Try it now traduction Français
901 traduction parallèle
Do you want to try it now?
Tu veux l'essayer tout de suite?
All right, try it now.
Essayez de vous mettre debout.
- Shall we try it now? There.
On fait un nouvel essai?
Try it now.
Essayez maintenant.
Here, try it now. Go on.
Tu peux boire.
Now take it to your room and leave the door open this time and try that.
Portez-le à votre chambre et laissez la porte ouverte cette fois.
Now you try it.
Now listen. You've been here long enough to know it's a serious offense to try to sneak a letter out.
Écoute, tu es ici depuis assez longtemps pour savoir qu'il est interdit de faire sortir du courrier.
Now try it again.
Essayons à nouveau.
It's got to be done. Now, look here, Weston. Somebody's interfered with every girl I try to hire.
On veut m'empécher... d'engager une fille!
Now, try it again.
Essayez à nouveau.
Now, don't you all try to do too much...'cause you both a new kind of experiment with me and I ain't sure you can make it.
Soyez prudents, vous n'êtes qu'une de mes expériences.
Now we're going to try it my way and see what happens.
Cette fois, on va essayer ma façon et on verra ce qui arrive.
We'll try it on right now.
On va l'essayer tout de suite.
Now, come on, try it.
Vas-y, essaie.
All right, now try it.
Bien, essaie voir.
It's been my idea to make a few thousands early in the game and then quit for as long as it lasts and try to find out who I am and what goes on now, while I'm young and feel good all the time.
J'avais envie de gagner quelques milliers d'entrée de jeu, puis de m'arrêter tant qu'ils dureraient pour découvrir qui je suis et le but de la vie, maintenant, tant que je suis jeune et en bonne santé.
Now try it again.
Essaie encore.
- Now there you're wrong for I'd try to take it from you.
Faux. J'essayerais de te le prendre.
And as for you, it's true I can't attend to you here and now as I'd like. But just try to stay out of my way!
Quant é toi, je ne peux rien contre toi ici, mais on se retrouvera.
Yeah, they try to make it a little easier for us now.
Oui, l'État tente de nous faciliter la tâche de nos jours.
Now, to make a quick recovery, put that stick forward. Now, try it again.
Bien, pour vous rattraper, poussez le manche et essayez de nouveau.
Darn it all. Now we'll have to try again.
Nous devons recommencer.
I can't give it back to you now but I'll try to see that the police don't bother you.
Je ne peux vous le rendre, mais j'empêcherai la police de vous ennuyer.
You try and talk him out of it, I'll start a service now.
Ne tentez pas de l'en dissuader.
Please try to put it out of your mind now, darling, and get some sleep.
Essaie de te sortir ça de l'esprit, mon chéri, et dors un peu.
I think from now on, Wes, we'll try serving dinner without it.
Á partir de maintenant, nous dînerons sans.
Now, you stay out of this, Peter, or I'll join in and choose you. You try a punch and I'll be in it.
Ne t'en mêle pas, Peter, sinon je m'occupe de toi.
Now, girls, we'll try it again.
Les filles, essayons encore.
Now it's too late to try on my dresses.
Il est trop tard pour l'essayage.
We'll try it once again now.
Encore une fois!
I'll try to remember what you said last night... that years from now, this will seem the greatest adventure we ever had, even though we had it separately.
J'essaierai de me rappeler ce que tu disais hier soir, que dans plusieurs années, cette épreuve deviendra notre plus belle aventure, même si nous la vivons séparément aujourd'hui.
Try it today and everyday. Now for the news.
If you see him now and try to talk to him, he's polite but he's busy. It's no good.
Si vous y allez maintenant, il sera poli, mais vous le dérangerez sans doute.
Now, if I try to hit you here... you block it with this hand.
Si j'essaie de te frapper ici, tu me bloques avec cette main.
It's easy. Now you try it.
A ton tour.
I'll try it right now.
Je vais essayer tout de suite.
Now, when I try to think about the future, it's all dark and confused, like trying to see into the fog.
Maintenant quand je pense à l'avenir... tout semble si sombre, si confus. Comme si j'étais perdue dans ce brouillard.
All right, now let's try it together. Carry arm.
Maintenant, tous ensemble.
What do you think you're doing? We could try the other rice fields, but it would do no good. It's too late to find work now.
Nous aurons beau faire toutes les rizières, il sera trop tard pour avoir du travail.
And now, remember, you men, If you flush him, don't try to shoot it out with him. He's quicker than a black-headed snake.
Rappelez-vous que si vous le repérez, n'essayez pas de l'affronter.
Now, don't you try and come it over me. You set it off.
N'essaie pas de m'entortiller.
Hey now, with a man on first, the batter will try to hit it behind the runner into right field.
Avec un homme en première base, le batteur va l'envoyer derrière le coureur dans le champ droit.
Now, as the ball comes over try stepping into it as you bring the bat back like...
Quand la balle vient par ici, avancez-vous en tenant la batte comme ça.
Okay, now try it again, and make out like that cake of soap's a diamond pin.
Réessaie et imagine que ce savon est une barrette de diamants.
Now try it.
Now at four o'clock, It would be six hours Until he enters the ring to try for his thirty six
Et maintenant, vers 4 heures, il reste 6 heures avant qu'il rentre sur le ring et tente de gagner sa 36ème.
It worked. Good. Now, let's try it again.
Camarades de la promotion 1941.
Now all I got to do is find them. Would y'all like to try it?
Qu'est-ce que vous attendez?
Shall we try it now,
On y va?
If you hold another opinion, you're welcome to try to do something about it... right now.
Si tu n'es pas de cet avis... tu peux l'exprimer tout de suite, si tu veux.
try it out 41
try it on 163
try it 790
try it again 206
nowhere 621
now you see me 17
now we're talking 175
now it's your turn 200
now you're talking 179
nowhere to run 17
try it on 163
try it 790
try it again 206
nowhere 621
now you see me 17
now we're talking 175
now it's your turn 200
now you're talking 179
nowhere to run 17
now you know 219
now is the time 102
now that i think about it 142
now i'm 51
now it's my turn 140
now if you'll excuse me 220
now's your chance 115
now i am 50
now then 570
now is not the time 119
now is the time 102
now that i think about it 142
now i'm 51
now it's my turn 140
now if you'll excuse me 220
now's your chance 115
now i am 50
now then 570
now is not the time 119
now look 431
now go 556
now you listen to me 140
now i 66
now it's mine 27
now i get it 126
now go home 47
now's not a good time 92
now let's see 22
now let's get out of here 22
now go 556
now you listen to me 140
now i 66
now it's mine 27
now i get it 126
now go home 47
now's not a good time 92
now let's see 22
now let's get out of here 22