You know that's right traduction Français
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All right, listen, you know what? That's--I'm seeing somebody about that.
- Écoute, je vois quelqu'un pour ça.
It's the realization that tommy was right. You know, I got...
Je réalise que Tommy avait raison.
That's right. You know what?
C'est ça, vous savez quoi?
You know, that's what I need right now.
Voilà ce qu'il me faut.
Just go out with my chiropractor, and have a good time maybe screw him, you know, that's seems right.
Sors avec le chiro et éclate-toi. Et saute-le... si ça te chante.
I know how you feel, but I just don't think that's right.
Je comprends, mais je ne trouve pas ça bien.
Especially when you don't have one anymore. Well, that's why you can charter one for a day If you know the right people.
C'est pour ça qu'on peut en louer à la journée, si tu te débrouilles.
I was a star, like he told me when I was born right, that he kissed my face with so much love in his heart... That's what left the mark, you know? That's why it's heart-shaped.
Je suis une étoile, enfin il m'a dit que quand je suis né, il avait embrassé mon visage avec tant d'amour... que ça avait laissé une marque.
Right. I think, it could, if it was leaked, stop this kind of rush towards a war, you know, too quickly, that sort of thing.
Il pourrait, s'il était divulgué, interrompre la course à la guerre et cette précipitation.
- Sorry. I know you dislike swearing. - No, that's all right.
Pardon, vous réprouvez les injures.
You know, I know that you're not supposed to be stressed out, so I'm going to go right now. But it's all good here.
Il faut pas te stresser, alors je te laisse.
So it's very important that you let us know if things aren't feeling right.
- Ok. - Donc c'est très important que vous nous disiez si quelque chose ne vous plait pas.
All right, Bones, you know what? It's a little weird that you're here watching.
Bones, c'est bizarre que vous regardiez.
You know, I'm not gonna relax until we get Hank's body back in that casket. All right?
Je peux pas me détendre tant que Hank n'est pas de retour dans son cercueil.
And we know that you intentionally eased up on your horse during the race, andhen you spurred him on at the end for a comeback. That's right.
On sait que vous avez ralenti exprès pendant la course, et que vous avez éperonné juste avant le finish.
You know, Sam says that I have to face the facts, And he's right.
Sam dit que je dois regarder la réalité en face et il a raison.
You know, it's a good thing that you can't read my mind right now.
C'est bien que tu ne puisses pas lire mes pensées.
Cos most of the DI's would give their right arm to be in fraud or a cushy number like that, do you know what I mean?
La plupart des inspecteurs feraient tout pour être à la Financière, ou un service huppé du même genre, non?
He's right about a lot of that stuff, you know.
Il y a du vrai dans ce qu'il dit.
- Fine, then I guess you know that Trotsky's first wife was named Alexandra, right?
Je sais qui est Trotski. Parfait, alors tu sais aussi que la première femme de Trotski s'appelait Alexandra, j'imagine?
That's right, Denise. I assume you already know why we're here.
J'ai là, dans ma main, plus de 578 signatures d'étudiants de mon école secondaire qui désirent se syndicaliser.
You do know that he's gonna puke up that cocktail right away, anyway, right? !
Tu réalises qu'il va vomir ce cocktail à la première gorgée?
I know you're a little miffed with your old man... but I got something that's gonna make everything all right - stickers!
Je sais que tu es un peu fâché contre ton vieux père... mais j'ai quelque chose qui va tout arranger... des autocollants!
You know that it's Shane's MO to make girls fall in love with her, right?
Tu sais que le truc de Shane c'est de faire tomber les filles amoureuses d'elle?
No no no, but seriously. And, you know, that's what Ben was saying and I just- - like I'm just now realizing that he was right which is- - he was like, " dude, don't judge me. Just because I have pleats and a pedometer.
Sérieusement, Ben me l'avait dit, mais je réalise maintenant qu'il avait raison de refuser que je le juge à cause de ses pantalons plissés, de son podomètre et de sa femme.
I mean, you know that's like three guys we've shared, right?
Tu sais que ça fait trois mecs qu'on partage, non?
- All right but for whatever it's worth, you should know that he's really, really, torn up about this.
- D'accord, mais pour ce que ça vaut, sache qu'il est vraiment mal pour tout ça.
But, you know, as the old adage goes, keep your friends close and your enemies closer, that's right, right?
Mais tu sais, l'expression disait : "Garde tes amis près de toi et tes ennemis encore plus près", hein?
And you know that it's not right... that it's ridiculous.
Puis tu le sais, que c'est pas correct.... que c'est ridicule.
And you know that it's not right... that it's ridiculous.
Puis tu le sais, que c'est pas correct... que c'est ridicule.
I don't know, sweetheart, but there's 3 things on the menu right there that you're not doing a very good job of saving.
{ \ pos ( 192,220 ) } Je l'ignore, chérie, mais il y a trois choses dans ce menu, que tu n'as pas vraiment pu sauver.
I know you all have a lot of questions, and I'm gonna work very hard to answer them, but right now, it's very important that you get back to the Candlewick.
Je sais que vous avez un tas de questions, je vais travailler dur pour y répondre, mais là, il est très important que vous retourniez au Candlewick.
If that's what you need to talk If you want to call someone, you know, I mean, I'm there, right?
Si t'as besoin de parler si tu veux appeler quelqu'un, tu sais que je suis là?
You know, we hear the bell, come running. That's all right.
On entend l'alarme, on fonce.
You do know it's one at a time, right? You do know that.
{ \ pos ( 192,200 ) } Tu sais qu'il faut en mettre qu'une à la fois?
Look, I know it's none of my business, but I really think that you should go after him right now'cause wouldn't wanna...
Je sais que ce ne sont pas mes affaires, mais vous devriez le rattraper - parce que vous ne voudriez...
Look, listen, I know that you don't wanna talk right now, but there's something really important that I have to say, So, please just listen me.
Je sais que tu ne veux pas parler pour le moment, mais j'ai quelque chose de très important à te dire, alors, s'il te plaît, écoute-moi.
Like, even right now, I know that you don't wanna talk, but you're listening to me anyway Because you can know that it's important to me.
Maintenant, par exemple, je sais que tu ne veux pas parler, mais tu m'écoutes quand même parce que tu vois que c'est important pour moi.
It's not a big deal. you know that, right?
C'est rien. Tu le sais, non?
You know what? That's probably Becca right now.
C'est peut-être Becca.
Did you know that one's for you, right?
Tu sais que ça, c'est pour toi?
[Derek] She's your friend, but that doesn't give the right to talk her out of a surgery you know nothing about.
C'est peut-être ton amie, mais ça ne te donne pas le droit de la dissuader de subir une opération dont tu ne sais rien.
The only thing that matters right now is what you know and whether or not you're gonna use that knowledge to save olivia's life.
La seule chose qui compte en ce moment est ce que tu sais, et la manière dont tu vas l'utiliser ou pas, pour sauver la vie d'Olivia.
You know that's what you're doing now, right?
{ \ pos ( 192,240 ) } Tu sais que c'est ce que tu fais.
I mean, we realize that it's not gonna be perfect right out of the gate, but... You know, I'm hopeful it's gonna work out.
On sait que ce ne sera pas tout de suite parfait, mais... j'ai bon espoir que ça marchera.
Look, I know it's really tough for reporters right now, so maybe I can give you that interview you've been wanting from me.
Ça craint pour les journalistes. Je peux vous donner cet entretien.
You know, there's this woman out there right now who thinks that I am the cat's meow.
Il y a cette femme là dehors... qui pense que je suis son petit chaton.
That's right. You know, you are right.
Tu as raison, c'est tout à fait exact
All right, Zoe, well, that's,... - You know, it'll be better once you get it out of the cast.
Zoe, c'est... ça ira mieux sans le plâtre.
You do know that's Brooke's boyfriend, right?
Tu es au courant que c'est le copain de Brooke?
The point is, right now, you don't know what it is that's going to make you fit in at school. But you just be on the look out, because it will find you!
Le fait est que, maintenant, tu ne sais pas ce qui te permettra de t'intégrer à l'école, mais tu dois être à l'affût car ça t'arrivera!
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you know that 5741
you know what i'm saying 653
you know the drill 277
you know what i mean 2419
you know me too well 26
you know that i love you 32
you know i love you 234
you know what they say 484
you know what 23733
you know that 5741
you know what i'm saying 653
you know the drill 277
you know what i mean 2419
you know me too well 26
you know that i love you 32
you know i love you 234
you know what they say 484