I'll personally put the lights out... then I won't know you from anyone else in the game.
Si je t'attrape a me faire un sale coup, j'enterrerai notre association... et je te traiterai au meme rang que les autres.
# And if you don't get a letter then you'll know I'm in jail #
Et si un jour rien n'est arrivé tu sauras que je suis emprisonné
We'll put you at a bench first, see how things are talk to the men, see what they're saying, and then you can let me know.
On va vous tester d'abord, pour voir comment ça va, parlez aux gars, voyez ce qu'ils disent et faites-le-moi savoir.
As soon as there's news, I'll let you know. Then you can break the story.
Dès que nous aurons des nouvelles de notre ami, vous écrirez votre papier.
When your precious underprivileged really get together.... Oh, boy.... That'll add up to something bigger than your privilege then I don't know what you'll do.
Et quand tes précieux défavorisés seront unis... tes privilèges ne pèseront plus lourd!
Because then I'll know you're gone and then maybe someday, I can stop loving you.
Car là, je saurai que vous êtes loin... et peut-être un jour cesserai-je de vous aimer.
They'll know, all right. When they look at you singing that song and then look at me looking at you they'll know.
Quand on te verra le chanter... et qu'on me verra t'écouter, ca se saura!
All right, then, it'll be a crime if I don't get to know you better.
Je gagnerais à mieux vous connaître.
Then you know if I give you a little advice, it'll be good advice.
- Bien sûr. Alors vous savez que je ne donne que de bons conseils?
- Then he'll know you all right.
- Alors il vous reconnaîtra.
Then you'll know why I won't see him.
Tu comprendras pourquoi je ne veux pas le voir.
Then I'm sure you'll know what must be done.
Alors vous devez savoir ce qu'il faut faire.
- Meet me up there and then... - How do I know you'll have it?
Comment je saurai si tu as l'argent?
For security reasons, we won't know until we board the planes. Then you'll be given maps with names, places, locations. Any other questions?
Dans l'avion, on vous donnera des cartes avec localités.
I know, I know, but you just go to sleep and then you can dream about it, and it'll be a whole garden.
Je sais, mais tu dois dormir. Et tu pourras y rêver. Il y aura un jardin entier plein de fleurs.
- I don't know. - Don't you? - Then I'll break your little neck.
Puis, je te casserai le cou et je t'enfermerai dans ta piaule.
In a day or so, he'll take some papers home. I'll let you know. Then you get them.
Dans un jour ou deux, les papiers seront chez lui, et il n'y sera pas.
Then you'll be proud to know that you are making a heroic stand... "hurling back the best that Von Rundstedt can throw at you."
Vous serez fiers de savoir qu'héro'iquement vous repoussez les assauts de von Rundstedt.
Then how do you know they'll be there?
- Comment savoir que tu y seras?
I know. Well, when you are a duke, you just come and show me your crown, or whatever it's called and then I'll feel awfully silly, won't I?
Quand tu seras duc, tu viendras me montrer ta couronne ducale, et j'aurai l'air d'une idiote!
I'll tell you all I know about it. Then we'll join one of the tours.
Je vous en parle un peu, et en route.
Then he'll know you come from me and he'll ask you for proof.
II saura que je t'envoie et te demandera une preuve.
Then we'll gun you out and you know we can do it!
On te délogera de là, et tu sais qu'on en est capables.
I've also told you repeatedly that I'm sure Miss Linden can get him to put the necklace back, and then we'll know how he got in.
Comme j'ai répété que Mlle Linden peut le persuader de retourner le collier. On verra comment il s'y est pris.
Then you talk to the Governor again, and he'll talk to the Attorney General, and for all I know, they'll throw me out of here.
Tu iras voir le Gouverneur à nouveau, qui parlera au Procureur Général, et pour autant que je sache, ils me vireront.
You know what I think? I think they're trying to knock off that top ledge. And then they'll drop one on the lower ledge... and hope that the fragments get us inside.
Moi, je crois qu'ils essaient d'avoir la corniche du haut, puis celle du bas, pour que les éclats nous fassent rentrer.
Why don't you look through the house. Then you'll know there isn't anyone here.
Fouillez la maison, vous verrez que je suis seule.
I'm afraid I'll fall down, and then you know them darned artillery wagons... they're like to run over me.
J'ai peur de tomber, car leurs saletés de chariots vont me rouler dessus.
And then I'll let you know If you have a show
Ce n'est qu'après Que je te répondrai
You know what you'll get then.
Tu sais ce qui t'attend.
Right, then, I hope you'll do these gloves credit, because Roger promised to, you know.
Puis, dis donc, he! ces gants-là... J'espère que tu leur feras honneur, hein!
By then you'll know more about Leiningen than I do.
D'ici là, vous saurez plus que moi au sujet de M. Leiningen.
Then I know you'll understand what I have to tell you.
Alors, vous comprendrez ce que je dois vous dire.
Tell me what you want to dream about then I'll know what to give you.
- Que voulez-vous? - Peu importe. Dites-moi a quoi vous voulez rever, je vous servirai.
Then I'll call for her tonight. All very well, but how do I know you're serious?
Eh ben, mais je viendrais la prendre ce soir... oui, tout ça c'est très gentil, mais, qu'est-ce qui me dit que c'est sérieux?
And then he'll call her back to life just like the man in the Bible, you know.
Et alors, l'oncle la réveillera. Comme dans la Bible, tu sais.
If you were eavesdropping then you'll know my opinion.
Si vous avez écouté, alors vous connaissez ma position.
Find them, and then you'll know I'm telling the truth.
Trouve les, Et tu sauras que je dis la vérité.
And anyway, I'd rather you asked me. But I would not know how to ask you. Very well, then, I'll ask you.
Vous voyez Victoria, moi aussi, j'en ai à apprendre.
But you'll kill and you won't even know why. And then you'll be killed.
Mais tu vas tuer, et tu te feras tuer.
Think about it, and then you'll know... that the trouble is inside you.
Pensez-y, et vous saurez... que c'est vous qui êtes troublée.
If you want to know what whaling is then you'll know by clapping an eye on Captain Ahab.
Si tu veux voir ce que c'est, jette un coup d'œil au capitaine Achab.
- Yes... Then I'll tell you something. Don't worry, you know?
Vous faites pas de bile, pigé?
You know what? Let's meet tomorrow night. Give it to me then, and I'll see it gets delivered.
Demain soir, vous me la donnez et je la remettrai moi-même.
you'll know 126
you'll know it when you see it 17
you'll know soon enough 17
you'll know it 23
you'll know what to do 26
know 759
knows 86
knowing 61
knowledge 78
known 107
you'll know it when you see it 17
you'll know soon enough 17
you'll know it 23
you'll know what to do 26
know 759
knows 86
knowing 61
knowledge 78
known 107
knowles 44
knowledge is power 34
know your place 28
know thyself 21
know your enemy 19
know what i'm saying 125
know why 81
know it 54
know what that means 36
know what this is 16
knowledge is power 34
know your place 28
know thyself 21
know your enemy 19
know what i'm saying 125
know why 81
know it 54
know what that means 36
know what this is 16