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Translate.vc / Anglais → Français / [ Y ] / You believe me now

You believe me now traduction Français

758 traduction parallèle
Perhaps you believe me now. A trick!
- Maintenant, vous y croyez?
Well, skipper, do you believe me now? There it is.
Vous voyez, l'île existe.
- You believe me now.
- Alors tu me crois?
Do you believe me now?
Tu me crois, maintenant?
Do you believe me now?
Me crois-tu maintenant?
Well, Mrs. Anton, you believe me now.
Vous me croyez, à présent.
● Chick, do you believe me now?
- Chick, tu me crois maintenant?
Do you believe me now?
Tu me crois?
Do you believe me now?
Me crois-tu, maintenant?
Believe me, sir, upon my squire word, if the crop was in the barns I would pay you immediately. But where to get money now?
Croyez moi, si la récolte était dans les greniers, je vous reglerais de suite, mais comme ça, je ne sais ou prendre.
Maybe you'll believe me now.
Tu me croiras peut-être maintenant.
Maybe now you'll believe me. I want my kid, see?
Maintenant, vous allez me croire.
Now, will you believe me?
Tu me crois, maintenant?
Now, I know you won't believe me... but I'm more than just an employee. I'm the best friend you've got on earth.
Tu sais que suis bien plus que ton simple employé, je suis ton meilleur ami.
Now tell me what happened, exactly what happened, and no matter what you say, I'll believe you.
Dis-moi ce qui s'est passé, exactement... et quoique tu dises, je te croirai.
- Now do you believe in me?
- Croyez-vous en moi, maintenant?
Now do you believe me?
Tu me crois, maintenant?
So from now on, I'm going to do the chasing, and believe me, brother, you're going to know you've been chased.
Alors, dorénavant, c'est moi qui vais te poursuivre. Et crois-moi, mon cher, tu sauras que tu as été traqué.
You could talk from now on, but you'd never make me believe that Joe ever laid a hand on anyone like you.
Je ne croirai jamais que Joe se soit commis... avec une femme comme vous!
Now do you believe me?
Vous y croyez, maintenant?
I can't believe anything you tell me now.
Je ne crois rien de ce que vous me dites.
Now whom are you going to believe, me or some taxi driver that you've never even seen?
Qui vas-tu croire, moi ou un chauffeur de taxi que tu n'as jamais rencontré?
It's my own fault if you can't believe me now.
C'est de ma faute si vous ne me croyez plus.
Now, you asked me if I believe a man can become a wolf.
Tu m'as demandé si je pensais qu'un homme puisse se transformer en loup.
Now, do you believe me, Father?
Tu me crois maintenant?
Now, you must be just. When I was a little boy, you wanted me to believe in fairy tales... and now that one has really happened —
Quand j'étais petit, tu m'as fait croire aux contes de fées...
I believe too, and I'll say it now that you will tell Bodo the things he needs to know and if the world stays bad so long you will send him after me when his time comes.
Je pense aussi, et je le dis d'ores et déjà, que tu diras à bodo ce qu'il a besoin de savoir, et que si le monde ne va toujours pas mieux, tu l'enverras me rejoindre quand son jour viendra.
Now, you really don't want me to believe that, do you?
Vous plaisantez, j'espère?
Now you'll never believe me.
Tu ne me croiras pas.
You've never liked him and that's why you don't believe me now!
Tu ne l'as jamais aimé, c'est pour ça que tu ne me crois pas.
You never believed me. You don't believe me now.
Tu ne m'as jamais cru.
I love you, anne. If i tell you we have to get out of here now, you've got to believe me.
Si je te dis que nous devons partir, il faut me croire.
Now will you believe me?
Tu me crois. maintenant?
But believe me, six months from now I'll be best man at the wedding and give the bride away if you want.
Mais crois-moi, dans six mois, je serai ton témoin et la mènerai devant l'autel si tu le désires.
You're gonna hurt her... You'll get in trouble, one of these days, believe me. - Now go.
tu l'aurais étranglé puis après ah tu serais bien avancer maintenant crois moi allez fous le camps
Now, let me tell you, I'd be very glad, believe me, to be in your shoes.
Je serais très contente d'être à ta place.
But now I believe nothing will take you away from me...
Je crois que rien ne t'arrachera plus à moi.
Now, if you tell me you belong to the Cameron Highlanders I won't believe you.
Ne me dites pas que vous appartenez aux Cameron Highlanders?
I wasn't sure before, I was a little blind I guess, but believe me I'm sure now. - Can you understand that, Paula?
Je ne savais pas trop avant, mais j'en suis sûr maintenant.
Now! Now do you believe me?
Tu vois?
Now will you believe me?
Maintenant, vous me croyez?
Si ne vous ne me croyez pas, attendez de voir.
Now, do you believe me?
Tu me crois maintenant?
Believe me, Mrs. Cameron, you'll be making it much easier on yourself if you'll just tell us the truth now.
Je n'aurais jamais pu faire ça. Croyez-moi, Mme Cameron, vous vous faciliterez les choses... en nous disant la vérité tout de suite.
Now are you ready to believe me?
Tu me crois maintenant?
Maybe now you'll believe me.
Peut-être... que tu me crois maintenant.
Do you understand now why it is so important to me for you to believe that I love you with all of my heart?
Tu comprends maintenant pourquoi il est important pour moi que tu croies que je t'aime de tout mon cœur?
Asking that a bomb be dropped because of what you said. Now, you don't believe me, either.
Vous ne me croyez pas non plus?
If you don't believe me, I'd better go now.
Puisque tu ne me crois pas, je pars.
Now will you believe me?
- Maintenant, me croyez-vous?
" Now I believe the time has come for me to be frank with you.
" je n'avais pas eu le courage de t'en parler.

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